Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ahh, the sun, the sun!

How good it is to see the sun again after all the rainy, cold days we have had for sooo long!  It was like a flower opening to the sun when I when out for a long walk this afternoon.  I was soon peeling off layers as the sun grew warmer.  I would never complain.  Actually, it is only 58 degrees out, but the sun makes it feel much warmer when you are out under it.  I hear this is it again for a while, as the rainy weather returns in the days ahead. We can't even get our annual plants in.  Heck, it'll be fall before we get them in at this rate.

I've started on my projects for the Relay.  The banners for the parade of teams are all designed and are layed out on the floor in the living room as I put them together.  Michael is so good about walking over and around them and hasn't complain a bit, yet.  I know how much things like that can bother him, but he isn't showing any stress, yet.  Guess I'd better not push it and gather everything up tonight.  He wasn't here last year when I was working on my projects, so this is new to him. 

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