Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer's warming up

The summer is warming up in more ways than one.  Not only do we finally have some real summer weather(actually right on cue), but it's getting pretty busy around here.  Michael is dealing with all of my busyness pretty well, but I can sense he misses the neat and tidy daily routine that hasn't been part of his life recently. 

Since I gave in( I really swore I would not do it this year) and took on the Team leadership for Relay for Life I have gone alittle crazy.  One idea generates another until it all snowballs into one big avalanche of activity.  We now have 25 members on our team(not much money coming in but an eager bunch), which leads to big communication logistics. Some have email addresses, some have old ones that don't work, some have phone numbers that don't work either.  Some are in church on Sunday, some aren't.

We have some spirited old gals who I don't want to squelsh their enthusiasm.  One said,"We should sing a song on the stage".  So, I wrote new lyrics for "Over the Rainbow" (Sorry Judy Garland). We have a huge banner I made.  I thought it was good enough until my sister said it would be better lined(it's a rainbow of fabric with painted words. So I lined it.  Then I made another one for the in memory of and lined that one, too.  One said we needed a bell.  So we have a big bell to ring.  Guess it will fit in some how.

Well, that wasn't enough.  So I said we needed to be in the 4th of July parade.  So now we have been making a huge rainbow of individual tissue paper flowers.  (I'm sure Michael loved having two big refrigerator boxes spread out on the living room floor).  And streamers made out of rainbow colored tulle for them to wave as they sit on the truck.  Then, of course you need a truck and people to decorate the truck and people to ride in the truck and people to walk beside the truck and pass out candy to the kids and pass out a flyer to the parents (which had to be written and produced).  Then I figured we needed music on the float.  So we're going to get Judy to sing(burned CD, of course). The bell will work there, I guess, too.  Then we had someone with an American flag.  So we'll throw that on the float somewhere, too.

But, that has all been put aside for now because more important things are coming, starting tomorrow, for a few days.  Two of my daughters and two of my grandkids.  That is pretty special since I don't get to spend much time with them.  They are worth being busy about. 

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