Thursday, May 17, 2012


My first attempt at Tao painting technique from a book given to me by my daughter, Kathy, for Mother's Day. This style really speaks to m,e as I love impressionism over realism. Of course, you realize that being my first try, this one is not ready for the big time. But I intend to keep at it and see where it goes over time. It is such fun to see how the water, paint and I work together.  Thanks, Kathy, for once again helping expand your mom's horizons.

Kathy has been working in that regard for years since I reached retirement.  First she got me started with spinning wool with just a little drop bobber (don't remember the word for it) yarn spinner.  That was fun, but admittedly slow for producing much yarn at a time. 

Next she got me going with a spinning wheel.  That was fun, too.  Except I was producing all this wool without any idea of what to do with it. I dyed it lots of pretty colors on the stove using many different types of dye from kool aid to chokecherry juice. So the next logical step was to introduce me to weaving by going with me to a weaving workshop in Gt. Falls. I thought I had found my use for the yarn and my niche.  However, since I have a short attention span and like instant gratification and I didn't know what I would do with all the woven wool things, living in Florida, it wasn't long until I had offered the loom to her to expand her horizons.

Finally, she tried again and bought me a watercolor instruction kit with book, paints, brushes and paper. I was thrilled, because I had always wanted to be an artist, following in my mom's footsteps. So from that time on I have dabbled in painting, trying various techniques and styles in the attempt to find my zone.  I've taken classes now and then with teachers who each had their own style and technique. I was hoping that eventually I would be able to identify with one that was right for me. I think maybe I have finally found my expression for my thirst to try to be creative at last.  Time, as always, will tell.

1 comment:

  1. ooohhh...I love the painting!!!! Beautiful!!
    Tell Charlotte to look at it...she loves blue.
