Friday, December 9, 2011

I stand corrected- not Brad Pitt

I quickly realized last night, as the movie began, that Water For Elephants does not star Brad Pitt.  I don't know where I got that idea, except sometimes our perceptions of reality can be a bit off. Anyway, the leading man had nice eyes.

As so often is true, what we hold to be fact is only an illusion of our own perception, easily distorted, of the situation. That's why politics is such a crock. All this posturing, you don't know if they really believe what they are saying, or if they are just trying to play games with our minds and convince us that what they are saying is true. I never have believe that this is a black and white world, anyway, just shades of gray.

Michael called this morning telling me that he woke to a flat tire this morning. He tried changing it, but it went flat again.  He tried another spare that he had with him and it went flat, too.  He tried the old repair kit that he has carried around for ever, but that didn't work either. 

The next time that I heard from him he was walking along the side of the road to the next town.  He said he should be there in about an hour.  Next call, there was no bike shop in town, but he found a True Value and was able to buy a couple of new tires and a new patch kit.  That's what happens when you don't replace old spares that have been in the hot garage for several summers.  They just don't hold up.  Go figure. They're rubber. The garage gets very hot.

Some things it just doesn't pay to be conservative about.

1 comment:

  1. I just talked to a bike expert and he said it's not the heat that ruins the spare tube but the friction of riding around in the seat bag. It wears holes in them. Just so you know....
