Sunday, January 13, 2013

Book vs movie

Since I had just finished reading The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel, I was excited about spending the afternoon watching the movie they made of it. I always like reading a book before seeing the movie make of the story, as I feel it gives much more depth to the characters. However, maybe I would have been better off not reading the book in this case, since they changed many of the characters and gave different slants to some of them and left out others I was looking forward to.

I always hate that, since I already have the characters imprinted in my mind and I have difficulty adjusting them to the new images. It is a story about people at my turn of the life cycle and what they have left of hopes and dreams. Probably not everyone would relate to it.

So, here I am out on the lanai enjoying the after glow that is gone in the blink of an eye, yet such a peaceful way to end the light of the day.  At the tennis court a young family is playing a game of baseball of sorts.  The children are hardly more than toddlers, but the parents are giving it an enthusiastic try to teach them with lots of "good try's!". Pretty cute. But, now the light has faded and the have retreated indoors for the night.

Now the light is gone and I have a husband who is probably wondering about his dinner.  I did plan ahead, though.  The pot of split pea soup awaits within.  Time to return to reality and the moment at hand.

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