Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This and That plus ps note

Sorry the video didn't work yesterday.  Until further instruction, I will abandon the idea.  However, in the mean time, while I wait for Michael to finish ordering another pair of running shoes on the Internet, I will up load a couple of my latest. I'm doing a lot of experimenting to figure out my own style. Eventually, I will find my identity in my art work, where ever that may be.

We are supposed to be headed out for some kayaking this morning, if we ever get it together.  There is a lot of "first I have tos" going on.  But now that he has his shoes on order and I have my yoga and blog started for the day, I think we are finally in gear.

Yesterday, was clean out the closet day, according to Michael.  So I got that out of the way early enough.  A difficult thing for me to do.  Not the organizing part , but the parting part.  Parting with items that I just know I will be ruing that I threw out the the next day.

Not difficult for Michael, however. In fact I usually monitor what he is throwing out since I deem most of it stuff he should keep. If he doesn't wear something for a couple of months, he figures he never will.  Where as, even if I have clothes that are 20 years old, I can still see where they might fit into my future wardrobe. They might not fit, but I can usually convince myself there is always another day to work on it.

So I made some rash decisions.  Will I ever be able to fit into that dress again that I bought for my grandson's wedding?  I know it was only six years ago, but it really isn't very flattering on this body anymore. I really don't want to go around trying to suck it in.  What if I relax?  Not a pretty sight.
So that one begrudgingly  had to go.

 Also the running shorts.  They can go to someone who has better legs than I have.  I think I'd better stick to the longer style.

Well, I hear the man going into action mode, so better get into gear. Enough of this and that.

Post note:  So much for the kayak ride. First thing I did, getting into my kayak was turn it over.  With me in it. I went under and came up with a nose full of yucky water. I know how I did it, but it still took me by surprise. My advise for anyone getting into your kayak is hold on to the dock.  I didn't.

Michael helped ]pull me out, but he just couldn't stifle the laugh fast enough. I  have to admit, I looked pretty pathetic, all wet and cold, as I sloshed back to the house with remnants of the lake falling off me. He tried to take a picture so you could share in his laugh, but the camera wouldn't work.  It went into the lake with me.

After a hot shower and blowing all the lake water out of my nose, though, you will be glad to know that I am just fine. No more kayaking for me today, though. 


  1. ugh!!!!
    Though I do like her paintings especially the purple one.
