Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Michael left on his bike trip today.

I don't give tests to see what people remember about my past blog entries, but I will check myself to be sure I have explained things carefully enough, though.  I had said that I like to collect the wasted shower water to put on my plants outside.  They appreciate it and it beats hauling the hose around to the other side of the house.

Michael left at 8 this morning for his bike trip to Key West. After a hearty breakfast and packing several P&B sandwiches,(all provided by yours truly I need not add) he was off without much of a hitch.  Just a last minute reminder to put on some sun screen and he was off, with only a slight wobble when he tried to throw his leg over all his gear packed on the back of his bike.

So I headed out onto the lake in my kayak, since it was such a calm, warm day(the warmest in the nation yesterday, by the way. I'm not complaining). It was so peaceful, with just the rhythmic sound of my paddle dipping into the water most of the time. Except for the occasional air boat roaring by somewhere in the lake.  I absolutely hate those things and can't imagine why in the world anyone would need to use one in the lake.  The everglades ok, but not in the lake. We hear them late into the evening when we are trying to relax for the day and they don't even need to be very close for their loud, obnoxious noise to be heard.

I paddled to all the places I have seen gators in the past, but they must be asleep under the banks, I guess.  Didn't anyone tell them it was the hot spot in the  nation yesterday? Anyway, it was a great way to get some upper body, recreational excersize for the day.

Where I didn't find gators, I did find alot of trash to clean up.  I had so many plastic bottles and sandwich bags in my boat, there was hardly enough room for me by the time I got back to the dock. What, I'm supposed to thank people for allowing me to have my altruistic experience for the day?  I'd rather do that by getting my Christmas cards written(hope people appreciate them, anyway) today.

Just two things to remember when you go out in your kayak. 1. Don't drink too much water and  2. remember, you have to paddle back, too.  Hope Michael remembers that on his trip.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, sorry I must have missed the entry about watering the plants. I didn't realize I was being graded.
    Did you know they make recycled aluminum foil? I just bought some so haven't made a comparison yet.
