Monday, January 2, 2012

Here we go again!

Since I had intended to use my blog originally to discuss and show my work from my watercolor classes and how it develops over time, and since I am starting up with a new teacher this week, I thought I should display some of my previous work.  That way we can all appreciate the improvement, hopefully.  Hopefully, I'll improve and hopefully, you'll appreciate seeing the results. 

Elaine, emailed me about taking up the captain position with our Relay for Life team again this year.  I begged off, with the reality that I really do have a plate full right now, trying to get this recycling project off the ground.  So what happens?  As I am lying in bed before sleep took over last night, I had brain storms going off in my head.  You get me started and I just can't turn it off.  Of course, going out for my run in the morning really gets the oxygen flowing, generating an over load of thoughts.

So, what do you all think of this idea?  The theme this year is magic from the national organization.  So I thought of taking that idea and twisting it around to: "It's not magic, it's not voodoo, it's just what you do".  Or something along that line.  Then we would be  walking education boards, showing all the things you can do to prevent getting cancer i.e. eat your veggies, go for a walk, get a colonoscopy, stop smoking, eat lean meats, eat your fruit, avoid chemicals, get a mamogram.  You get the idea.  Then we write a rap or song and demonstrate the lesson. 

There is much more to all this, but we'll just save some of the ideas for later.  Don't want to overwhelm everyone with it all.  Just so that I can keep straight where I'm going, when  I need to get there, with what and with whom.  That can't be all that hard to do.


  1. I totally did not see these paintings. Where are they hanging? They are beautiful. You should be proud.
