Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy, Happy New Year!

We're home and now it is time to update my blog as I sit on the lanai and enjoy the balmy weather after returning from Montana in a blizzard.  We are sooo lucky to leave there as the coold weather roared in and arrive after the cold spell let go of Florida. Sometimes I just have to pinch myself.

Anyway, Christmas was soo wonderful!  It was soo great to be with my family.  I have spent Christmas with my family twice in over 20 years and, believe me, you really gain an appreciation.  Christmas 2010 will always stand out as memorable. In fact I would have to say that I was giddily happy the whole week and probably drove everyone crazy or they thought I was crazy at least. 

Everything was wonderful, from the little Christmas tree Anne lent to us so we would look festive to the time I  had with each person.  And to top it off, I had the glorious experience of cross country skiing at the country club at night under the full moon with Anne and her friends. Two times!  I just had to stop each time they were catching up, since they were on snowshoes, and soak in all the beauty.

It was great to have everyone go to church with us, too. It's just a little church, no bigger than a chapel, so it doesn't take much to fill it up.  The luminaries led a path through the snow to the door and the inside was beautifully decorated.  It was such a surprise, since there are so few people left in the congregation since they lost their priest (my friend who died recently).  Anyway, I have to believe the message from the visiting priest was so true.  The veil between heaven (the spiritual world) and Earth (man's world) must be very thin at Christmas time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2000 miles!

Originally, my intent with this blog was to share some of Michael's running info, but realize I haven't done that so far.  So today is dedicated to Michael's goal, completing 2000 miles for the year.  Well, he has 100 miles to go and with some traveling and Christmas in there he may find it a challenge.  I wouldn't doubt he'll be out there New Year's Eve running around the neighborhood for hours to get those last miles completed.  Now, understand that 2000 is not a vague number by any means.  He has a GPS watch that lets him know down to the fraction of a mile where he is with this.  He'll come in and say he ran 6.1 miles and has to go around again to get .6 more of a mile so that__, you get the picture.  Say one thing, he is dedicated to his running is an under statment.  You have to admire anyone who can have that much dedication to something.  That's passion!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chilly Mornings

The last two mornings have been pretty cool around here.  Oh I know it has been cold across most of the nation, but remember we aren't used to it like the rest of you.  Anyway, it actually felt pretty good with the coldness on my face as my body heated up on the runs. Sure is sparse on the trail tho.  Separates the men from the boys as they say.  Don't know where that puts me, but I missed seeing some of the regulars who apparently aren't as hardy.

Zoey hasn't been around with her owers.  I'm sure if she were to be asked she would have been right out there.  I did see a man who looked like Santa on vacation, tho.  I wanted to ask him if he was the big man himself, but figured he gets asked that alot and wouldn't see the humor.

The pickers were picking the oranges in the orchard today.  They move pretty fast through the trees on their ladders braced against the trees.  I couldn't understand them, even with my broken spanish.  I'm sure they were saying something about how glad they were to be working even if it was as cold as ___ out there. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I went to visit Jenny at the nursing home and bring her communion today.  She is a funny lady.  She doesn't want you to come too early, during her lunch or too late, during her afternoon nap. She wants you to skip most of the already abreviated service, and doesn't want the wine, since she allergic.  Some people find Jenny difficult to deal with, but I don't.  I love her spirit.  Even tho she is at the mercy of her care providers, she is always in control.  Kinda like my mom was.  I like that.  I hope that is the way it is for me if , God forbid, I end up like Jenny. 

Jenny said her birthday is Tuesday.  She'll be 76. My gosh, that is only 6 years older than I am!  All I can say is I sure count my blessings each day that I have good health and the ability to basically make decisions for myself.  Walking thru the halls of a nursing home sure does make you grateful for each day you have and the hope for more of the same.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Been awhile, sorry

I've been pretty busy lately with holiday preps and all the other to dos. Michael had a Jingle Bell run today that I opted out of.  I did run downtown to it and around to get my 5 in and cheer him on, tho. Just not competitive any more.  I like going at my comfortable pace so that I can do alittle meditating and not worry about getting faster.

 My art class is over for now and will continue in January.  I'm usually doing my 5 mile run most days, baking, shopping, wrapping presents, going to Christmas programs, alot of ing things.  So where does all the time go?  I know how easy it is to waste it when there is extra time.  Funny how you wish you had more time so you could do all those things you don't get around to.  Then when you have a few minutes you waste them and say"what do I have to show for it?"  My favorite time waster is trying to do the crossword puzzles that have already stumped me.  I'll keep going over them, again and again expecting different results.  The only time there are different results is after a run and my little gray cells are working harder.

So since we're going camping next week to Fort DeSoto park to do some kayaking and biking and leaving the next Monday for Montana, I'm just not going to worry about wasting alittle time and make a resolution in January to do better.  Everyone needs something too work on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On my run this morning I made better aquaintance with Zoey.  She is a Boston Bull dog, I think, who carries a pack on her back for her owner.  When I pass by her each morning and greet her, she is always so happy and proud when I talk to her.  Don't tell me dogs don't have human feelings.  I always tell her she is doing a great job and hang in there when the day is particularly hot and humid.  I thought she was a he because she is carrying the heavy load.  But I stood corrected when I said, Good job guy."  I had to rethink that stereotype.

Zoey is a better human than many of us.  She carries her load with the pride of knowing she is doing good for her owner.  She is happy just  knowing that others recognize her existence.  And she shares that joy with a big grin on her face and her tongue hanging out.  (No, we don't usually go around with our tongues hanging out, but maybe we could risk looking a little silly once in a while just to make others happy.) Anyway, I count Zoey as one of my new firends who has made a positive impression on me. Wish more people I read about did.