Monday, December 26, 2011

Back on Track

We're getting back to our old routines again.  That's not really a bad thing, really. I went out for a four mile trudge, far from what I usually call a trot.  I stopped after the first mile for water, the second mile for a stretch and the third for another drink of water, all good excuses for a bit of rest. It is like a train that has jumped its track and is slowly getting back on, two wheels at a time.  Once all wheels are back on, it is smooth riding from then on usually.  Until the next derailment, of course. It takes so little time to get out of shape and so much more effort to get it back together again, the older I get. That's incentive enough to keep those intervals of time as short as possible.

Don't know what to do about all the tempting, bad choices that have entered our home over the holidays. It didn't help that Santa added to them.  Michael got not one, but two boxes of Whitman chocolates from the big guy. He really is a bad influence, but what would you expect when you look at the size of him.  Guess I should make my next project improving Santa's choices, but what would be the fun of that at Christmas time?  So, I suppose a good place to unload a lot of the sweets is on my friends, when they come over or at the monthly social at the pool on Thursday evening.  With a friend like me who needs enemies?  Actually, I'll bet I'm not the only one with that idea.

So, I'm ready to roll.  I intend to devote a good segment of my afternoon today to writing an article for the Lewistown Argus titled: Recycle Lewistown:  A vision for 2012. I hope it gets a lot of the locals' attention and some buzz going to generate some excitement in the community about the prospects that lay ahead for them. I intend to put a few of the reticent ones on the spot by reminding them of their initial commitment at the meeting they had in November. Sometimes, that is just what they need to wake them up.  Once a few of their constituents start to put the pressure on them, I think they will either get busy or come looking for me.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we couldn't stay to help with all the goodies. It was an awesome Christmas dinner. Everything was lovely.
