Friday, July 13, 2012

A marathon Day Ahead

Got to get a word in today, because I'll be hitting the ground running tomorrow.  First thing in the morning I need to load up the car with everything we will need to go out to the Relay for Life site, clean up the area and get our sign posted so everyone will know we are basically there for the event. Then rush back to the church to meet with the church auditor, who is in town for the morning, to get some ROWL answers.  This is where some of the questions I didn't even know about asking are hopefully answered for us: bookkeeping system, payroll issues, equipment and others I'm sure I haven't thought about.

Then, I need to rush home and put on my first official t-shirt for the day, ROWL, to wear to the reception being held at the Lewistown Art Center. I need to be there to answer questions abut the ROWL program that is being presented through my display there.  That will take me up to 4:00 in the afternoon when I will leave to change into my next t-shirt for the day, Relay for Life.

I will unload everything from the car to finish setting up the Relay site with tables, flea market items, t-shirts, etc. That has to be completed by 5:00 before the team members begin to arrive. From there on it is a marathon of activities for the evening until we go home around 6:00 the next morning. 

How I handle the next day will depend on how I've handled the night before.  There is a 9:00am  memorial church service I would like to attend, but do need to think about reserving some energy for the son, daughter-in-law, and grand kids arriving that afternoon for a five day visit.

Many a day I'm sure I annoy people with my A type personality.  However, this is going to be one of those days that will definitely require that kind of energy to survive to the finish line. Do I get a finisher's medal?

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