Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gone for a while

Duty calls.  I will be in Atlanta helping my son's family survive while his wife recovers for a while. When I have a moment, and if I get some great insights, I'll let you all know. I'm sure I will.  That's what grammas do when they are with their grandkids. Revelations come. Butl, life will return to normal and I will be back.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Truth Be Told

One of my better kayak memories, a day with daughter and manatees. What could be a better combination?

Truth be told. I thought I had erred yesterday when getting into the kayak, even though I plopped down in the seat just as I always do and never have a mishap. Michael admitted later that always before he had a hand on my kayak steadying it, as I sat.  But for some unknown reason this time he didn't. And I didn't realize it. That's how it is with information.  Sometimes you don't get to the truth of the situation until later.

You can bet next time I'll be more cautious. I always expect that Michael is there to steady me along the way, no matter where I'm headed.

Interesting what you might over hear in the morning when out on the trail. On the way this morning, I watched as a man was guiding a driver out of a blind driveway on to the road. Once he got the driver and car safely out and onto the side of the road I heard him say, as he jumped into the car." Okay, now your destiny is your own." Wow, I wish I had thought of saying that to my kids and grand kids when they graduated from high school.

I also over heard two men talking as they passed me on their bikes. One said to the other," I'm really not very regular."  I don't know if he was talking about biking or his bowels. You just never know, but which ever it is, I hope, for his health's sake, he gets more regular.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This and That plus ps note

Sorry the video didn't work yesterday.  Until further instruction, I will abandon the idea.  However, in the mean time, while I wait for Michael to finish ordering another pair of running shoes on the Internet, I will up load a couple of my latest. I'm doing a lot of experimenting to figure out my own style. Eventually, I will find my identity in my art work, where ever that may be.

We are supposed to be headed out for some kayaking this morning, if we ever get it together.  There is a lot of "first I have tos" going on.  But now that he has his shoes on order and I have my yoga and blog started for the day, I think we are finally in gear.

Yesterday, was clean out the closet day, according to Michael.  So I got that out of the way early enough.  A difficult thing for me to do.  Not the organizing part , but the parting part.  Parting with items that I just know I will be ruing that I threw out the the next day.

Not difficult for Michael, however. In fact I usually monitor what he is throwing out since I deem most of it stuff he should keep. If he doesn't wear something for a couple of months, he figures he never will.  Where as, even if I have clothes that are 20 years old, I can still see where they might fit into my future wardrobe. They might not fit, but I can usually convince myself there is always another day to work on it.

So I made some rash decisions.  Will I ever be able to fit into that dress again that I bought for my grandson's wedding?  I know it was only six years ago, but it really isn't very flattering on this body anymore. I really don't want to go around trying to suck it in.  What if I relax?  Not a pretty sight.
So that one begrudgingly  had to go.

 Also the running shorts.  They can go to someone who has better legs than I have.  I think I'd better stick to the longer style.

Well, I hear the man going into action mode, so better get into gear. Enough of this and that.

Post note:  So much for the kayak ride. First thing I did, getting into my kayak was turn it over.  With me in it. I went under and came up with a nose full of yucky water. I know how I did it, but it still took me by surprise. My advise for anyone getting into your kayak is hold on to the dock.  I didn't.

Michael helped ]pull me out, but he just couldn't stifle the laugh fast enough. I  have to admit, I looked pretty pathetic, all wet and cold, as I sloshed back to the house with remnants of the lake falling off me. He tried to take a picture so you could share in his laugh, but the camera wouldn't work.  It went into the lake with me.

After a hot shower and blowing all the lake water out of my nose, though, you will be glad to know that I am just fine. No more kayaking for me today, though. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Thought I would try adding a video this time, even if it doesn't relate to my blog today. We'll see if it works or not. So as it continues to up load( that's what it says it is doing anyway) I will continue with my thoughts for the day. Sorry, the video didn't work.  Guess I need some help with that.

The breeze felt pretty raw as I headed out this morning.  So I pulled the sleeves of my jacket closed around my hands for a while. It didn't take long, however, for me to start to feel the heat from my body so I shed the jacket after the first mile.  The weather hadn't change.  Just me. Isn't that the way it usually is? Things around us are usually pretty much the same, one way or the other.  Different day, different place, but the same types of things going on around us. Some good, some bad, some just are what they are.

We are often the change that is taking place. Our attitudes, our perceptions, our frame of reference to what is going on. I know that is true of me. Between the radio and TV, I followed parts of the day yesterday and thought about how much so many of us as Americans have changed over the years.  Here we have a second term black president. Now that is definitely change from fifty years ago. People have change how they feel about African Americans for that to happen.

In fact I think it remarkable that someone who came from such an obscure, challenged background has risen to, not only the highest office in our land, but the most influential position in the world. Incredible. I say that not only speaks of our country for it to be possible, but of the individual.

Now I realize that many will scoff at these thoughts and maybe even get their dander up a bit.  But, personally I don't see why America can't be the land that not only cares for its most vulnerable members of society, but encourages enterprise and resourcefulness of us all. The two aspects do not contradict each other. We are a prosperous nation that can make room for all of our citizens to have the opportunity to reach unbelievable heights.

I know it is so. It happened to our current president.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Here I go again!

My birthday went well yesterday, thanks to so many of you sending your best wishes.  It was a busy day with going to a local rendition of the musical "Nunsense" with my troupe of friends, followed by cheesecake and a glass of wine then dinner with Michael at the Outback. 

I noticed several times that "Happy Birthday" was being sung at different times through out the restaurant and they brought something that look pretty good to the honoree.  So Michael told the waitress that, not only was it my birthday, but it was my 72nd birthday. Talk about too much information! But we did enjoy sharing the hot fudge sundae they brought to me.

Yes, I'm still enjoying having birthdays with no compunctions. I figure another year is going to keep coming around until I'm done. And so far I have no complaints about any of them. If I'm older than some on this earth, all they have to do is wait and it will come around for them, too.  If they are lucky and play their life right. And if I'm younger than some, then I can be assured by their lead that it will be just fine when it is my turn.

You see, I believe that being happy has nothing to do with age, wealth or even health for the most part.  Studies have shown that the happiest segment of society is generally those with less, not those who have more.  They just accept and know they have to make the best of things.  They know that it is family and friends that make you happy and you don't need a fortune to have those.

Sure you have heard of the stereo typical old grouch, but I don't think they are any more prevalent than at any other age.  Just more verbal maybe, since sometimes they feel like they have lost their voice and aren't being heard.  If people take the time to listen to the seniors in their life they may see that they still enjoy a good laugh as anyone does.

Now health may be a bit different on the surface and I really can't say I have been there with issues much.  But, I have heard people who have been through pretty horrible stuff with their health say that, coming out the other side, they came out stronger and better for it.  Maybe coming to grips with their health issues is the key.  I wouldn't know and wouldn't presume to minimize anyone elses pain.

So, I'm now 72 and a day ( as Michael reminds me) and life is good.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Living on the Edge

Yesterday, we were definitely living on the edge. For us anyway.  We began with going out to The Hen House, which used to be the Cockadoodledoo, for breakfast.  Something we never do, unless it is after a race that morning and I have earned it. You noticed I didn't say anything about going out and running or biking first, either.

But, yesterday it was just because Michael was tired of the same old fare around our kitchen and had a real hankering for some biscuits and gravy.  I never order the biscuits and gravy, mainly because it personifies the opposite of what I envision to be a healthy breakfast.

After glancing over the menu, however, I realized that a half order of that couldn't be any worse for you than a three egg omelet with hash browns and sausage.  Besides all I had to do was add a cup of fruit to justify my choice.

So after a trip to Walmart to fill the larder again, we just went home and hung out for the afternoon. I'm reading an interesting book on President Obama's life that I'm enjoying, but it is going to take a bit to get it finished by the time it is due at the library.  Around three or so, after having had no lunch, I got hungry enough to have a piece of chocolate pie. Okay, I had made it with skim milk, but it still wasn't what I would consider a proper lunch.

Later, I made a pizza for dinner.  Whole wheat crust, of course, and lots of veggies with sausage and polished off with a glass of wine. We both felt pretty daring, breaking all of our rules, but agreed that  once in a while one just needs to do that.

However, before bed I must add, that I did have to have a glass of milk, vitamins and four prunes. One just has to be sure not to go over the edge entirely, you know.

My daughter, Kathy, wove this scarf for me on her loom( the one I gave up on) for my birthday. It came just in time for the cold snap we have had and the Celtic/Maine concert that I wore it to Thursday night with my friends at the court house. I can't imagine the patience it would take to weave a long scarf like this with such fine yarn, but I will enjoy wearing it for years to come. Thanks, Kathy.  You are sooo talented!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This and That

I was pretty "Good Morning" out during our 20 mile bike ride this morning.  Must be that a lot of people dusted off their bikes, due to the unusually warm weather we have been having and decided to get out on the trail.  So far, you can't call this winter, even by Florida standards. However, we are expecting a few degree cooling trend the rest of the week. Hope it is like this when family comes, though.  They expect warm weather and we do our best to accommodate them.

Now I need to read up about Jackson Pollock.  My girl friends got together to watch a movie about his life as an artist.  I guess my artist education pretty well ends with impressionism. I have never understood abstract art, but now my curiosity is peaked to find out what it is all about. Not that it would ever be my style, but I might learn to appreciate it anyway.

I still don't get the difference between what he did and the art created by that elephant.  I wouldn't be able to tell one from the other, if you showed them to me side by side even. That shows my limitations in the field of art, anyway.

By the way, the kale chips are delicious. What you do is cut out the main vein up the middle and tear in to chip size pieces. Cover them with olive oil, a tad of garlic and sprinkle with salt. Bake on a cookie sheet in a 375 degree oven for about 6 to 7 minutes.  Watch closely or they will burn.  You want them to be crisp, though. They are a great way to get your much needed dark green leafy veggies in a fun way.

Michal wasn't impressed with them, but that's okay.  More for me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Opportunistic me

Okay, a poor attempt, but I was eager to try to share the feeling of the fog on the trail this morning.  I see many things wrong, one being perspective.  I just didn't get it, but it doesn't mean I won't try again. In case you are wondering, those are cyclists on the trail. I want to be more of an impressionist, in case you are wondering.

I've decided that rather than be labeled as a minimalist, I think opportunist fits me better. It isn't that I relish living on a minimal standard.  I don't. Yes, I have a hang up with spending money on non needs.  I even woke myself up the other night stewing on that issue. But, that's another day.

But, I do like to take advantage of an opportunity when it avails itself to me.  Such as the grapefruit scenario. In fact, I picked up the last three grapefruit off the roadway this morning, since obviously no one else wanted them and they would only get run over or eaten by the ants.

Now saying that I am an opportunist isn't with the connotation that the term has taken on in resent years.  Today, it seems to imply that a person takes advantage of others and society as a whole. If they can get someone else to pay for it they will. That's not me.

The view of the word that I think applies to me is one who tries not to let opportunity escape me.  Of course, I realize I have an advantage, living during the cold months up north in the warm clime of Florida. Yet, if I were living in Montana in the winter time, after the snowfall I would be out on my cross country skies, happy as a penguin ( I don't think a lark would be happy in the snow). On a night with a full moon, I would be skiing in the moon light.

I try to take advantage of the good health I am fortunate to have and the food that I am able to buy: buying what I think is best for both of us.  I feel those are great opportunities that I don't intend to pass up.  I like to take advantage of the clothes that are in great condition that others take to resale shops, too. Why not? As you saw in yesterday's post, I'm not too proud.

I take the opportunity to recycle all that I can because it is a privilege I can use. I also take advantage of being with my friends when an opportunity is presented. We're spending girlfriend time several times in the next week.

Everyday opportunities abound and I really don't want to miss a one. Now doesn't that make me an opportunist?

Monday, January 14, 2013

My gain no lose

When I went out for my slow morning run, I right away noticed that Chuck had not been out on his bike picking up litter this morning.  Lately, I have been able to count on it and haven't had to pick up anything much,usually.

But, this morning there were water bottles ( curse the water bottles, but glad to see that Vermont has banned them) an aluminum can and Mac Donald's wraps. However, there was also bunch of grapefruit and oranges strewn along the side of the road opposite the groves. Someone had had a fun time picking and, pitching them, but not a taste for eating them, apparently.

Anyway, there I was trying to figure out how I was going to be able to pick up all the litter as well as a few of the grapefruit on my way home.  That gave me something to think about on the first 2/3rds of my trip. It helps to have something to think about when running to make the time go fast.

 I noticed that the trash can beside the trail had a full plastic bag in it, so when no one was driving by, I reached in, dumped the contents and stuck it into my pocket.

I was remembering the times that I would embarrass my kids by dumpster diving for lettuce behind the grocery stores back home when they were growing up and we were raising guinea pigs. They eat a lot of lettuce, believe me. The guinea pigs not the kids.

The first water bottle I picked up on the way back was full of tobacco spit mixed with the water ( curse the tobacco users). Icky eww! Then after a couple more bottles I was back to the fruit along the road.  After checking for on coming cars that may have someone I know in them, I grabbed up four of the grapefruit and threw them into the bag with the trash.  You can be sure that I would be washing them, as well as my hands, with a good soaping.

So after rinsing out the tobacco juice in the hose, recycling the trash and washing the grapefruit, I peeled and sectioned the first one.  And I have to say, it was mighty sweet and juicy.  Worth all the risk of being labeled a bag lady. Hope there are some left tomorrow morning. Maybe some oranges next time would be a nice treat.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Book vs movie

Since I had just finished reading The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel, I was excited about spending the afternoon watching the movie they made of it. I always like reading a book before seeing the movie make of the story, as I feel it gives much more depth to the characters. However, maybe I would have been better off not reading the book in this case, since they changed many of the characters and gave different slants to some of them and left out others I was looking forward to.

I always hate that, since I already have the characters imprinted in my mind and I have difficulty adjusting them to the new images. It is a story about people at my turn of the life cycle and what they have left of hopes and dreams. Probably not everyone would relate to it.

So, here I am out on the lanai enjoying the after glow that is gone in the blink of an eye, yet such a peaceful way to end the light of the day.  At the tennis court a young family is playing a game of baseball of sorts.  The children are hardly more than toddlers, but the parents are giving it an enthusiastic try to teach them with lots of "good try's!". Pretty cute. But, now the light has faded and the have retreated indoors for the night.

Now the light is gone and I have a husband who is probably wondering about his dinner.  I did plan ahead, though.  The pot of split pea soup awaits within.  Time to return to reality and the moment at hand.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Good Genes

After fueling up with a bowl of oatmeal with walnuts, flax seed, raisins and apple, I took a bike ride to Hernando to round out my week while Michael ran eleven miles preparing for his next half marathon in Tallahassee.  Along the way I stopped at the Hernando Farmers' Market for some tomatoes and bananas.

How can you beat locally grown organic tomatoes grown in January? The bananas were nothing to shout about, though, so only picked up a few. There was a humongous bunch of kale I was eyeing, along with another shopper.  It was the last one, but too big for either of us since this was a first try for us both.  She was telling me about how to make kale chips, which sounded intriguing. With my bent for trying most anything healthy, we happily agreed to split the bunch and I took my half home to try.

You see, I was blessed with great genes, which I don't plan to throw away any time soon.  In fact I plan to do right by them for the duration of my life.  It only seems right since, I didn't do anything to acquire them.  Just the luck of the draw of good parents. I hate to say, but my brother had the same great genes, but he chose to throw his away.  I've always been sad for his choice, since he is missing out on so much.

So I will try my half bunch of kale, sans the garlic and salt I was told that makes the chips so delicious.  Well, maybe a trace of salt and a hint of garlic. But, don't tell Michael.  However, I'm sure he sweated out enough salt on his run this morning that it will do him good.  And the garlic, too.

Friday, January 11, 2013

You Gotta Laugh

This picture is here because it makes me laugh, but sure didn't at the time.  We had just left the Vatican where I found out I had lost all of my pictures in my camera from the first three weeks of our Italy trip a few years ago. I was sooo upset and poor Michael was trying to make me feel better by taking a bunch of pictures to make up for them.  There was no way he was going to convince me that that would help.  I had lost three weeks that were gone forever!  Yet, today I can laugh at myself when I see how dour I looked.

I spent the afternoon with six of my girlfriends.  We met a Nancy's place to watch a movie that her daughter gave her for Christmas.  They were all recovering from one thing or another, so it was the first time we had spent any time together in weeks.

Anyway, the movie was Bridesmaids.  Well, we got through about the first half hour of it and decided that it just had way too much potty humor going for us. I mean really now.  I thought a good writer gives a hint of that type of scenes.  Saying too much just ruins it.  We all agreed that they got pretty carried away in the area of gross.

So we watched It's Complicated instead. Much less complicated for our blood. That made it a long afternoon with floors unmopped and no idea for dinner. Quick recovery, though.  I should have expected that Michael would cover for me in the floors department.  And I have a fritatta on the stove as we speak. Now that Michael's movie is over, it is back to life as we know it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life Is Complicated

Life is not supposed to be this complicated.We finally figured out that it is my computer on Explorer that doesn't allow me to down load pictures to my blog.  So after going to Michael's computer and using FireFox, I was able to insert a picture. But while he was figuring that out, I down loaded from his computer, then went back to mine to finish. Hopefully, we have this worked out for the future.  The picture is my something whimsical for today: a picture from our trip to Italy at a pumpkin festival we went to. I found it on Michael's computer and it brought back some fond memories of our last trip.

Finally, after eight months I got back to my painting. First, I got my green tea and muffin heated and out to the lanai.  Then, I laid out my paints, brushes and flower painting books, courtesy of  daughter Kathy from presents gone by.

Then, while I drank my tea and ate my, by the way, wonderful oatmeal muffin, I began reading the first book again from the beginning. I had forgotten so much that it was a good place to start. So today was just mainly getting my brushes wet and dabbling in the paint. Nothing worth keeping, but oh how the feeling of trying to create something again came flooding back to me!

The only thing that turned out half way was my lemon. It actually looked like a lemon. I like to paint fruits and vegetables, it seems. And flowers, too.  I think I'll focus on those and see if, with diligent practice, I can begin to produce something good enough to display. Sure I have a couple of pictures on the wall now, but they are just to fill the frames and motivate me to get to work.

I can say one thing, when you are sitting out on your lanai on a warm winter day totally immersed in creating something, life just doesn't seem very complicated anymore.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who Am I?

I tried again. Went to Picasa web, put my pictures into it and it still doesn't show those pictures there. Woe is me, but I plug along anyway.

So, I know that Rene Descartes solved the question of "do I exist?" "I am, therefore I am" or something like that. But he didn't solve the question of "who am I?"

When I look in the mirror, with all honesty towards myself, I see who I am from my perspective: a seventy, almost two, year old woman, who enjoys being busy and productive the best, loves having friends, but at the same time enjoys having my space without big obligations to hold to.

I am pretty fit, for my age and, when cleaned up, I shouldn't scare anyone who meets me for the first time. I love to learn new things and read about ideas I have never thought much about before. I consider myself to be pretty independent, not only in my thinking, but in my space. I like to make up my own mind about what I think and where I go, even though I have to admit that being married has clipped my wings as much as it has Michael's.

Now, if you were to ask Michael who I am he would say I am an enigma, probably, but that is just a female thing, typical of my gender. He never knows which way the wind is going to blow next.  My kids would probably say that, in addition to being a bit of a minimalist, I tend to be somewhat rigid about raising kids. I'm not above telling my grandkids to mind their manners and plan financial goals. But that sounds like the thinking of many grammas I've heard. My kids think I'm pretty adventurous, I think.  I hope I set a good model for them to follow.

My Italian friend would say that I need to spice up my life a bit, even if it is just to add some garlic to my cooking. She doesn't know that I am a closet garlic user, with a jar in the fridge, anyway. I think my other friends find me to be somewhat athletic and entertaining with a bent to being faithful to my religious beliefs and a hardcore recycler. I think a couple of my friends find me to be somewhat literary and respect my points of view in what we read.

Of course maybe what others see in me is only what I allow them to see or what I want them to think they see. And I expect that is probably true of most of us. Whether the perceptions are accurate or not we tend to help paint our own portrait.

See, I told you I tend to the waxing of the philosophical.  To each her own. I am who I am.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Squirrels cont.

When I passed the spot on the way to the trail where I had encountered a squirrel experience a few years ago, it brought back a memory that made me laugh once more. (Still can't get my pictures on here).

I probably recounted this story before, but it never hurts to share some humor at your own expense.  That is always the best humor, as far as I'm concerned. I have always enjoyed getting a smile out of others, even when I was a kid, and it was most often directed at myself. Some things never change.

Anyway, it was the time I saw the hawk flying over head with the squirrel in its talons. When it landed on the light post over my head and I saw the poor little squirrel squirming, trying to get lose, I had to do what I could to come to its rescue.  I can still just see myself banging on that post, yelling at the hawk to drop the squirrel.

Now there are several things that could have resulted from my lack of forethought.  One, I could have be hauled away in a paddy wagon to the loony bin, or two the SPCA could have hauled me in for cruelty to animals. First, the squirrel, if it had been dropped it wouldn't have survive the fall and second for depriving the poor hawk of his dinner.  Of course he would have had to find another squirrel so that would have meant two dead squirrels instead of one.

Sometimes, at my age, it takes a little longer to think things through to the consequences. Sounds like the problems teenagers have, too.  Anyway, all that I accomplished was to show my own foolishness to who ever happened to be driving by at the time. Well, at least if I laugh at myself first I'm ahead of anyone else.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I'm bummed.  I've been trying for the past half hour to down load a picture, using the methods I have always found that worked.  Now it looks like Blog spot has changed things for some unapparent reason and I can't down load my pictures anymore.  If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it very much. Usually, I either click the picture icon and go to my picture file or click on the actual picture and copy and paste. Not working.

You see, I have made a New Year's resolution that I think is important. I vowed to always include some item of amusement or whimsy every time I post. I know that sometimes I get too philosophical in my writing, since that is where my mind seems to naturally gravitate.

But, I realize that with all the negativism from the news media, we need to have something to smile about every day. We need something to lighten us up as well as lighten our heart along the way.

So that means I'm going to have to be ever diligent about finding something that makes me smile every day to pass along.  That has to be a good thing for me, at least. And I don't intend to use social media to find something that tickles my funny bone either.  I want to find things from my own observations around me.  Sometimes that in itself can be a challenge, but a good one for me.

So, since I can't share the picture of the cute squirrel that was joining us at our table for lunch on our camping trip, then I will have to try to paint a visual picture for you. Well, they were pretty healthy, fat looking squirrels who had obviously not missed a meal. However, they weren't as big and fat as the raccoons that were lurking around, thinking we didn't see them and waiting for us to slip up and leave something unattended for them to steal. The squirrels were cute probably because they didn't have the reputation that the raccoons had acquired from the past.

Okay, maybe I'll try again tomorrow to include my pictures. I know, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Out and In

Sometimes you find just the right thing to wear for that special occasion. How many women, and probably men too since we were in Key West at the time, have "worn" this same dress over the years?

The old year went out in grand style for our friends' set, anyway. Had a fun time at Georgia and Mike's eating and toasting the new year, then home by 10pm. We did wake up to wish each other a happy new year, anyway.

I am so blessed to have sure wonderful friends.  One for every season and reason.  Georgia has joined our group of local ladies, bringing her little more "edgy" side with her. I mean she has read 50 Shades of Gray even, which I know none of the rest of us has the nerve to read. She helps us loosen up a bit, I think.

It was great to see the amazing dancing that Janet and Nancy had going. Now these are my friends, one of which is having knee surgery next week and the other is in her 80's.  Along with Georgia, they were really in great form. That was never anything I ever felt confident about myself and gave up trying decades ago. Amazingly enough, though, Georgia even got Michael out there for a spin, of which I cut in of course.  Wasn't going to miss my one chance.

So, today was a day for taking down all the decorations and packing them away for another year. It always feels like time is moving along faster when you end the season and move on, never to return to that time again. Where will we be?  What will we be doing a year from now? What will happen through out the year unforeseen? We always hope that if it is unforeseen, it will be a welcomed surprise and not one that blindsides us.

The year will have to speak for itself.