Friday, July 27, 2012

Young at heart forever

I have an axe to grind. My older than I sister keeps saying that we(our generation) can't get down(I don't mean groove either) on the ground or we forget what we are doing because we are "old".  I just cringe when I hear that.  Not because I have a problem with getting old, but because I just don't associate with that description. I can still get down, both literally and figuratively, with no problem.  And I don't believe I have any more memory thing going on than anyone at any age.  I never did have a great memory and never will.  Just not my strong suit.

I realize that we all think of ourselves as at least ten years younger than our chronological age.  That is probably why so often we look kind of silly to the general public being the inner person that we are. They see the mismatch, we see ourselves from the inside out. That isn't a problem until you get older looking and people see this younger than they would view appropriate behavior being exhibited.

Now they are confused with the mismatch and don't know whether to take you seriously or attribute it to getting a bit eccentric in your advancing years.  I say let us all be.  The youthful in years who have an unleashed show of glee and expression for life should be no more or less acceptable than the more advanced in age doing likewise. We  are our inner being.  If it is "old" than you are old.  Likewise, if you feel young, than you are young. And I intend to be a 99 year old young person some day and proud of it.

1 comment:

  1. I always have to think twice when I tell people I am almost 50 ('cause that sounds OLD). I only feel like I am almost 40 except after an extended day at the pottery wheel and doing home remodel projects; then I feel almost 60!
