Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why is it?

Why is it that people won't recycle even when there is a recycling bin they pass on the way to work or even picked up at their own home? Sure, it is their American, God given right not to, but where is their American, God given responsibility to preserving this American, God given planet Earth?

Why is it that if one political party espouses that it loves our country  assumes that the other party must not love it as much?  Can't we have differing views of how to fix things without defaming the other view? Often the answer to a problem lies somewhere in the middle. Extremes are seldom the best answer. Yet if a politician dares even imply that possibility he sees things a little more broadly, he is lambasted by his party.  Oh, politics!

Why is it that many people feel they have a right to "justifiable hate" of groups of people or individuals and say they are Bible believing Christians?  Yet the Bible explicitly says to love your neighbor, no ifs ands or buts about it?

Well, these are just some things I've been wondering about.

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