Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I don't get it

I was having a conversation with someone about their deteriorating sidewalk.  That person said they couldn't get it fixed because their taxes would go up.  Ok, I get increased property value taxes go up and we dispute why, just because we are improving the property. So you let your property become an eyesore and increase the chances of a law suit if someone trips on your sidewalk because you don't want to pay a few extra dollars to fix it up.  Sure, no one wants to pay more taxes for the sake of paying more taxes.  But, we treat taxes as a curse that we avoid at any cost and in the process we miss out on things we really want.

We want our kids to have the best education, yet we vote down mil levies.  Then vital programs have to be cut and our kids suffer.  Oh, we say, kids don't need foreign languages, music, arts and PE as much as I need my extra cup of Starbucks  that would pay for them. These are the things that make a society great and our citizens educated, vital thinkers.  A society crumbles without these things that give it sustenance.

Why are taxes so demonized without any regard for the fact that, when carefully monitored, they really can help our society be a better place?  Sure, we need to be very critical about how they are used and assessed.  We need to be discerning, sure, but not closed minded abut taxes without thinking if we are cutting off our own noses.

Well, I hope you get the point and I'm sure this will ruffle feathers.  Good, that means we have something to discuss.

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