Monday, January 7, 2013


I'm bummed.  I've been trying for the past half hour to down load a picture, using the methods I have always found that worked.  Now it looks like Blog spot has changed things for some unapparent reason and I can't down load my pictures anymore.  If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it very much. Usually, I either click the picture icon and go to my picture file or click on the actual picture and copy and paste. Not working.

You see, I have made a New Year's resolution that I think is important. I vowed to always include some item of amusement or whimsy every time I post. I know that sometimes I get too philosophical in my writing, since that is where my mind seems to naturally gravitate.

But, I realize that with all the negativism from the news media, we need to have something to smile about every day. We need something to lighten us up as well as lighten our heart along the way.

So that means I'm going to have to be ever diligent about finding something that makes me smile every day to pass along.  That has to be a good thing for me, at least. And I don't intend to use social media to find something that tickles my funny bone either.  I want to find things from my own observations around me.  Sometimes that in itself can be a challenge, but a good one for me.

So, since I can't share the picture of the cute squirrel that was joining us at our table for lunch on our camping trip, then I will have to try to paint a visual picture for you. Well, they were pretty healthy, fat looking squirrels who had obviously not missed a meal. However, they weren't as big and fat as the raccoons that were lurking around, thinking we didn't see them and waiting for us to slip up and leave something unattended for them to steal. The squirrels were cute probably because they didn't have the reputation that the raccoons had acquired from the past.

Okay, maybe I'll try again tomorrow to include my pictures. I know, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

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