Sunday, January 22, 2012

A rose is a rose

I thought these roses that Michael's son, Dax and his daughter sent me were absolutely gorgeous. I told him I plan to try my hand at painting them, understanding that I certainly won't be able to do them the justice they deserve.  The colors are so variegated that it will be a fun study to try.   After seeing the watercolor work for sale at the festival yesterday, I realize how far I have to go before my work will be acceptable for display in any ones home.  It is not my intention to ever sell my work, but I would like to be good enough to feel that I can give a piece  to one of my children without fearing it will end up in the attic.   That is my only goal, actually and what a challenge that will be.

The paper today had an interesting article about Ft. Hood, Texas.  They have enbarked on a recycling endeavor with the goal of one hundred percent recycled waste.  That is quite an undertaking and admirable, to say the least.  What they can't reuse or recycle they will use to generate energy.  They will work with the surrounding communities to combine their efforts for the greatest efficiency and profit.  Then, they will share their program for implementation with other bases.  So encouraging to hear about such a positive effort being undertaken by our own military installations that can become the model for us all. Recycling is becoming the norm where ever you look today.

I had an interesting e mail from a friend today.  She had done her own little research project and found that, contrary to what we may believe, there are many products on our shelves that cost the same, if not less, than those made by other countries.  We just need to do some comparison shopping when at the store.  I know I intend to start, not only looking at nurtional information, but the manufactoring trail of each product. I really would like to help our own work force out the best way I can.

Now, I'm going to have to start taking my meals along with me on my shopping trips, it'll take so long.  

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