Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Analysis Paralysis

I've been doing my own personal study of human nature lately by analyzing the trash I find along the streets when I am out in the morning for my daily constitutional. I know I have commented on the type of people who leave their litter for others to pick up for them before. But, I decided to take the study further.

The other day I didn't pick up a single piece of trash, just to see how long it would remain there before someone else picked it up.  I was pleasantly surprised that when I went by the same route three days later the Coke and Bud cans were gone. It is reassuring to know that someone else is into keeping trash off our streets, be it because they cash in the cans or what.  I don't care what the motive is, just that someone else doesn't think twice about bending over and picking up the cans.

However, I also noticed that plastic bottles that had been laying along the side of the street were often still there.  That could be for two different reasons.  One is that they usually are in pretty deplorable condition by that time and not pleasant to handle.  The other may be because we still do not have a plastics recycling operation going in town yet.  Soon, but not yet.

The last item I have been surveying is the empty Marlboro packages.  That is the predominant brand that I find.  So I let them lay there, too, for a few days after I resumed picking up the cans and plastic again. I noticed that they will remain on the street until I personally pick them up, usually. That says something, not only about the caliber of the person littering, but the motive of the picker upper of the litter.

 Personally, I don't care what it is.  I do have to think a bit about where the nearest trash can is for the trash and how far I will need to carry the recyclables before I can put them in the right bag where they belong back at home. Sometimes my route is planned so that I can be sure to pick it up on the way home. And sometimes I have to make the decision about whether to trash it if my hands get to full for the rest of the trip.

Okay, so some of my daily decisions seem pretty trite to most and the thoughts I muddle with would never enter most people's mind.  But, that's okay with me.  You all just pose an interesting challenge for me to conquer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today would have been my mom's birthday.  She would have been 97 if she had lived.  But she died eight years ago.  Hard to believe it has been that long.  I have to say that it was a blessing for her that she didn't live longer. She suffered both physically and emotionally in terrible ways. It was painful to watch that pain she experienced with every movement she made. In her last year, it was hard to stand out side of her room in the nursing home when the aides went in to turn her. You couldn't help but hear her cries, she hurt so.

  I certainly can't say how I would have dealt with the misery she had to endure everyday if it had been me. We all like to think that we could rise above the humiliation and assault to our pride, but I don't know that we would do any better. I think she was the most proud woman I ever knew and that made loss of her independence and control of her existence even more difficult for her to bear.

 Sometimes I wonder how much of her is in me and how much of her I deny in myself. I would have loved to inherit her intelligence, but I guess it wasn't to be part of my genes. She was also a stunning blonde who captured my dad's heart from the time he met her as a Sunday school teacher at his first church so many years ago in Billings. Did she have undue self confidence or was it a cover for her lack of confidence in herself?  One wonders.

However, I hate to admit it but probably I do have some of her head strongness and stubborness, if that's what you want to call it. Others may have another name for it, I'm sure. I hope that I can balance it with a sense of listening to others who may be wiser and having an inner barometer to feel the needs I see and hear in others. I hope so.  Regardless, if I am who I am because of or inspite of my mother, she was my mother and I hold her dear to my heart everyday.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I just finished watching the women's diving competition at the Olympics.  Amazing! That is what I have to say,"Amazing!"  How the human body can arise to such perfection! That is what is so wonderful about the Olympics.  How many of us ever push our body to such limits?

I talked to a lady today who had an opportunity to compete for an Olympic swim team when she was in college in the 60's. She regrets not taking that opportunity and deciding to come home instead. But she was that good. Now she competes for the challenge of her life as she battles cancer for the 9th time.

Determination.  That is what it takes, along with talent, of course.  But where would any of these athletes be without determination?  Where would any achievement, from the most amazing to the least impressive on the grand scale, be with out determination?

Coincidentally, just this morning I had a conversation with a very successful, millionaire businessman about that exact subject.  Determination.  He was commenting that that is the one factor that separates the successful from those who do not succeed at what they set out to do.  You will not succeed without it.

He referred to me and my determination to succeed with the plastics' recycling project. It is my determination that will make it happened he said.  He believes in me.

I happened to then recall the poster that Michael insists on having up on the wall in our den in Florida. Not very decorative, I always thought. A picture of a runner, of course, with the one word, "Determination". Think I'll keep it there.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Young at heart forever

I have an axe to grind. My older than I sister keeps saying that we(our generation) can't get down(I don't mean groove either) on the ground or we forget what we are doing because we are "old".  I just cringe when I hear that.  Not because I have a problem with getting old, but because I just don't associate with that description. I can still get down, both literally and figuratively, with no problem.  And I don't believe I have any more memory thing going on than anyone at any age.  I never did have a great memory and never will.  Just not my strong suit.

I realize that we all think of ourselves as at least ten years younger than our chronological age.  That is probably why so often we look kind of silly to the general public being the inner person that we are. They see the mismatch, we see ourselves from the inside out. That isn't a problem until you get older looking and people see this younger than they would view appropriate behavior being exhibited.

Now they are confused with the mismatch and don't know whether to take you seriously or attribute it to getting a bit eccentric in your advancing years.  I say let us all be.  The youthful in years who have an unleashed show of glee and expression for life should be no more or less acceptable than the more advanced in age doing likewise. We  are our inner being.  If it is "old" than you are old.  Likewise, if you feel young, than you are young. And I intend to be a 99 year old young person some day and proud of it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Idle hands ...

You learn a lot about your self when you have some down time. It takes me a while to find a meaningful groove again.  I have completed all of my projects for the summer, except, of course the on going ROWL project. It is in a holding pattern right now, due to the fact that the Recycle Systems salesman, Greg, is in South America for over two weeks on vacation. Obviously he doesn't intend to do any business while there, as he hasn't answered our counter offer for the 42" Harmony baler he offered us.

Once we buy that, we will be ready to go full steam ahead with our plastics program. However, at this moment all I can do is sit and wait. It's like the first domino effect.  Once it leans over to the next one it starts the whole thing moving. Get the baler, then buy the flat bed with the money left with the money from Jack, with, hopefully enough left over to buy the generator.  Then I can get the figure for the insurance and start applying for grants for the educational aspect of the program and we can schedule our first drive. Amen

So I have some time on my hands.  I've been lugging 28 pounds in a backpack up and down the street and trail leading out of town to get into shape for the backpack trip with my daughter, Kathy, in August. But, then I go around the house and tweak things, evidence that I need to get busy with another project.

So today I found out we have a window in one of the closed businesses in town offered to us to promote ROWL for free. The pharmacy is closed, but the empty window will work perfectly for out plastic display.  My next project, just what I needed in the nick of time, I'm working on making a woman out of milk jugs and water bottles.  We'll see how it works out.  When it is finished, I'll include a picture in my blog for you all to make a judgement on. I just don't do well with idle time on my hands, but it doesn't take me long to come up with something to gnaw on.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A marathon Day Ahead

Got to get a word in today, because I'll be hitting the ground running tomorrow.  First thing in the morning I need to load up the car with everything we will need to go out to the Relay for Life site, clean up the area and get our sign posted so everyone will know we are basically there for the event. Then rush back to the church to meet with the church auditor, who is in town for the morning, to get some ROWL answers.  This is where some of the questions I didn't even know about asking are hopefully answered for us: bookkeeping system, payroll issues, equipment and others I'm sure I haven't thought about.

Then, I need to rush home and put on my first official t-shirt for the day, ROWL, to wear to the reception being held at the Lewistown Art Center. I need to be there to answer questions abut the ROWL program that is being presented through my display there.  That will take me up to 4:00 in the afternoon when I will leave to change into my next t-shirt for the day, Relay for Life.

I will unload everything from the car to finish setting up the Relay site with tables, flea market items, t-shirts, etc. That has to be completed by 5:00 before the team members begin to arrive. From there on it is a marathon of activities for the evening until we go home around 6:00 the next morning. 

How I handle the next day will depend on how I've handled the night before.  There is a 9:00am  memorial church service I would like to attend, but do need to think about reserving some energy for the son, daughter-in-law, and grand kids arriving that afternoon for a five day visit.

Many a day I'm sure I annoy people with my A type personality.  However, this is going to be one of those days that will definitely require that kind of energy to survive to the finish line. Do I get a finisher's medal?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm Back!

It is evening and I am enjoying sitting out on the porch.  I just finished reading Teacher Man by Frank Mc Court who died this year. He talked about how we all have writing going on in our head all the time.  Our life thoughts and happenings.  I agree with that for myself, anyway.  So, as I sit out here enjoying the summer evening, I once again could not resist the urge to share my musings.

It isn't often that I take the time to sit out here and just marvel at my flowers growing on the porch.  I planted some zinnia sets this spring that have finally opened.  I had no idea what colors they would be and am totally amazed that in the pot that holds three plants each flower is a different color: a golden yellow, an orangish, red and a hot pinkish one.  It fascinates me that the colors turned out so perfectly without my hand in it at all.  They are a perfect combination just by chance.

I checked out my cherry tomato plant, too and noticed  that I finally have one tiny tomato starting to form. How I baby my tomato plant!  It must be the farmer in me trying to get out. I tried Early Girls and Beef Steaks before, but have a special affinity for those sweet little cherry tomatoes.

As I finished my book, I noticed the gay couple from the brick apartments walking by. The big gal was using a white cane now as she walked.  Her more masculine partner protectively walked beside her as she worked her cane. I knew she was losing her eye sight for the past year, noticing how she avoided the daytime sun. I am moved by the commitment these two people have for each other. If others could do as well.

An elderly woman just walked by with her even more elderly mother for an evening stroll. They were obviously enjoying each other's company very much on this pleasant evening. I like to think that will be me some day.