Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Don't believe it!

I went to lunch with my girl friends today for our before Christmas get together.  I had a delightful Ahi tuna salad. Since it was still early in the day, we went over to Nancy's for tea and a chat.

After my morning run, I was cleaning up for my luncheon date and decided to try a tip I got from the Dr. Oz show.  He said to put olive oil in the cream rinse after washing your hair, then just rinse it out.  It would not only give your hair a beautiful shine, but also protect it from damage done by frequent washing.

That part made perfect sense, but I should have trusted my instincts about just rinsing it all out. By the time I had dried it and tried to style my hair, I knew it was a huge mistake.  My hair was a greasy mess.  But it was too late to rewash it and dry it once again.  So I tried baking soda and blotting it.  No improvement seen.  Time was up, time to leave and there I was, looking as if my head had been basted.

I tried to explain what had happened as soon as they saw me.  They reserved comment.  At least they aren't phonies and didn't make comments about how becoming it was.  One just said," Well I must say, I do prefer your hair the way it usually looks".  At least they didn't try to ditch me at the restaurant or any thing.

That's the thing about friends at this point of my life. They accept you, warts and all. When I was a teenager trying to find where I fit in, I never really did.  I was always on the fringes of the in crowd.  They included me in most events, but not on the "you are my best friend category". Maybe that was from being a late comer to the group, I don't know.  Now when I say that to those old classmates they say they can't believe I felt that way.  I think they are just saying that to be nice.

When I was in Germany, I had lots of friends again, but sometimes I had the feeling that I was included because they needed one more person to fill the car or share a room when traveling.

Now, my friends are all different with different interests and ideals, but we all get along just fine.  We just don't talk about politics or religion much. And their remarks are kind.

1 comment:

  1. I cringe when I have a patient come in and say "I saw on Dr. Oz...". I think I'll pass on his beauty tips.
