Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kathy!

Forty eight years ago today was an unforgetable day for me.  I was having labor pains, ten minutes apart and told Kathy's day he probably had better drop me off at the hospital on his way to school that day.  We had arrived a month before in Chicago when I was eight months pg where he was beginning school at DeVry Tech. 

Once I was checked into the hospital at 8:00am, a student nurse was assigned to me.  I thought that was pretty nice, getting all that extra attention. Until things got down to business.  She had brought out all the charts and books to show me how we get babies and the whole process.  Needless to say I had a hard time concentrating with other more pertainent stuff going on at the time. 

Since my water hadn't broken, the nurses took care of that then things speeded up big time and Kathy arrived by noon. So there she was all wiped off and swaddled in a bassinette next to me as they finished up.  And I know without doubt, that she looked straight at me and we connected from that moment on. I didn't say we always saw eye to eye while she was growing up, but the bond was made at that moment.

A daughter is a special blessing that has no equal and I thank God for that blessing every day.

Now do you think she'll take good care of me in my old age?

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story! Of course I would take care of you, but you'll probably out live me.
