Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

First picture is me coming off the trail New Year's Eve.  Some of my old and new friends at our dinner  party last night are in the next two pictures.  Beautiful day for a ride on the trail to Floral City today.  The motivation was for me to sign up for the water color class that begins next week.  If you pay ahead you save $5 a lesson.  I'm all for that.  Means I can buy more art supplies with my savings.  I'm sure that isn't what Michael had in mind, though.

My Italian friend raved about my Italian cooking, a feather in my cap!  She had a few tips for me that came in handy.  I was a bit anxious about how to have the pasta ready at just the right moment.  She said the trick is to cook it about al dente and drain it into a colander.  Then, when you are ready to serve, plunge it into a pot of boiling water briefly and it will be perfect.  It worked like a charm and the dish was delicious. Problem was, I was sure the recipe wouldn't be enough, even though it said servings for 8.  So, I increased it and you know how pasta can get away from you. We now have enough left over for at least two meals for us and then some.  Well, you never want to be come up short in the food department when you entertain, a hostesses nightmare!

I wanted to write my "Ode to the Trail"today and include it in my blog, but I don't have the time.  Our friend, Julie, wants us to come over for New Year's Eve cheer tonight and I haven't cleaned up from our bike ride yet. We really aren't into great revelry for New Year's and usually only wake up to welcome the new year when we hear the signs that it is midnight out our window as the neighborhood celebrates for us. A quick New Years' kiss sews it up for us and back to sleep again, once the sirens stop outside. We figure an hour there will be about right, since the party doesn't even start until 9.  We usually head to bed about that time.

I was surprised I had something to throw together to take to Julie's at the last moment, without a trip to the store.  But fear not, I was actually able to scrape together most of the ingredients for a creamy black bean salsa, with only one substitution, tomatoes for the red pepper.  Not bad for me.  An actual recipe out of an actual magazine, no less. 

Happy New Year to all my followers and I will try very hard to write my Ode tomorrow.  I know you wait with bated breath.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The overwhelming support

Such wonderful feedback! Everyone  is raring to go with the recycling in Lewistown. The support is overwhelming!  I only wish I had more definitive information for them.  Everything is so close, yet not there yet.  I hope they will all find a way to hang on to those plastics until we can start the operation going.

It is great to know that so many people there are ready for change.  They definitely see the glass as half full.  However, we will always be challenged by the half empty types, who just want to keep status quo and left alone, doing things the way they always have.

But, change happens whether we embrace it or not.  We all can attest to the fact that our bodies have changed over the years, for better or worse. We never had to give much thought into what we put in them when we were much younger. However, we have found out that, over the years, neglect takes it toll and either we make the necessary changes or we suffer the consequences.

That is a lot like the earth we were given to care for.  Man didn't think much about what what he was doing to the environment when we didn't have the pollutants at our disposal to destroy it.  But, over the years we have acquired many ways for us to cause terrible damage to our home.

So we have to change or ruin our God given home.  Just like with our bodies.  We can abuse it and pay the consequences or start living a healthful life and live a quality life to the end.  Yet, there are always those who will not see the connection and continue to abuse their body and those who will continue to disregard their responsibility to our earth, and we will all pay the price.  Half full or half empty, our choice.

I'm having a dinner party tonight.  I'm making Italian for an Italian.  How brave is that?  At least she said I was.  I'm either brave and know what I'm doing, or ready to commit another one of my guffaws that I'm famous for.  My friends are used to those, too.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Independence, at last!

Michael bought me my own computer for my upcoming birthday!  I feel like a teenager who just got her first car, imagining all the places I can go and the things I can do.  I never had a car when I was young so I can't say I have had this experience previously, but I can feel it all kicking in now.  Michael is talking about getting his own email address.  I have to agree, it is time.  Mine is going to be full everyday soon when my article appears in the local Lewistown Argus, I hope.  That is the anticipated reaction I hope to get from it.

Repurposing.  That is a relatively new word that intrigues me with the possibilities it conjures. It works better for me than "recycling".  I know everything that has a useful original purpose eventually outlives that life.  That doesn't mean it no longer has any purpose except to be thrown out into the landfills or road ways. It means that most everything can begin a new life purpose.  

It may be from having been an elementary school teacher for all those years.  We never looked at anything that was being thrown away without thinking about how it could be used in the classroom.  Maybe a toilet paper tube to be turned into an elf or Santa.  Or an egg carton into an earring holder for Mothers' Day or a soup can for a pencil holder for dad on Fathers' Day. 

Just like us, once we retire.  It doesn't mean that once we are no longer working at a paying career our usefulness has been spent.  It merely means that our life has a new purpose, maybe just as productive as previously.  But, as with any material thing we have used and are ready to discard, we have to give some thought into how to usedit in a new way, just like the rest of our life.  Productively.  It takes effort to repurpose things and it takes effort to repurpose our life. 

So if you aren't as fascinated with the word repurpose as I am, just keep reusing the old recycling word. The important thing is use it and then use it again and again.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Views of today vs tomorrow

You may have noticed how easy it is to set lofty long term goals, such as New Years' resolutions. We probably start to think about what would be good for us to adopt as part of our life style months before January 1st, with strong drive and optimism that we will be able to accomplish them. We will get up every morning and run five miles before beginning our busy day.  We will resist the apple pie sitting in the refrigerator waiting for someone to eat before it has to be thrown out. We will make the final  decisions and do the tough work of getting a recycling program started in Lewistown finally.

We envision how smoothly these goals will be obtained, with just a little motivation to stay the course.  The visual results of our success will spur us on daily, we are certain.

Then January 1st arrives and we begin to live the reality of our commitment.  It will take hard, consistent work, day in and day out.  We realize that immediate gratification is so tempting and hard to resist when we are confronted by it at the time.  Maybe I'll only run three miles today or maybe I need to sleep in a little just for today.

Or, that pie really shouldn't be wasted.  I could always cut back somewhere else tomorrow and run a couple of extra miles to compensate. But, right now my mind puts those lofty, idealistic goals aside long enough to get that immediate satisfaction that I really don't want to, but wish I did, resist.

Now I have to apply this principle to following through with the completion of the recycling project.  The easy part was envisioning a program that would enable the community to dispose of its waste responsibly.  The easy part was working out how to execute the program.  Now the hard part is making the phone calls to people who have not been as forth coming as I had expected and convincing them to get into gear. 

Knowing that long term goals are easy and that the present reality of today of carrying them out is difficult helps.  Knowing that this is all just part of the human psychic helps.  Keeping these realities in the fore front of my thinking helps me face the tasks and just get them done.  You just have to get through the pain first before you can enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing the goal compeleted at the end.  And that makes it all worth it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A little insight would help

I wish I could have a view from inside some people's brains sometimes.  For instance, when you haven't heard from people in at least a year, why don't they write a little something in their cards that they send to let you know how they are doing and what they have been up to instead of just signing their names, at best?  Me, I like to try and get my postage worth.

And why do people litter?  What are they thinking when they throw trash out of their car window?  When I went out on my morning run today I picked up the trash along the road that had been thrown out just yesterday.  Now, I noticed that the fishermen who were fishing off the bridge actually cleaned up after themselves Christmas Eve, as there was not a scrap for me to pick up the next day.  They must have been feeling a little good will towards men and the earth at the time.  That sure was short lived, however, as there was plenty to pick up this morning again.

So there I was, with my hands full of trash and heaven only knows what germs, running along the road with the sweat pouring off my nose on this 100% humidity day and no way to do anything about it. I'm sure I really look suspect when there I am running down the road with a beer bottle in each hand.  Maybe that is what those people are thinking, " Let's see if we can get that old lady who shuffles down the road with beer bottles to do it again for us today".  Or maybe not.  Maybe they just aren't capable of thinking that far out when they trash our earth.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Back on Track

We're getting back to our old routines again.  That's not really a bad thing, really. I went out for a four mile trudge, far from what I usually call a trot.  I stopped after the first mile for water, the second mile for a stretch and the third for another drink of water, all good excuses for a bit of rest. It is like a train that has jumped its track and is slowly getting back on, two wheels at a time.  Once all wheels are back on, it is smooth riding from then on usually.  Until the next derailment, of course. It takes so little time to get out of shape and so much more effort to get it back together again, the older I get. That's incentive enough to keep those intervals of time as short as possible.

Don't know what to do about all the tempting, bad choices that have entered our home over the holidays. It didn't help that Santa added to them.  Michael got not one, but two boxes of Whitman chocolates from the big guy. He really is a bad influence, but what would you expect when you look at the size of him.  Guess I should make my next project improving Santa's choices, but what would be the fun of that at Christmas time?  So, I suppose a good place to unload a lot of the sweets is on my friends, when they come over or at the monthly social at the pool on Thursday evening.  With a friend like me who needs enemies?  Actually, I'll bet I'm not the only one with that idea.

So, I'm ready to roll.  I intend to devote a good segment of my afternoon today to writing an article for the Lewistown Argus titled: Recycle Lewistown:  A vision for 2012. I hope it gets a lot of the locals' attention and some buzz going to generate some excitement in the community about the prospects that lay ahead for them. I intend to put a few of the reticent ones on the spot by reminding them of their initial commitment at the meeting they had in November. Sometimes, that is just what they need to wake them up.  Once a few of their constituents start to put the pressure on them, I think they will either get busy or come looking for me.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Kathy and the kids left for Orlando about 5pm for their flight out, back to Montana in the morning.  It was an  especially memorable Christmas since it has been  many years since we have had children around the Christmas tree Christmas morning. I just wanted to soak it in to savor the moment for the years ahead when there will not be any children here. They are all growing up so quickly there won't be any little ones in our family for much longer. Unless you count great grand kids we hardly ever see.

Christmas dinner was different than for those up north, as we sat gathered around the table out on the lanai, since it was too warm in the house. Unusual even for us here in Florida, which is usually about 10 degrees cooler.  We weren't complaining, though, since it gave a welcomed break for the visiting Montanans. They will have to brace themselves for that first blast of frigid air as they leave the airport.

Michael got all the Christmas boxes, etc. over to the recycling center today to get ahead of the full containers bound to be over flowing by tomorrow. It sure did keep our regular trash down to a minimum. I can remember from years past how the trash was always stuffed on Christmas day.  Makes me feel sooo much better about it all.

Friday, December 23, 2011


The first of January, I will be hitting the recycling project running.  So all those who have been negligent about following through with their part of the process, be forewarned.  I will be hunting you down, contacting you with a vengeance and hounding you until you complete the role you had committed yourself to in this process from the beginning.  I will take you at your word, that you want me to get this done and that you are willing to help in anyway you can.

Of course, I am realizing that people are more talk than action. How naive I can be to take people at their word. That may work to my advantage, though.  Since I really do expect as much out of others as I do myself and I do expect that their word means as much as mine, than I can honestly proceed with my expectations that they will come through in the end. I really do have faith in this endeavor and expect them to, too.

So I will be charging forth with more conviction than I have ever put forth into an undertaking.  And I will need all the support I can get.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  Feels like I should be doing something more demanding than writing in my blog at the moment.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Enjoying the grandkids

I've been too busy lately to update my blog.  My daughter is here with her children, Nikky and Anna and boy friend, Rick, for Christmas.  They are here for just a week so it is more important that I spend my time with them than for me to be blogging.  We have been having a great time together, enjoying the activities that unique to Florida this time of year. The kids have flirted with the pool, which is pretty chilly this time of year, but the sun warms them back up pretty quickly.  Nikky has taken to playing tennis and riding in the kayak like a natural.

Today we  had a full day a Silver Springs in Ocala.  It is a refreshing change to the super hype of Disney.  Just a laid back natural park that has been here as long as Florida, just about.  Even if you don't have all the exciting rides you also don't have the huge crowds and long lines. Just lots of gators and a smelly giraffe, pretty much, as you ride in glass bottom boats and have a bumpy ride through the brush behind a jeep. I hope old Florida doesn't become something totally of the past as big commercial enterprises take over and make it look so passe.

There is always a placed for the passe, when you just want a little of yesterday again.

Friday, December 16, 2011

If we make it, we deserve to lie in it.

I really love that we need a larger container for all of our recyclables. We recycle way more than we throw into the regular trash for garbage pick up anymore.  It makes me feel good that so much of what we throw away is going to be reused instead of ending up in the land fill. Can you just imagine, when you multiply what we recycle with the millions of households in America, the impact it would make?  I hate to think that hundreds of years from now, when our ancestor go to plant crops or build new homes, all they find after the first thin layer of dirt is plastic! The soil and water would be so contaminated, who can even begin to imagine the consequences?

As is so typical with mankind, they just don't think that far ahead.  The future beyond our own life expectancy isn't really a reality.  What a terrible way to treat the precious gift we received from our creator.  I know what I would do if I were him.  I'd say, "Well if that's all the thanks I get, then just live in your own putrid stew".

Got the muffins baked for the grandkids' to eat for breakfast.  I won't tell them how good for them they are.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reaching for the brass ring

I saw Santa on the trail today when I was biking to Floral City(16 miles round trip). He was just wearing his red undershirt and shorts of course, because he was on the trail in Florida.  He would have died in his red wool suit trimmed in white fur! His snowy, white beard  looked a little sooty.  I guess he hadn't had a chance to clean up, since he has been so busy lately. He also was sporting a cane, which I would expect, since he had walked so far from where his sleigh had broken down.  He must have been down from the north checking to see which kids were going to be in Inverness visiting grammas this Christmas. Good thing.

I thought I would take a stab at filling out the application for the Pepsi grant to support our recycling project in Lewistown today. (Of course, after I wrap presents and make cookie dough for the grandkids).  I have never attempted such an endeavor before, so I guess I'll just have to write it from my heart. I really feel that if they hear what we are attempting, in our own little corner of the world, they just may be interested. Everything is so close to becoming attainable, it just seems the brass ring is almost at my finger tips.  I just have to stretch a little further.

I know that Moses was a great leader(no, I am not equating myself with Moses by any means) of his people.  But he had Aaron as his spoke person, because God knew that Moses wasn't the greatest orator around. So where is my Aaron when I need him?  Or her.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Don't believe it!

I went to lunch with my girl friends today for our before Christmas get together.  I had a delightful Ahi tuna salad. Since it was still early in the day, we went over to Nancy's for tea and a chat.

After my morning run, I was cleaning up for my luncheon date and decided to try a tip I got from the Dr. Oz show.  He said to put olive oil in the cream rinse after washing your hair, then just rinse it out.  It would not only give your hair a beautiful shine, but also protect it from damage done by frequent washing.

That part made perfect sense, but I should have trusted my instincts about just rinsing it all out. By the time I had dried it and tried to style my hair, I knew it was a huge mistake.  My hair was a greasy mess.  But it was too late to rewash it and dry it once again.  So I tried baking soda and blotting it.  No improvement seen.  Time was up, time to leave and there I was, looking as if my head had been basted.

I tried to explain what had happened as soon as they saw me.  They reserved comment.  At least they aren't phonies and didn't make comments about how becoming it was.  One just said," Well I must say, I do prefer your hair the way it usually looks".  At least they didn't try to ditch me at the restaurant or any thing.

That's the thing about friends at this point of my life. They accept you, warts and all. When I was a teenager trying to find where I fit in, I never really did.  I was always on the fringes of the in crowd.  They included me in most events, but not on the "you are my best friend category". Maybe that was from being a late comer to the group, I don't know.  Now when I say that to those old classmates they say they can't believe I felt that way.  I think they are just saying that to be nice.

When I was in Germany, I had lots of friends again, but sometimes I had the feeling that I was included because they needed one more person to fill the car or share a room when traveling.

Now, my friends are all different with different interests and ideals, but we all get along just fine.  We just don't talk about politics or religion much. And their remarks are kind.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A time of year for socializing

I just walked around the island for 30 minutes for my exercise so far today.  I must have strained my back when I lifted the bike rack and put it into the back of the car to go down and pick up Michael.  (More rubbing of salt into the wound). Actually, it is a lot better today, but thought a day of easy exercise wouldn't be a bad idea.  Good chance to see what the neighbors have been up to, anyway.

 My social calendar sure has filled up quickly this week.  It is kind of a last mad rush for us all to get in any get to gathers with each other before those going north for Christmas leave and those of us staying and having family arriving, get busy with grandchildren.

Tonight, the ladies are meeting at Julie's for the Nutcracker and popcorn. It isn't Christmas for Julie unless she sees The Nutcracker each season. It's lunch with the girls on Wednesday.  Our circle is getting so big that we need a larger table to accommodate us all.  And then a cocktail party Saturday night at a new friend's house.They just arrived back.  Everyone is back now, in fact.

This time husbands are included.  Of course that means that more times we have to reciprocate, too. That means digging out more recipes and trying new things that are bound to fail as usual.

I have some more cookie baking to do. I won't mess with the recipes to make them healthy, either.  My girl friends came to the consensus that we didn't need to exchange any small gifts or do a cookie exchange this year.  I go along with most anything, usually.  But, I think I can sneak  in a few home baked cookies when I see them. It just doesn't feel right if I don't. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Looong drive

I spent eight hours on the road yesterday.  Usually, when I spend that long on the road I'm going somewhere.  For enjoyment.  To stay for a few days. But, I drove four hours south by Ft. Myers to pick Michael up and he drove back for another four hours.  One of my last comments to him before he left for his bike trip was,"don't call me to pick you up."

After a day of flat tires, then finally breaking the quick release on the wheel so the wheel kept falling off, he checked into a seedy motel in La Belle, Florida, and called me.  He was far from any possible help for getting his bike repaired.  I could see why there was no bike shop around.  No one would ride there on purpose. It is in the middle of no where.  Not the intended route he had planned to take, but hoping he would be able to get as far as a town of size enough to repair his bike.

Needless to say, he was very happy to see me show up around noon yesterday. I think I could have asked for the moon and he would have given it to me.  Of course, I had rubbed a little salt into the wound by telling him of all the great shopping plans I had had with my friends for the day.

But, it is good to have him back home again, safe and sound. I worry about him a lot less when he is within sight.

Friday, December 9, 2011

I stand corrected- not Brad Pitt

I quickly realized last night, as the movie began, that Water For Elephants does not star Brad Pitt.  I don't know where I got that idea, except sometimes our perceptions of reality can be a bit off. Anyway, the leading man had nice eyes.

As so often is true, what we hold to be fact is only an illusion of our own perception, easily distorted, of the situation. That's why politics is such a crock. All this posturing, you don't know if they really believe what they are saying, or if they are just trying to play games with our minds and convince us that what they are saying is true. I never have believe that this is a black and white world, anyway, just shades of gray.

Michael called this morning telling me that he woke to a flat tire this morning. He tried changing it, but it went flat again.  He tried another spare that he had with him and it went flat, too.  He tried the old repair kit that he has carried around for ever, but that didn't work either. 

The next time that I heard from him he was walking along the side of the road to the next town.  He said he should be there in about an hour.  Next call, there was no bike shop in town, but he found a True Value and was able to buy a couple of new tires and a new patch kit.  That's what happens when you don't replace old spares that have been in the hot garage for several summers.  They just don't hold up.  Go figure. They're rubber. The garage gets very hot.

Some things it just doesn't pay to be conservative about.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do you keep up?

Apparently, conservation wasn't big on my mind today. A gaggle of women friends are coming over tonight.  We call it a sleep over, but they don't sleep and they don't stay over.  It just lets them know to come dressed  comfy, and enjoy a good movie and good company for several hours. And no men invited. 

We wanted to see "Water for Elephants", since some of us had read the book and others just wanted a good story and to see Brad Pitt.  So I drove to a Red Box at Winn-Dixie to rent the movie, brought it home and put it into our DVD player.  It read "no disc" on the screen. I tried wiping it down and trying again, with the same results. Once again, I drove back to a Red Box and tried another time, different box same movie, went back home put it in and had the same result.

I was smart enough to copy the phone number of the Red Box Co. down, so I called to see if they could give me any ideas of what was going on. After answering some general questions, the very pleasant girl on the line told me that, because our DVD player was over a year old, we couldn't run a recent release. I told her it hadn't been used more that a dozen times tops, but she said they have changed the format of new DVDs now to prevent duplicating issues.

So I had a choice of renting an older film or buying a new DVD player.  Since conservation wasn't  on my agenda today, I drove out to Walmart and bought a new one, 15 miles each way. This only makes sense if you really had your heart set on seeing a particular movie and you didn't want to let your friends down.

I can't keep up with how quickly technology becomes obsolete.  In the old days we would brag about how long something lasted and just never wore out.  Today, the gadget may still run, but it needs to be replaced because it hasn't kept up with the rapid developments in the technology. So there we are with all of these perfectly good things that are totally obsolete. So frustrating to me, yet I know the younger generation just eats up all the newest and latest things coming out each year.

So bring on the pizza and popcorn!  I'm ready! This time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Recycling Christmas

I got out all the Christmas decorations out yesterday.  I had forgotten how tired looking they all are, until I went over to Nancy's house for dinner the other night.  When I walked in, all I could say was,"wow!" and "ooh", and "aah!",she had such lovely, elegant decorations so pointedly place in each and every corner and  room. Her tree looked like it came from a Macy's window in New York City, like I remember seeing when I was a child. She said her daughter had come over and decorated for her, (sigh) and had it all done by the time she came home from shopping that day.

Now we'll take a look at my decorations, which I have had from the beginning of time.  Really. Our tree,(I might add was one a friend was throwing away because only half the lights on it worked.  So I took off the lights and kept the tree) which will be decorated by my grandchildren when they arrive, has an eclectic collection of what would be called "early teacher gifts" theme. I have saved every one of the decorations given to me over the years. As they each eagerly presented me with their gift, I assured them that every year, as I placed the ornament on the tree, I would remember the very special child who had given it to me. 

My memory of the name would last me for about five years, at best.  Then I would only remember that a thoughtful child had given it to me.

The rest of my decorations have been used and reused for ever, too.  I have some grosgrain, red ribbons that came on some beautifully boxed cheeses and nuts from one of those expensive catalog companies. The taste of those treats no longer lingers, but the bows grace every lamp shade in the living room.  I think they look kind of pretty and that I am pretty clever, until I saw Nancy's(or should I say, her daughter's, sigh) decorating flair.

I also have lots of gold, silver, red and green Mardi Gra beads that I have collected over the years.  Some I've given to grandkids, but I hung on to just enough to string around mirrors and things to add a note of casual elegance.

To finish up the theme, I have quite a few, not plastic but not silk either, red and white pointsettas, which were ready to be thrown out after serving their original purpose as table decorations at a party once, to place around my gently burned over the years candles. Not too bad, really.  Throw in a few mini, white lights and you've got atmosphere that you won't see in any Macy's window anywhere.

Now that's recycling.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Michael left on his bike trip today.

I don't give tests to see what people remember about my past blog entries, but I will check myself to be sure I have explained things carefully enough, though.  I had said that I like to collect the wasted shower water to put on my plants outside.  They appreciate it and it beats hauling the hose around to the other side of the house.

Michael left at 8 this morning for his bike trip to Key West. After a hearty breakfast and packing several P&B sandwiches,(all provided by yours truly I need not add) he was off without much of a hitch.  Just a last minute reminder to put on some sun screen and he was off, with only a slight wobble when he tried to throw his leg over all his gear packed on the back of his bike.

So I headed out onto the lake in my kayak, since it was such a calm, warm day(the warmest in the nation yesterday, by the way. I'm not complaining). It was so peaceful, with just the rhythmic sound of my paddle dipping into the water most of the time. Except for the occasional air boat roaring by somewhere in the lake.  I absolutely hate those things and can't imagine why in the world anyone would need to use one in the lake.  The everglades ok, but not in the lake. We hear them late into the evening when we are trying to relax for the day and they don't even need to be very close for their loud, obnoxious noise to be heard.

I paddled to all the places I have seen gators in the past, but they must be asleep under the banks, I guess.  Didn't anyone tell them it was the hot spot in the  nation yesterday? Anyway, it was a great way to get some upper body, recreational excersize for the day.

Where I didn't find gators, I did find alot of trash to clean up.  I had so many plastic bottles and sandwich bags in my boat, there was hardly enough room for me by the time I got back to the dock. What, I'm supposed to thank people for allowing me to have my altruistic experience for the day?  I'd rather do that by getting my Christmas cards written(hope people appreciate them, anyway) today.

Just two things to remember when you go out in your kayak. 1. Don't drink too much water and  2. remember, you have to paddle back, too.  Hope Michael remembers that on his trip.

Monday, December 5, 2011

It all just takes practice

When I began running in the 70's, it was really hard to even do a mile or two.  But, with time and consistency, it got easier and I got good enough to win a turkey or two at 5k races.  Ok, so Michael won the turkey and I won the pumpkin pie, but there is a point that I'm making that is more important than pumpkin pies and turkeys. (actually, once I did win a certificate for a turkey),  but I've digressed.

The point is that, yes, at first it may seem like a little more work to recycle, but it does get easier and more natural with practice. And it's just like a successful run, the feeling of satisfaction you get knowing that you are indeed doing something good for the earth, each other, and yourself respect. So, take the small moment of time from your busy day, rinse out the container and put it into something that can hold your recycleables until you take them to a recycling container around town.  Face it, you are going to go out sometime anyway.  So just take them along and drop them off.  No big deal and no extra gas since you are going out anyway.  Those who have curbside pick up should really feel embarrassed if they don't make just that small effort to take it to the curb with your other garbage.

We talk alot about what the world will be like for our children economically in the future.  What about what it will be like in their environment in the future? If we feel that we have a responsibility to give them a debt free world to live in, then why isn't it just as important to give them a world free plastic and other harmful things in our soil and waterways?  What will they do with a contaminated, dirty, polluted world even if they do have money to burn in their pockets someday?

And I did put the bucket in the shower with me today and collected a gallon or two. When Michael asked me what I was doing, I told him, "Just read my blog and you'll know!"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle update

Ok, so some of us are more motivated to jump on the bandwagon than others, I admit. I just enjoy the challenge of seeing just how much I can reduce, reuse, and recycle and how little we can have picked up for the trash that goes into the landfill each week. Since we have single stream recycling here in Florida, it is just plain interesting to try  recycling everything that we used to throw out and it is difficult for me to understand why everyone else isn't as enthusiastic about it as I am. I mean, we can recycle about anything but raw garbage here and I guess we could compost that, if Michael could stand the mess.  He just doesn't take to messes too well.  Plus, I would expect  that the raccoons would dig it all up and have it strewn all over the yard by morning.

Yes, I am more committed to this enterprise than Michael is.  I'll dig the toilet paper tubes out of the garbage to recycle where as he says we don't need to go that far.  I should start saving some for the grandkids to make Santas and elves with when they come.  You never know when you might have a rainy morning to occupy.

I'll grab an old sponge under the sink to wipe up a spill, but not quite as fast as he can snatch a tissue out of the box, wipe and throw it into the garbage.  Drives me crazy.  That is one more tissue wasted, one more little piece of a tree that could have been saved. I'm not really that cheap, just like to conserve.

I did get him to quite double plastic bagging our garbage, though.  That's some progress.  And sometimes he'll use an old running tshirt to wipe windows, but not all the time.  So I just have to appreciate the progress there is, as little as it may be.

Really though, my efforts are put to shame next to my friend Julie's. I am actually embarrssed when she asks me if I use plastic bags for sandwiches or left overs in the frig. I try to reassure her that I wash them every time and reuse them over and over again. She is better than I am.  She uses storage containers that she has washed from a product and reuses them.  And she uses bread bags instead of buying bags when she needs a bag for something. So I am reusing the bread bags even though it drives Michael crazy to see them in the drawer.  It's like having garbage in your draw to him.

I've tried using a bucket to catch the wasted water that goes down the drain as the water is heating up in the shower. After my shower, I would carry  it outside for my plants. Guess I need to try that again.  Coming through the house with a full bucket of water really must drive Michael crazy, though.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

What ever you want to call it

This morning on my run I did some fartlets, ausfarts or ____, what ever you want to call them.  Anyway, I picked up the speed every couple of minutes for about 30 seconds at a time.  I did run during those intervals, but I guess you can't really say that I look like I'm"running" the rest of the time. It's mostly a "trot", I think since, according to my crossword puzzles, a trot is a slow run.  And I don't want to call it a "jog" because that's what old people do.  They jog and I'm not old.  Now don't ask my sister, because she would say that I'm old so get on with it all. Aches, pains , and all that type of thing.  But, as I told my son when he said that, I said I may be older, but I'm definitely not old. People just don't have to be old at 70 anymore.

The reason I haven't been blogging about my recycling project is that I haven't had any information back yet from Roger, formerly with Headwaters Recycling, and they have the program that seems the best for us so far.  So I bide my time writing about fartlets, etc. I am hoping that I hear early next week so that I can devote my time to it while Michael is on his 10 day bike trip to Key West. I may have to get alittle assertive with some people if I hit a brick wall.

My friends and I have several activities planned for while Michael is gone.  It is a good time for us to have our slumber party again.  We'll (all women, in case you are wondering) all get comfy, eat lots of junk, drink some wine and watch a movie, between gabbing about a lot of nothing important.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How times change

As I was on my morning run, I noticed a man along the side of the road in his car, talking loudly and gyrating with his hands. Now, in not too many years ago I would have been alarmed and figured he was hallucinating or had something mental going on with him. Of course, today we think nothing of it, knowing that he is probably on cel having some heated political conversation with someone.  No big deal, heated political conversations are pretty common these days.

Speaking of, as I have probably said before, I classify myself as an independent, politically, I mean.  Yes, I have always been pretty independent you say, but I'm narrowing it down right now to politically speaking.  Really, why would I want someone else to define what I think and believe? I can do that for myself.  Just because some politician says that it is so doesn't mean it is in my book.  It is interesting that often when they say what first comes into their head (which is usually what they really believe) they later retract when they hit opposition with their party. Oh, that's not what I really meant to say or after careful evaluation on the subject this is what I really meant.

There just aren't many absolutes in this world and politics is just not one of them.  And anyone who holds to a view solely because their party tells them that this is the way "we" think and if you want to be one of "us" then this is your truth, too. There is some truth coming from each direction as well as a lot of hog wash coming from both. Take the topic of unemployment insurance.  There are people who really have tried to get a job.  Then there are those who won't take a lower paying, because they have a steady income from unemployment coming in each month.  It may not pay what they would like, but they prefer it to doing something they prefer not to do.  So, something that can be a good thing can become an enabler for the opposite effect. No black and white here.  And so it goes with most issues, so I remain on the middle of the fence and decide which way I will jump as the wind blows.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter in Florida?

Winter in Florida is an oxymoron, but to go by the evidence in the stores, it be lies that fact. Sure this morning was in the 40's and a bit chilly during the first part of my run.  But by the first mile I was shedding both my jacket and gloves.  And during the day it warms up to 70's.  Now that is not "winter".  Montana's weather of below zero on a bad day and high 40's on a good day is winter.  Minnesota, with several feet of snow for months on end, now that is winter.

The problem is that in Florida the stores have the idea that it is winter here.  You ask for outdoor games and activities to buy and they say, "We put them all away for the winter."  What, people don't go outdoors in 70 degree weather?  Grand kids come here this time of year and, of course all grandparents are looking for games to occupy the little darlings outdoors as much as possible.  But, I guess venders don't relate to this situation like the retired residents here do. So far, I haven't been able to convince them that this is not "winter" as we northerners know it from years of previously living in the real thing.

I had great news from one of my daughters yesterday.  Back ground: she had not been able to work at her former job, due to the painful stress on her back from the tasks she was required to perform. She has been going to school to complete a degree, providing a less physically demanding career, but she also needs to work.  Other avenues for help had closed for her and she was very discouraged, to say the least. This kept her awake at night with worry so she resorted to praying most of the night for an answer.  When she woke up in the morning she had a message that the local YWCA wanted to hire her as their manager. How awesome is that?  So you may ask,"Do I believe in the power of prayer?" Yes, I do.  All we need to do is ask and have the faith that God will indeed provide.  Maybe not what we necessarily ask for, but He does know our needs. Anyway, I have said a return prayer of thanks.  We always need to say thank you and count our blessings.  There are a lot more than we realize.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A murky fish bowl

Seems like raising kids is like living in a murky fishbowl with your small fry. All the fish are swimming around, not able to see very well what they are each all about. They just can't get a handle on where they are going and what is up ahead of them very well. And they certainly don't know what has caused the blurry vision.  Yet, those on the outside of the fish bowl can see each of the fish swim by individually and collectively when they wear their polarized glasses. Maybe the parents need to get outside of the fish bowl once in a while to get a better perspective of what's going on inside the bowl .

We went on a 20 mile bike ride with Michael's running buddy this morning. Michael went on to do another 10 miles, in preparation for his ride to Key West next week, when he plans to bike 90 miles a day.  Obviously, this will be a trip without me.  I'm not a masochist the way people who are long distance runners and bikers are. Four mile runs and 20 mile bike rides suit me just fine and I don't feel any sense of guilt for not achieving more.  But, I'm sure I'll hear some exhaustion in Michael's voice when he checks in with me each day.

I heard from a man, who worked for Headwaters Recycling 10 years ago, yesterday.  He has been in contact with the present head of the company and will send me information about their recycling operation. They work on a co-op concept and  formerly didn't collect plastics.  But they are operating in many small communities in Montana for the cost of $2 a household and they would collect weekly.  So I'm anxious to hear what their program looks like.  Do they now accept plastic, in addition to glass and aluminum?

So we would have two companies interested in our plastic.  That's good.  They need to have some competition.  Plastic sells for .10 a pound right now.  That is a huge amount and I want to be sure to contract with the company that will give us the best return.  We need to weigh all the pros and cons of each company.  Right now I feel that we hold the cards and have some dealing power.  The gal at the recycling business here in Florida said the best advise she could give me was to be sure to get the best price we can and don't let anyone take advantage of our eagerness to find a market and buyer.  I'm ready to hear about their offers and demand the best deal for the community. Hoo rah!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recycling project explained

For thoses with who have been dragged through every detail of this project for the past few months as it has developed thus far, please bear with me.  I need to bring all others up to speed.

Once I determined that there was a need for developing this recycling program and I began to field opinions, I was overwhelmed by the number of people in the community who really wanted to be able to save our landfills from over flowing with plastic.  Actually, I had started with the idea of recycling glass.  However, after hours of research into this direction, I found that not only is recycling glass very difficult and costly for a town remotely located as ours, but glass really isn't the problem for our environment that plastic.  Where glass, which is only sand, is ground back into the soil, plastic actually swells in the landfills, taking up more room over time.

From that point I was able to get 12 people in the community of like minds yet with varied expertise's on the subject together to discuss the feasibility of implementing the project for Lewistown.  They were overwhelming in agreement that this should move forward and that I should continue to manage the project.

The problem with this, however, is that now I am in Florida for the winter and can't have hands on very easily.  Everyone reassured me, that in fact it, would not be difficult for me, with the access of technology available today.  Oh sure, easier said than done and they aren't the ones doing it.  They are great cheer leaders, but not the greatest movers and shakers at getting things done.

So, after many phone calls and e mails  I don't have a sense that I ahve made a great deal of progress. I was reminded that this is a marathon not a sprint. It feels more like I'm on a treadmill, actually, but each day I push ahead a bit more, with a little more knowledge about how to get the job done.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A new dimension-Recycling

My "public" has been clamoring for me to post on my blog, so I am once again actively blogging.  The main reason I hadn't written for months is because I was just too busy living my musings to have time to write them.  Isn't that what life is suppose to be about?  Sure I have dabbled in watercolor painting, actually taking great pleasure in my efforts.  And I continue to put health and fitness high on my priority list, but you can only say so much about routines that don't really change that much from day to day.

I have been looking for many years to find my niche, where I can make my impact on my small corner of the world. Then it came to me. When reading the letter from the House of Bishops to the congregation about our responsibility to the environment, I came to the conclusion that there is something that I can do that actually isn't being done, but really needs to be done. When ever I have thought there was a place for me, I found that there were others already involved and had that area covered.  Just serving as another helper on some bodiy elses project isn't my idea of finding my place in the world. But, no one has done anything about increasing the recycling capabilities of Lewistown, our summer home. 

So, there is my mission for my little tiny corner of the world. We have begun a project to recycle plastic in Lewistown and the surrounding area.  This will be a model program that can be used in similiar communities in size and distance. So, in addition to my usual sage thoughts, I will be sharing the progress, disappointments, and efforts I go through to get this program off the ground this year. If anyone has any suggestions or expertise to share to  help me, it would be greatly accepted. I'm starting from ground zero and my learning curve is huge.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

Our Fourth of July parade is over!  We had a few glitches, but over all I think it went well.  We had everything ready so all we had to do was slap the streamers, etc. on the truck with some masking tape when the truck arrived at the parade site.  We had to be the most colorful float.  Small but so festive looking. 

The problem came with our feeble sound system.  Not that we didn't give it a grand try.  We had a recording of Judy Garland singing Over the Rainbow, but decided at the last hour almost that we wanted some Sousa music.  We tried everything we knew without luck.  So we were going with Judy on our little CD player.  We cranked it up and got nothing out of it after everyone gave their opinion of what went wrong. (It worked fine when we got home).  So we had to ditch that idea.  As luck would have it however, Betts had insisted on this humongous bell that we had added to the float.  So all was not lost as we rang the bell all the way down Main St., waving our streamers and passing out candy and flyers welcoming to our church.  As it turned out anyway, the frontiersmen with their muskets were right behind us so it took the big bell to compete. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

My painting hiatus

Need to get back to my watercolor painting soon.  I notice I'm losing my artist eye.  I haven't been noticing the different shapes of trees and the individual aspects of each flower.  I fleetingly noticed an interesting sky today, and wondered how one would capture it. But didn't take it the next step further to figure it out.  How I enjoy riding along looking at the countryside and observing it with a more critical eye. I appreciate the world in a different way than ever before.  I'm itching to get out and try some al fresco painting here in Montana.  Not that it will be any good but how inspiring to try it, anyway.

Maybe I'll fix Michael a special breakfast in the morning for his birthday.  Not biscuits and gravy, though.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can't let you down

I know.  If I don't post regularly enough, then I'll lose my huge fan base.  Even when I have no words of wisdom to share.  I've just been so busy, I haven't had time to think about sageful thoughts.  Ok.  Right, how busy can you be, being retired.  Actually today is the first day in a long time that I can actually say I have some down time.

I keep making more stuff to decorate the float truck. Last time we won first place, but we didn't get a trophy or anything.  This time I understand there are trophies for the winners. So I'm throwing everything I can come up with at it. Wouldn't it be something to have a trophy to show off at the church?  Wish us luck.

Yesterday I made covers for new pillows for the couch.My sister helped, actually.)  Michael helped pick out the fabric and he really does have good taste.  Then I put the same trim on top of the dining room drapes, which really ties it all together nicely.  Sure does give a whole new look to the place and have to say a great improvement. 

Michael's birthday is Saturday.  He'll be 65.  I can finally cancel my health insurance. I bought him two small watermelons, some beer, a thermometer and a massage.  Ok, so he bought them.  But I told him those are all for his birthday.  Aren't I just sooo nice?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Just who was Dad, anyway?

My niece is in town for a few days.  She has been the spark we needed to start finding out something about my dad.  His birth certificate has a different name on it than he knew as his name.  Not only that, his birthday is different on it than he thought it was. His mother was very secretive about any information about the family. He had no other living relative that we knew of other than his mother and she never remarried. So we started on, looking for some solid facts. 

We found someone who matches up pretty closely with the facts we have who was a boarder with a family at a very early age.  Putting pieces together, he may well have been put in foster care after his father died when he was probably 3 years old.  His mother must have had to go out and find work somewhere before she was able to care for him on her own. 

So the search will continue until we get some truth about his family.  It is interesting how there were more skeletons that stayed in closets back then than there are today.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What's in a Generation?

We had a mini family reunion picnic today.  Two of my daughters have been visiting, as I had previously mentioned, along with my sisters two daughters and her daughter's two grandchildren by marriage. Add to that my two sisters and our husbands. So an interesting discussion came up.  My niece's grandchildren are only a couple of years younger than my daughter's children.  Add to that, my daughters' boyfriends are closer to my age and definitely Michael's age then theirs.  Age and generations all seem so relative anymore.  Not to mention not so important as in the past.

I remember my grandparents.  There was no confusion with which generation they were in.  Or my parents.  I knew my grandmother was of the old generation.  She got one dress a year to add to her wardrobe and I would never be caught dead in anything in my mother's closet when I was a teenager. 

Ok, so there is no confusion in my kids' eyes about what generaton I'm in.  I always give away what generation I'm in by my comments about are they eating right or what they are doing about that cough, just like my dad always asked me if I ever gave off a little ahem.

One daughter had to remind me, when I memtioned a classmate that had passed away of natural causes,  that in fact yes I was of the age that people die of "natural causes".  Really, now?  I think that is all relative, too.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer time in Lewistown

It has been great getting out in the mornings now that the weather has improved, hearing and seeing all the signs of activity and energy coming alive in the community.  Yesterday there was a little league tourny in full progress at one end of the park while a huge Midrivers customer appreciation picnic was being set up at the other end. Every neighborhood had painting or roofing crews working away on houses. Across the street they have been working on remodeling the old donut shop  for weeks. We have no idea what business is going in there. The preschool on the corner has more little ones than ever out side screaming and having a great time. Today there were people streaming to the garage sales on many blocks around. Something about summer that just makes the world come to life.  Guess it is even more noticeable after the long winter that has everyone huddled up tight inside just trying to keep warm.  Summer time is just too short around here, but boy we all really appreciate it that much more when it comes!  Even me after only one month of rainy,cloudy, cool weather.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My daughter came today.  We have had fun just chatting, mostly.  We even chat on FB sitting across the room from each other.  Now we're even siting next to each other, on our own computers.  But, we are together, and that is what counts.  She can't blame me for all of her distractions from her studying, though.  She is chatting with her niece and sister now.  What fun.  This sure has opened up a new vehicle for communicating with my kids.  Tonight I learned that my grandson hit two home runs tonight and my granddaughter has a boyfriend she didn't want me to know about apparently. She blamed her mom for telling me.  She didn't get it that i figured it out by reading FB.  It just showed up on my page.  I didn't even have to snoop.

So when the miles  and time separate you from your loved ones just hop into FB and get the latest scoop.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer's warming up

The summer is warming up in more ways than one.  Not only do we finally have some real summer weather(actually right on cue), but it's getting pretty busy around here.  Michael is dealing with all of my busyness pretty well, but I can sense he misses the neat and tidy daily routine that hasn't been part of his life recently. 

Since I gave in( I really swore I would not do it this year) and took on the Team leadership for Relay for Life I have gone alittle crazy.  One idea generates another until it all snowballs into one big avalanche of activity.  We now have 25 members on our team(not much money coming in but an eager bunch), which leads to big communication logistics. Some have email addresses, some have old ones that don't work, some have phone numbers that don't work either.  Some are in church on Sunday, some aren't.

We have some spirited old gals who I don't want to squelsh their enthusiasm.  One said,"We should sing a song on the stage".  So, I wrote new lyrics for "Over the Rainbow" (Sorry Judy Garland). We have a huge banner I made.  I thought it was good enough until my sister said it would be better lined(it's a rainbow of fabric with painted words. So I lined it.  Then I made another one for the in memory of and lined that one, too.  One said we needed a bell.  So we have a big bell to ring.  Guess it will fit in some how.

Well, that wasn't enough.  So I said we needed to be in the 4th of July parade.  So now we have been making a huge rainbow of individual tissue paper flowers.  (I'm sure Michael loved having two big refrigerator boxes spread out on the living room floor).  And streamers made out of rainbow colored tulle for them to wave as they sit on the truck.  Then, of course you need a truck and people to decorate the truck and people to ride in the truck and people to walk beside the truck and pass out candy to the kids and pass out a flyer to the parents (which had to be written and produced).  Then I figured we needed music on the float.  So we're going to get Judy to sing(burned CD, of course). The bell will work there, I guess, too.  Then we had someone with an American flag.  So we'll throw that on the float somewhere, too.

But, that has all been put aside for now because more important things are coming, starting tomorrow, for a few days.  Two of my daughters and two of my grandkids.  That is pretty special since I don't get to spend much time with them.  They are worth being busy about. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy birthday, Dad!

Today would have been our dad's birthday.  My sisters and I celebrated in our traditional way. Milkshake(Dad's favorite) and fish sandwich (Mom's favorite) from Mac Donald's. It was too rainy and cold to sit on the bench we had put in the city park ,over looking the flower garden,  in their memory.  So we sat, with Dad's picture propped up on the dash, in the car eating our fish sandwiches and drinking our chocolate shakes.  We toasted him and reminisced about our fond memories of our dad.

Dad was a very special man.  I have to say, we haven't seen many men who could ever match him. He was an unassuming man, yet in church his booming voice resonated through out.  He knew how to sing a joyful noise unto the Lord and I doubt many fell asleep during his sermons.   He didn't tell us what we had to believe, but allowed us to talk it out and helped us come to the best conclusions for ourselves.  I never felt judged. I never felt I was odd for my thinking.  I remember when I was with him, as a child, I always felt I was special in his eyes.  I always felt he was proud of me for just being me. 

We miss you dad.  I have a feeling you are being looked after very well.  Happy birthday, Dad!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It was pretty great getting together with kids, grand kids, and great grand kids last weekend. It was fun seeing the different age groups from young marrieds with children, teens in love, rambunctious  grade schoolers to a baby. An array to proclaim I'm getting up there in years, I guess.  The weather was great, which was a god sent since it hasn't been since.

Who could believe it is June, it's so cold, gray and windy.  My son and family will be here tomorrow for several days.  The challenge will  be to keep the kids (10 and 8) from getting bored and driving everyone, including themselves, crazy, since the weather won't be too welcoming outside.  Thank heavens, at least they won't mind being out in any kind of weather.  Not at their age anyway.  But I don't think I'm in that age group.  I just like to stay nice and cozy, curled up with a good book and a couple of hot tea and pastry. 
 We have two birthdays to celebrate on Saturday. An eight year old grandson and a 75 year old sister. Hope we don't mix up their presents!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Too much info

Sometimes I thing less is better.  I think knowing the weather minute by minute stifles my life.  If I don't know from one moment to the  next the chances of rain or the wind speeds predicted that day, I'd get out and just do what I need to do.  Half the time the prediction doesn't meet up to expectations anyway.  And the other half of the time it really doesn't matter.  It's just the thought of going out in weather that you have built up in your mind out of proportion and it doesn't feel half as bad as you expect. And I noticed I never have regrets for just getting out there and doing it.

So I went up to the fitness center to put in an hour of aerobics, machines and stretches, because I heard it was supposed to rain and have winds up to 35mph.  None of that materialized and the weather is just fine.  Not exactly summery, but just fine for outdoor activity.

We're finally going to get our flowers tomorrow, even though it is supposed to rain again so we won't be able to plant them.  There we go again, too much info about the weather.  We just can't let it control our lives.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why is it?

Why is it that people won't recycle even when there is a recycling bin they pass on the way to work or even picked up at their own home? Sure, it is their American, God given right not to, but where is their American, God given responsibility to preserving this American, God given planet Earth?

Why is it that if one political party espouses that it loves our country  assumes that the other party must not love it as much?  Can't we have differing views of how to fix things without defaming the other view? Often the answer to a problem lies somewhere in the middle. Extremes are seldom the best answer. Yet if a politician dares even imply that possibility he sees things a little more broadly, he is lambasted by his party.  Oh, politics!

Why is it that many people feel they have a right to "justifiable hate" of groups of people or individuals and say they are Bible believing Christians?  Yet the Bible explicitly says to love your neighbor, no ifs ands or buts about it?

Well, these are just some things I've been wondering about.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ahh, the sun, the sun!

How good it is to see the sun again after all the rainy, cold days we have had for sooo long!  It was like a flower opening to the sun when I when out for a long walk this afternoon.  I was soon peeling off layers as the sun grew warmer.  I would never complain.  Actually, it is only 58 degrees out, but the sun makes it feel much warmer when you are out under it.  I hear this is it again for a while, as the rainy weather returns in the days ahead. We can't even get our annual plants in.  Heck, it'll be fall before we get them in at this rate.

I've started on my projects for the Relay.  The banners for the parade of teams are all designed and are layed out on the floor in the living room as I put them together.  Michael is so good about walking over and around them and hasn't complain a bit, yet.  I know how much things like that can bother him, but he isn't showing any stress, yet.  Guess I'd better not push it and gather everything up tonight.  He wasn't here last year when I was working on my projects, so this is new to him. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

It has been said

It has been said by many who know first hand because they have fought and seen the many horrors of war.  "There never is a good war."  Even when fought for all the right reasons and for the "ultimate good", wars just take too much sacrifice.  Who are we, who sit in our safe, secure, comfy homes to expect the sacrifice of young lives that have not yet been fully realized?  We need to take the commitment much more seriously before we  throw away the best of any nation. It can't be done on suppositions  or for political gain, but only when there is absolutely no other recourse to save our nation from destruction.

I, personally have never had a loved one in harms way due to war, so I can't possibly know the suffering that so may have experience.  I can only imagine the toll wars have taken.

We will never know what cures may have been made, what president may have been great, or what   discovery may have been made to enhance our lives if those people had had a chance to live out their lives. We can only wonder what glorious music may have been composed or art created for us all to enhance lives of generations to come. We can only wonder.

So,I think the least we can do this weekend is to, not only mourn the senseless loss of so many lives in so many wars, but to mourn the loss to all humanity of the many gifts we have been deprived of realizing over so many years of history.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Can't get any better

It can't get any better than this, getting out my watercolors once again, and painting a picture, while listening to Prairie Home Companion on the radio.  Was it Oprah who said this week "To live you must find your passion, what ever it may be?"  Something like that, anyway.  I know what she means, because there is nothing like looking forward all day,while you get what has to be done, the muffins baked, the laundry done, the workout completed, the husband shorn.  Then and only then, can one finally, with a mind set free of concerns and duties pressing, go and satisfy that passion that calls. 

I haven't been outside for my run all week, with the nasty weather we have had.  Guess my blood is too thin for this wet, windy,cold stuff.  So, each day I drive up the hill to the fitness center and put in a half hour on the eliptical machine and a half hour on the treadmill with some weigh lifting and stretching. Keeps the kinks out, anyway. Great mood lifter, too. 

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today I had to clean the whole house by myself (I know, aw, poor thing).  Michael was at the church cleaning up the water in the basement and mowing between rains.  Anyway, I found that I needed to look closer in some spots that had been missed before.  I noticed that sometimes I easily spot other people's dirt they missed, before I discover my own faults.

So, both literally and figuratively I think I need to concentrate on cleaning up my own faults before I worry about other people's.  It is so much more fun to see the sliver in anothers eye and ignore the log in my own.  Even if I don't have a log in my eye, I should still just leave people's slivers allow. Amen

I'm going up to the fitness center soon, since it is windy and rainy out. At least I can get an hour of cardio in some how. Then I can justify my afternoon sweet and tea.  Ah, how I live for these routines.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cancer gone

We were so thankful to hear from Michael's daughter that the doctor called and said her cancer is completely gone.  She has been a very brave trooper throughout her treatments.  I don't know that I could have done as well.  I have high admiration for people who step up to the plate and handle their challenges with grace and courage.

We're having a little dinner party for my sisters and spouses tonight.  Have to do something when you can't get out much, due to the rainy weather and flooding around town and state. I'm fixing some new to me and new to to them receipes, so hope they go ok.  So, I had vowed not to experiment on company anymore. Does family count? I just thought these sounded interesting.  We're having Israeli grilled chicken (I love this one so it's not new to me), Oriental salad, roasted Parmesan cauliflower, homemade oatmeal, sunflower seed bread and apple crisp with ice cream. Review will follow tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Look, Ma, no cavities!

We had our 6 month dental check ups this morning.  I expected I had a cracked crown.  Was I happily surprised when I found out I really didn't, just a blah, blah about blah, but it is fine.  Now I feel like I have an extra $1000 I can spend for something fun.

Michael didn't do as well, but he also doesn't need any work done.  He just got hurt more because he doesn't take care of his gums as well.  Do I love telling him what he needs to be doing?  It sure does pay in more ways than one to heed the dentist's advise.

Sometimes I just get to wondering why my life has been so calamity free compared to so many, when I get to looking around at others I know or reading the news about all the bad things that happen to good people.  I'm not any better than they are, I'm sure.  So it's not like I get rewarded when others get the booby prize. Maybe there just isn't any reason, it is just called life and more happens to some people than others.

No I'm not asking for more of a challenge in life, thank you.  Things have been going just fine for 70 years so we'll just leave well enough alone, thank you very much.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I don't get it

I was having a conversation with someone about their deteriorating sidewalk.  That person said they couldn't get it fixed because their taxes would go up.  Ok, I get increased property value taxes go up and we dispute why, just because we are improving the property. So you let your property become an eyesore and increase the chances of a law suit if someone trips on your sidewalk because you don't want to pay a few extra dollars to fix it up.  Sure, no one wants to pay more taxes for the sake of paying more taxes.  But, we treat taxes as a curse that we avoid at any cost and in the process we miss out on things we really want.

We want our kids to have the best education, yet we vote down mil levies.  Then vital programs have to be cut and our kids suffer.  Oh, we say, kids don't need foreign languages, music, arts and PE as much as I need my extra cup of Starbucks  that would pay for them. These are the things that make a society great and our citizens educated, vital thinkers.  A society crumbles without these things that give it sustenance.

Why are taxes so demonized without any regard for the fact that, when carefully monitored, they really can help our society be a better place?  Sure, we need to be very critical about how they are used and assessed.  We need to be discerning, sure, but not closed minded abut taxes without thinking if we are cutting off our own noses.

Well, I hope you get the point and I'm sure this will ruffle feathers.  Good, that means we have something to discuss.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sister weekend a done deal

We have our sisters' weekend in July off and rolling.  We have our tickets to the musical My Fair Lady in hand and reservations at an adequate motel near by made. Now to check out the white water rafting for a little extra kick. We always have a good time, getting away from any male influence and condemnation.  So we can get pretty silly at times, but that's what it is all about.  Letting our hair down and just having fun. 

Great!  The sun is out again, for a few minutes anyway.  Did get my pansys planted and tree spikes in while the rain quit for a while. Michael is out checking on the water levels around town.  There are streams pouring down several streets in town and areas are under water.  How much I won't know until he returns. At least we don't have to worry about water in our house.

I must say, I have a very fantastic daughter who can do anything she puts her mind to and nothing stops her from tackling any job. She has just finished taking up the tile in her kitchen and retiling, all by herself.  And she did a beautiful job, too.  So far, in her home this year she has removed wallpaper, painted, removed popcorn ceilings, tiled her bathroom floor, walls and foyer. She learns how to do everything by trial and error from the internet and her trusty hardware store. Incredible!  She is so gutsy!  All this when she's working full time and raising two little kids by herself.  Hats off to her!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

We may be small but...

We went to our little StJames church this morning.  The faithful were there, even though there wasn't a clergy person to conduct the service.  The dozen of us had morning prayer together with a read sermon written by some priest from somewhere.  Low key yet we were bound with the same concerns and love of God as any megachurch congregation. It is comforting to be with a few good people who know you and take the time to chat and catch up during coffee hour.  Yes, even we have coffee hour. I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond, I guess.

Speaking of fish and ponds, it is beginnng to feel like we are fish in a pond around here with all the rain we continue to have.  Heard we have the high rainfall for the state.  Someone said 7 inches but I don't know if that was bragging or complaining.  Anyway most basements are getting flooded in town, so people are pretty preoccupied with getting the water out for now.

Personally, I'm tired of being inside everyday, looking out at the rain.  So today I am going out for a walk in the rain.  When you can't beat em join em, I say.  I'll feel energized, Im hoping, anyway.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The rain in Spain has to be warmer

Rain, rain, rain.  I'm not adventurous enough to run in the rain here in Montana.  Big difference in rain: you look forward to it during a run in Florida but rain in Montana is brrry cold and just makes you cold and wet all over.  So, we have been going up to the fitness center the past few days.  Michael is hoping his calf is healed enough and that working out on the elliptical machine will keep him in shape enough to do a half marathon in Bozeman June 5th.  Hope so so we can see my daughter and grandkids. That's how I manage to get around, he does a race and I get my agenda satisfied too. 

I haven't picked up the paint brush since I've been here.  I've been reading alot about how to paint and about successful artists over the ages, but haven't gotten the paints out.  The question is where do I set myself up here?  It is too cold and wet outside on the deck and too dark and dreary inside at the table.  Do I risk it and paint with carpeting under me?  I just need to figure it all out so I can get started.  Don't want to get rusty and forget all I learned so far, which, granted isn't much according to my critics.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Settling in in Montana

We're getting back into the Montana routine again.  Michael wonders what we are doing here, though, when the weather is 49 and rain here and 90 and sunny  in Florida.  I told him you just can't be chasing the weather around all year. I bought a new basil plant (didn't survive the trip from Florida) and a tomato plant.  They will be kept inside until July probably.  Don't want to lose them again.  I'm planting a salad in a pot, tomatoes and lettuce.  Hopefully, we'll get a salad out of it before we leave again.

I've been working on generating money for the Relay for Life that we will walk in Jane's memory.  I'm not shy about it. Heck, if something is important to you, you just have to go after it and not get all worked up about what other people think. I told the team members the important thing is to show up that night to remember Jane.  It doesn't hurt to bring a few dollars along to support the battle against cancer too, though.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Rusty and Michael are out this morning running their hearts out at the Indiapolis Mini marathon, Rusty's first half marathon so expect he'll be a bit sore.  Makes me almost feel motivated to do another one, but not enough to train for it. 

They just got home.  Michael hobbling from a cramp in his calf.  don't know what causes him to do that, when he never has a problem while training.  We'll get the mile by mile report later.

More later.  Got to take pictures of the warriors.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Follow your heart

I have found the secret to peace of mind.  Listen to your heart.  It has taken me 70 years to really get it and try to begin practicing it, but I learned I don't need to live with regrets for the opportunities missed if I act on what my heart is telling me I should do.  It isn't that I'm a lesser person if I don't, but I find that when I get that nudge in my heart and I act on it I have a much  greater peace of mind. Then I can go on with my life without having to look back to the would haves, could haves, and should haves. Therefore a greater sense of well being and peace. I can't go back and undo the many times in my past that I didn't follow through on a notion that I lived to regret, but with the last years of my life maybe I can change some of that going forward.  That's the least any of us can do, I think.

Had a good bike ride to Hernando with a swim following that really felt good after the hot ride.  Now the pool warms up!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ah, Florida!

I was noticing how some of the Florida babes love to tan, especially before they return to the north, to show off their bronzed bodies to their northern living friends and family.  I was thinking how much they look like beautifully, browned roasted turkeys, all crisp and leathery looking.  To each their own.  Tans are lovely on the young flesh, but not so on the old, I'm thinking.

By next week half of the people in Florida will be on the roads heading north.  The neighborhood is going to feel like a ghost town for those left behind.  Their summer heat has started early this year, too.  The humidity is what gets you.  Back from our morning runs, we look like we just got out of the shower, but we don't feel fresh like we did.  The rest of the day we spend inside with the air on pretty much. 

The trail was pretty crowded today, with all of those spidery looking recumbents traveling in clusters and taking up the trail. They are a happy lot, tho, enjoying their comradery with each other as they whip along. The rest of us just have to be on guard so we don't get run over. Guess you have all kinds of energy when you're riding along while lying down as you peddle. Been tempted to ask for a ride a time or two.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Well, we went on our shopping expedition and what a day it was.  We (the kids are girl 13, boy 11, girls 9and 8) started out at Mc Donalds first for lunch then to Walmart and it looked like it was going to be a delightful, easy task.  Another lady, who offered to buy the girls dresses to go with the shoes came along.  Can't believe that Walmart had so little selection, so needless to say we didn't accomplish much there. Jimmy was easy. He found a pair of shorts and a tee quickly.

Then it came to the girls.  Nothing was the right size or style.  Why don't they make cute little girl clothes any more?  Anyway we gave Walmart up and headed to Beals.  Four kids going in four directions.  We would get a pair of shoes picked out, find a dress and have to go back and start over with the shoes.  Then to TJ Max when those dresses didn't work right.  Then to Payless shoes which didn't have anything so back to TJMax. Dottie, the other woman, was still working on dresses for the little girls and thought she had found one that was cute and that Sara would like. 

We finally thought we were all done(I had taken Jimmy home earlier) and had the girls in the car to go home and found Sara crying.  I asked what was wrong but she couldn't tell me.  So I figured out she really didn't like the dress Dottie had picked out and wanted the one from Beals(which really wasn't flattering).  I tried to convince her how cute she looked in the other, but she wasn't buying it.  So we hunted down Dottie and after apologizing, told her the truth.  So she tossed the dress to us in the car and after 4 hours we arrived back at their gramma's house.  Everyone happy with their new clothes.  Whew!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Some think I'm "churchy"

Guess I fit the stereo typical retired old lady.  I go to church often, teach Sunday school, etc. I don't worry about that.  My image just doesn't bother me with my friends, etc when they chide me about being "churchy".  I just do what I feel I want, need to do and don't worry about whether it's too much, too little or if it's what others think is necessary. 

But, it does cause me to tune in to others' needs a bit, which is what it is about anyway.  Jesus set the example and I must say I fall sooo short of following it.  However, I did notice a family of kids who go to my class sporadically.  Their shoes were in horrible states(toes sticking out, etc.) and their socks didn't match, if they had any on. The dad is raising them(4 kids) on his own, has lost his job, was evicted, lost his aide for his kids for various reasons of not meeting regs, etc. Anyway, the dad can be a redneck jerk, but the kids are really sweet.  They have been looking so sad lately.  So I figured a new pair of shoes might brighten their day.  The dad said he needed brake fluid, a new tire, a gas card etc..  He will always have needs, I'm sure.  But, the kids deserve better than the break they have been given. 

So tomorrow we're going to go buy new shoes and stop at McDonalds for lunch.  It's not a big thing by anyones needs.  But, for those kids it just might brighten their day, put a smile on their faces and make their Easter a little bit more special as they wear their brand, new shoes to church.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's heating up!

Can't believe what a difference a few degrees and higher humidity can do to your get up and go.  I did my 5 miler this morning alittle earlier than usual to try to beat the heat. Actually, at that time it really wasn't too bad, considering the humidity.  But, by now one gets to feeling pretty sluggish and it takes some effort to get going.

So you say,  "then turn on the air."  We seem to see who cries "uncle" first.  Problem is I want to be on the lanai to paint, yet we want to be cool inside.  So, tomorrow night we are having a dinner party.  It would be nice to eat on the lanai for ambiance and the dining area in he kitchen gets direct sun even with the air.  But the lanai will be hot, too.  Oh, the problems of a socialite!

So it's too hot here and too cold up there. So where is this limbo we need to be at this time of year?

Monday, April 18, 2011

What I've learned along the way

I know that if you have an aching back when you get up in the morning that the best thing for it is a slow run of 4 miles or so and some good long stretching.  Really does loosen it all up.

I know that most everything on TV isn't worth my time. It's either people showing how stupid they are, people killing other people or people sharing their ignorance about a topic they should just keep to themselves.

I know that not making a phone call in a timely manner can get you into trouble with some people.

I know that it really isn't a good idea to experiment with your cooking on your company.  It's best to experiment first on your husband.  Then you watch his reaction.  No reaction tells you to try again because this dish just isn't the one. 

I know that if I want to become a better artist I need to paint a lot more.  So I must go now and paint.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Foget being pioneers

OK, so we didn't pass the pioneering test.  One night was enough for us to call it quits.  The mosquitoes were ferocious, the raccoons (they got our Sun Chips in a blink of an eye) were aggressive and the heat was oppressive. A deflated air mattress during the night was the deal breaker.  I could handle doing dishes hunkered by a cold water faucet on the ground just fine.  I could handle cooking steaks, potatoes, mushrooms on a griddle on the camp stove at the same time just fine.  I could handle showering in a bath house balancing on one foot to dry just fine.  I could even handle squatting in the bushes during the middle of he night.  But the deflated air mattress just wasn't worth it.

So we enjoyed our kayaking (even had a small porpoise swim under my kayak), watching the huge fish jumping all over, almost seeing a beautiful sunset( didn't get back from biking in time for the whole show),biking around the island and eating our delicious oatmeal.  But, when it got to be evening we decided there was no reason on God's green earth why we shouldn't spend that night in our own bed at home.  So after one last kayak ride, we packed it up and headed home. 

You never really appreciate life until you have washed off the layers of bug spray, sun screen, dirt and sweat in your own shower and climbed into your own cozy bed and had a great nights sleep.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here we go acampin'

Today we are finally packing up our bikes, kayaks, tent and sleeping bag and heading out on our long anticipated camping trip to Desoto Park, St Petersberg.  We'll pitch our tent at a camp site right on the shore of the gulf with lush vegetation hiding us from our nearest neighbor.  No rain predicted and temp in the 80's.  Food packed for oatmeal breakfast, steak dinner and lots of fruit to keep things going. 

Sounds great.  Let you know the reality after we haul up and strap on the kayaks, combat the raccoons and potty in the bushes for two nights. I'm really thinking hard about the transition to a nice camper with a wc and real bed and coffee on the stove in the morning.  This trip will be the deciding moment. 

Results and evaluation follows in a few days.  Until then, adieu.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Art update

I haven't talked about my watercolor painting for a while, in case anyone wants to know how it is coming along.  Well, I can see the improvement.  That's why I don't throw any of my attempts away.  Not that I think they are masterpieces worth framing or anything, but they give me a reference point when I want to go back and critique them with my ever increasingly critical eye.  I have all the books, CDs and tapes I can find checked out of the library. They are really helpful and I can replay them if I didn't get it the first time.  One book is about comparing what people like me do wrong when we paint and how to correct it.  I have loads of self made material to use since most of my stuff looks just like the wrong side of art.  On the day of my last art lesson for the year my teacher said she was going to get really tough on me.  That was the biggest compliment yet.  She is really taking me seriously and thinks I have potential now. 

Oh well, I'm in my zone when I'm painting.  Can't get much better than that.

Well, the snowbirds are feeling the heat and humidity here lately so getting time to fly north again. Whew!

Monday, April 11, 2011


So everyone knows what's best for us.  Parents know what's best for their kids, of course. There's always a lot of angst when they can't get their point across to the all wise kids who are bound to find out that parents know best after the fact. And kids know what's best for their parents but can find it difficult to say.  Actually they worry about how their elders will take this advice a lot more than they need to. Friends know what's best for friends and enjoy letting them know. It's about pointing the finger at you to keep it from pointing back at them. Oh the self satisfaction of being able to say you know better than they about what looks best on them or the best hairdo, etc.

One party knows what's best for the country as equally does the other.  The problem is that since they each know what's best they aren't going to settle for less than what they "know".  That's just politics and has nothing to do with what's really best for the country.

Sometimes I think maybe we should just settle for good enough and everyone will be happier in their own little reality.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kathy!

Forty eight years ago today was an unforgetable day for me.  I was having labor pains, ten minutes apart and told Kathy's day he probably had better drop me off at the hospital on his way to school that day.  We had arrived a month before in Chicago when I was eight months pg where he was beginning school at DeVry Tech. 

Once I was checked into the hospital at 8:00am, a student nurse was assigned to me.  I thought that was pretty nice, getting all that extra attention. Until things got down to business.  She had brought out all the charts and books to show me how we get babies and the whole process.  Needless to say I had a hard time concentrating with other more pertainent stuff going on at the time. 

Since my water hadn't broken, the nurses took care of that then things speeded up big time and Kathy arrived by noon. So there she was all wiped off and swaddled in a bassinette next to me as they finished up.  And I know without doubt, that she looked straight at me and we connected from that moment on. I didn't say we always saw eye to eye while she was growing up, but the bond was made at that moment.

A daughter is a special blessing that has no equal and I thank God for that blessing every day.

Now do you think she'll take good care of me in my old age?