Thursday, July 26, 2012

Idle hands ...

You learn a lot about your self when you have some down time. It takes me a while to find a meaningful groove again.  I have completed all of my projects for the summer, except, of course the on going ROWL project. It is in a holding pattern right now, due to the fact that the Recycle Systems salesman, Greg, is in South America for over two weeks on vacation. Obviously he doesn't intend to do any business while there, as he hasn't answered our counter offer for the 42" Harmony baler he offered us.

Once we buy that, we will be ready to go full steam ahead with our plastics program. However, at this moment all I can do is sit and wait. It's like the first domino effect.  Once it leans over to the next one it starts the whole thing moving. Get the baler, then buy the flat bed with the money left with the money from Jack, with, hopefully enough left over to buy the generator.  Then I can get the figure for the insurance and start applying for grants for the educational aspect of the program and we can schedule our first drive. Amen

So I have some time on my hands.  I've been lugging 28 pounds in a backpack up and down the street and trail leading out of town to get into shape for the backpack trip with my daughter, Kathy, in August. But, then I go around the house and tweak things, evidence that I need to get busy with another project.

So today I found out we have a window in one of the closed businesses in town offered to us to promote ROWL for free. The pharmacy is closed, but the empty window will work perfectly for out plastic display.  My next project, just what I needed in the nick of time, I'm working on making a woman out of milk jugs and water bottles.  We'll see how it works out.  When it is finished, I'll include a picture in my blog for you all to make a judgement on. I just don't do well with idle time on my hands, but it doesn't take me long to come up with something to gnaw on.

1 comment:

  1. i like the recycle art idea. look on the internet and I bet you can find alot of other fun ideas.
