Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Out and In

Sometimes you find just the right thing to wear for that special occasion. How many women, and probably men too since we were in Key West at the time, have "worn" this same dress over the years?

The old year went out in grand style for our friends' set, anyway. Had a fun time at Georgia and Mike's eating and toasting the new year, then home by 10pm. We did wake up to wish each other a happy new year, anyway.

I am so blessed to have sure wonderful friends.  One for every season and reason.  Georgia has joined our group of local ladies, bringing her little more "edgy" side with her. I mean she has read 50 Shades of Gray even, which I know none of the rest of us has the nerve to read. She helps us loosen up a bit, I think.

It was great to see the amazing dancing that Janet and Nancy had going. Now these are my friends, one of which is having knee surgery next week and the other is in her 80's.  Along with Georgia, they were really in great form. That was never anything I ever felt confident about myself and gave up trying decades ago. Amazingly enough, though, Georgia even got Michael out there for a spin, of which I cut in of course.  Wasn't going to miss my one chance.

So, today was a day for taking down all the decorations and packing them away for another year. It always feels like time is moving along faster when you end the season and move on, never to return to that time again. Where will we be?  What will we be doing a year from now? What will happen through out the year unforeseen? We always hope that if it is unforeseen, it will be a welcomed surprise and not one that blindsides us.

The year will have to speak for itself.

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