Sunday, March 4, 2012

Here we go again

Michael in his latest race shirt, neon yellow. Makes your eyes hurt looking at him. Actually, he should wear neon all the time. He has a way of blending into a crowd when I am looking for him. He seems to relish the fact that I can look right at him and miss seeing him completely.

Let's see, today is Sunday so I am allowed to sermonize. Here is my message. If you put all your trust in yourself or things, you will fail. You will fail to stay sober, and you will fail to have inner peace.

Those who achieve riches, but only believe in themselves, will not achieve happiness with those riches. Having things without good relationships leaves you empty, as evidenced with Howard Hughes and all his millions. Those who rely on their good looks to succeed will eventually discover their looks will fade and they are left empty. Living with your faith in the bottle leaves you with nothing more than an empty bottle and an empty soul.

To feel the peace that passes understanding you need to have faith in a higher being; God. Faith can be difficult to grasp; believing that there is a power so great. Believing in something so powerful yet taking faith to truly grasp. Actually, we spend our life trying to better understand who God is. It is truly an enigma, yet the evidence is there for all to see, if you truly want to see.

Just having the faith of a mustard seed, that grows into a huge tree, is all it takes. Yet that kind of faith is all it takes to gain the strength to live a truly rich, full, and lasting life. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I akways try to comment but i am going to have to pass this time. I did get out our pictures from our first trip to Florida...seems like yesterday but the kids were amazingly little then!
