Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy, Happy New Year!

We're home and now it is time to update my blog as I sit on the lanai and enjoy the balmy weather after returning from Montana in a blizzard.  We are sooo lucky to leave there as the coold weather roared in and arrive after the cold spell let go of Florida. Sometimes I just have to pinch myself.

Anyway, Christmas was soo wonderful!  It was soo great to be with my family.  I have spent Christmas with my family twice in over 20 years and, believe me, you really gain an appreciation.  Christmas 2010 will always stand out as memorable. In fact I would have to say that I was giddily happy the whole week and probably drove everyone crazy or they thought I was crazy at least. 

Everything was wonderful, from the little Christmas tree Anne lent to us so we would look festive to the time I  had with each person.  And to top it off, I had the glorious experience of cross country skiing at the country club at night under the full moon with Anne and her friends. Two times!  I just had to stop each time they were catching up, since they were on snowshoes, and soak in all the beauty.

It was great to have everyone go to church with us, too. It's just a little church, no bigger than a chapel, so it doesn't take much to fill it up.  The luminaries led a path through the snow to the door and the inside was beautifully decorated.  It was such a surprise, since there are so few people left in the congregation since they lost their priest (my friend who died recently).  Anyway, I have to believe the message from the visiting priest was so true.  The veil between heaven (the spiritual world) and Earth (man's world) must be very thin at Christmas time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2000 miles!

Originally, my intent with this blog was to share some of Michael's running info, but realize I haven't done that so far.  So today is dedicated to Michael's goal, completing 2000 miles for the year.  Well, he has 100 miles to go and with some traveling and Christmas in there he may find it a challenge.  I wouldn't doubt he'll be out there New Year's Eve running around the neighborhood for hours to get those last miles completed.  Now, understand that 2000 is not a vague number by any means.  He has a GPS watch that lets him know down to the fraction of a mile where he is with this.  He'll come in and say he ran 6.1 miles and has to go around again to get .6 more of a mile so that__, you get the picture.  Say one thing, he is dedicated to his running is an under statment.  You have to admire anyone who can have that much dedication to something.  That's passion!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chilly Mornings

The last two mornings have been pretty cool around here.  Oh I know it has been cold across most of the nation, but remember we aren't used to it like the rest of you.  Anyway, it actually felt pretty good with the coldness on my face as my body heated up on the runs. Sure is sparse on the trail tho.  Separates the men from the boys as they say.  Don't know where that puts me, but I missed seeing some of the regulars who apparently aren't as hardy.

Zoey hasn't been around with her owers.  I'm sure if she were to be asked she would have been right out there.  I did see a man who looked like Santa on vacation, tho.  I wanted to ask him if he was the big man himself, but figured he gets asked that alot and wouldn't see the humor.

The pickers were picking the oranges in the orchard today.  They move pretty fast through the trees on their ladders braced against the trees.  I couldn't understand them, even with my broken spanish.  I'm sure they were saying something about how glad they were to be working even if it was as cold as ___ out there. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I went to visit Jenny at the nursing home and bring her communion today.  She is a funny lady.  She doesn't want you to come too early, during her lunch or too late, during her afternoon nap. She wants you to skip most of the already abreviated service, and doesn't want the wine, since she allergic.  Some people find Jenny difficult to deal with, but I don't.  I love her spirit.  Even tho she is at the mercy of her care providers, she is always in control.  Kinda like my mom was.  I like that.  I hope that is the way it is for me if , God forbid, I end up like Jenny. 

Jenny said her birthday is Tuesday.  She'll be 76. My gosh, that is only 6 years older than I am!  All I can say is I sure count my blessings each day that I have good health and the ability to basically make decisions for myself.  Walking thru the halls of a nursing home sure does make you grateful for each day you have and the hope for more of the same.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Been awhile, sorry

I've been pretty busy lately with holiday preps and all the other to dos. Michael had a Jingle Bell run today that I opted out of.  I did run downtown to it and around to get my 5 in and cheer him on, tho. Just not competitive any more.  I like going at my comfortable pace so that I can do alittle meditating and not worry about getting faster.

 My art class is over for now and will continue in January.  I'm usually doing my 5 mile run most days, baking, shopping, wrapping presents, going to Christmas programs, alot of ing things.  So where does all the time go?  I know how easy it is to waste it when there is extra time.  Funny how you wish you had more time so you could do all those things you don't get around to.  Then when you have a few minutes you waste them and say"what do I have to show for it?"  My favorite time waster is trying to do the crossword puzzles that have already stumped me.  I'll keep going over them, again and again expecting different results.  The only time there are different results is after a run and my little gray cells are working harder.

So since we're going camping next week to Fort DeSoto park to do some kayaking and biking and leaving the next Monday for Montana, I'm just not going to worry about wasting alittle time and make a resolution in January to do better.  Everyone needs something too work on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On my run this morning I made better aquaintance with Zoey.  She is a Boston Bull dog, I think, who carries a pack on her back for her owner.  When I pass by her each morning and greet her, she is always so happy and proud when I talk to her.  Don't tell me dogs don't have human feelings.  I always tell her she is doing a great job and hang in there when the day is particularly hot and humid.  I thought she was a he because she is carrying the heavy load.  But I stood corrected when I said, Good job guy."  I had to rethink that stereotype.

Zoey is a better human than many of us.  She carries her load with the pride of knowing she is doing good for her owner.  She is happy just  knowing that others recognize her existence.  And she shares that joy with a big grin on her face and her tongue hanging out.  (No, we don't usually go around with our tongues hanging out, but maybe we could risk looking a little silly once in a while just to make others happy.) Anyway, I count Zoey as one of my new firends who has made a positive impression on me. Wish more people I read about did.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Friend Died

My friend and pastor died yesterday.  My sister called and said Jane had been failing in the last few days and died during the night.  I really didn't want her to die before I could get back home to say goodbye.  You see, I left without saying goodbye.  I didn't know that she was so sick when I left and I was a bit confused about what was happening with her.  I knew she had complicated health issues, but never thought she was going to die from them. 

I was listening to others who were a bit disgruntled because she wasn't more accessible to us at the church.  Yet, when I visited with her I knew she was really suffering and couldn't do anything more. Now I miss knowing that she is there and telling her how much her firendship meant to me.

She was more than my pastor.  She was what fills the definition of a friend. She listened to my anguishing decisions I needed to make when I was in a dilemma about one of my kids. She shared in my enthusiasm  when I came in with the crazy schemes I had cooked up. She was never judgemental and never gave me a look to say I may be off my rocker to try my latest project.

I would share my theological opinions that were probably somewhat off center with the majority of views.  But, like my dad, she never made me feel I was wrong.  She just listenedand let me figure things out for myself.  We shared our concerns for and frustrations with the church.  We shared our political views which we knew meshed with our Christian views for responsible living.  We saw eye to eye on many things and it felt freeing to be able to express these views openly and without judgement.

Jane had a rough yet interesting life that led her to her deep faith in God.  Her faith made mine stronger.  Especially in how she died. She really knew what the next chapter of her life would be.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bike Ride Today

This morning I rode my bike to Hernando on the trail, 12 miles round trip. Enough since I haven't been riding very regularly.  A woman at the Happy Hour said she has seen me out on my bike.  She said she wouldn't ride on a regular bike (that is not a recumbunt) if her life depended on it.  She said several of her friends have broken wrists, vertebraes and whatever falling off a trail bike.  I didn't tell her that I have ridden my bike all over Germany and the Netherlands and only fell once.  The only thing hurt was my pride and the cheap rain jacket I was wearing.

Of course I could live my life more cautiously, I suppose.  I've been told by friends that they would never ride in a kayak in the lakes and rivers around here either because of the gators.  Yeah, but then I would  miss out on a good time exploring and searching for the gators. It's pretty exciting when you see one swimming by.  What a shame that would be. 

Heck, if I listened to all the fear mongers I would never have gone overseas to teach for 12 years or traveled to the exciting locations I went to like Syria, Jordan, Israel or Turkey to name a few. Those trips really broaden my view of the world.

Yeah, I could live more cautiously like my friends.  They may live a few more years or be assured they won't die from a gator bite, but I'll have more fun.  At least in my view of life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Hour

Last evening we went to happy hour at the pool again.  We met some neighbors who were new to us, which is always great.  I don't know exactly where they live around here but their names are Gail and Tony.  They brought the most delicious stromboli, one sausage and one pepperoni flavored.  Tony does the cooking.  He is a retired cook for the Air Force Reserves and had a catering service for a while before retiring. He must be Italian to cook like that.  So we riddled him with questions about how to make it, since I had,  much less, never even tasted a stromboli before.

I was raving about the stromboli to Julie who hadn't had a chance to try it, because it ran out so fast.  Tony went all the way home, heated up someextra he had and brought it back just for her to try.  Nice guy, too.

I just think women who have husbands who love to cook are sooo lucky (alright, I admit I'm lucky to be married to Mr. Clean, too).  Men are the best, most adventurous cooks.  Even my son-in-law can take the ordinary and turn it into the extraordinary (don't get a big head here). When fishing in Alaska, we both took the salmon we had caught and cooked it over the camp fire.  Need you guess whose tasted fabulous?  He had even brought his special concoction of spices from home he had mixed just for the salmon. 

Anyway, I'll just have to go to happy hour again next month just  to see what Tony brings.  Yum!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where do they all go?

I was running on the trail this morning musing about all of the regulars that I don't see any more.  There was the lady with no legs riding on her scooter accompanied by her scottie dog holding court on the front platform. 

And the couple with the old beagle.  First there was old dad, old mom and old beagle mozying along, stopping to chat with other regulars. Then there was old mom on the bench wating for old dad and old beagle to finish their rounds. Last time I saw just old dad with no old mom or old beagle.  This year I haven't spotted any of them.

Then there was the friendly lady with the old basset hound nmaed Sarge whos belly drug along the ground as he trudged along.  The nice lady pushed a baby buggy for the hound for when he got too tired to walk.  Last year his belly wasn't dragging quite as much and you could see alittle sky under it.  But this year I haven't seen either Sarge or the friendly lady.

Last year smiling ladies from the local black Methodist church would pass out little slips of paper with Bible verses on them while they were walking.  I still have one in a jacket pocket I discovered when I was up north and stuck my hand into my pocket.  Haven't seen them either and I miss them.

The person who faithfully scattered bird seed on the side of the trail for the squirrels(I would guess) must be gone, too because the trail hasn't had one little seed on it yet.  I bet the squirrels really miss him.  I noticed there aren't as many squirrels or rabbits there either.  Must be why.

I miss seeing the alligator in his place each morning, too.  He disappeared when they repaired the hole that was draining the lakes.  Maybe they moved him or maybe he just didn't like all of the ruckus.  Anyway, he's gone, too. So why aren't there more rabbits then?

Well, I miss all of my old friends even as I make new ones who have just started showing up this fall.  We are already beginning to connect, exchanging our "good mornings" and "missed you yesterday" and "you'd better slow down if you don't want to get a ticket for speeding". Sure makes the runs more interesting.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Priorities in My Day

My new found passion in watercolor painting has begun to take presidence over blogging recently.  I rush through all of the necessities of the day so that I hav e an hour for my painting.

So I went to class early yesterday to take advantage of some one on one time with my instructor so that she could critique my efforts for the week.  I proudly lined up the products of my creative juices for her appraisal, sure that she would marvel at the quick progress I had made for one week.  Well, at first there was silence, then the honest critique which I really did want to hear.  She said, "go outside and look at the trees and see what they really look like".

  I thought that I knew, but today on my run I really looked at the trees and saw what she was saying.  Funny how you think you know something you just take for granted knowing, but when you take a look with a discerning eye a whole new world opens up to you.

So practice, practice, practice and maybe next week I'll amaze her with all that I learned in one week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

new Counter tops today

I have been sooo nervous about what the new counter tops would look like.  I never really noticed them anywhere until after we made out selection.  Then I got all kinds of advice about color and what goes with what. Well, we will just have to love them now. 

Only did a 4 miler today since we needed to be here when the workers came.  So we took turns and the workers still hadn't arrive.  Isn't that what life is all about; hurry up and wait?  Must be for us to learn that ever elucive patience.  That's why we have a lifetime to learn it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New norm

I didn't run today since I went shopping with friends ( helping the economy again).  Yesterday, however I ran another five miler(actually 5 1/4 if you want to be exact.)  Seems five miles is now my new norm.  Figure once you increase you can't go back since it feels like you are back sliding and a slacker. 

I don't havve a single profound thought to share after spending hours in lines a stores to save a few dollars.  I had the same blank look on my face, I'm sure,  as everyone else did as we stood there surrounded by fellow total strangers, clutching our purchases as if they were precious treasures because we just knew it must be worth it since everyone was doing the same thing and surely all those people knew more than we did or they woldn't be standing in that long slow line like we were.  Whew!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Helping the Economy one dollar at a time

We didn't get to any of the Veteran's Day activities, but we did do something positive to help out our country.  We went Christmas shopping, were able to take advantage of the special discounts for veterans and get it done before the Thanksgiving Day crowd.  First time Michael and I have shared the activity, which has always been my duty.  I loved his imput and assistance with selections and paying.  It went so well, it has been declared an annual event.  He didn't even cower at the thought.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Art class a blast!

I had my very first real art lesson yesterday.  There wasn't time to blog since I wanted to practice what I had learned as soon as I got home.  Now I'm raring to go, practicing over the picture I did in class and planning my next picture.  I look back at some of my febble attempts I had done on my own and see what it was that made them sooo bad. Already I can look at my efforts and see where the palm tree isn't quite right the water isn't quite the right color the bird needs work .  I'm on my way to being the next Gramma Moses!

I ran a slow 5 miler today since my back muscles were sore from lifting weights the other day. I figure if I have to have a weak spine then I have to go with the strenghs I have, like muscles.  Play my aces right from the start to make up for the weak cards in my hand.  Had to do 5 miles tday tho since I skipped yesterday.  Aaak!  I sound like Michael now!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A fiver!

Today I ran five miles, first since I tore my knee.  It felt good, actuallly.  I stopped running in races because I there is a fantastic 75 year old who does  a  5 K  in 29 minutes, putting me to shame.  Why waste the money we could use for a great breakfast after Michael's race?  So today, while I was out on my 5 miler, I did some figuring.  Susie's secret for running so fast, so easily at her age must be that she moves her feet faster than I do.  So that is what I did, and sure enough I ran faster.  Go figure!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Home For Christmas!

I hadn't realized how much I miss being with my family for important holidays.  The years go by and you kind of accept the fact you are here and they are there and the two shall never meet.  Then I had a friend develop terminal cancer and I stopped to realize that what was doesn't necessarily need to be so.  Some things are just too important to just let them be.  So we're going back to Montana for Christmas, where my two sisters and daughters are, for the first time in years.  Yeah, it will be cold, but I will embrace it and not complain.  Maybe get out and cross country ski a bit and Michael can shovel some snow to keep in shape.  I knew I was hanging on to those old outdated winter clothes for a reason.

Michael  had a 5k race yesterday, placing first in his age group, the usual.  It was a cold, dark morning that ended up warming up pretty decently.  Perfect weather for our kayaking in the bay following the race and breakfast out.  Great fun kayaking with the manatees who were swimming under and beside our boats.  They are such big blobs of the most docile animals ever with these cute little noses that surface every once in a while for a breath of air. You can see the propeller cuts on their topsides from careless boaters.  I tried to warn boaters that the manatees were in their path.  They probably had a better vantage point to see them than we did so close to the water.  Just hope they cared as much.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lighten Up!

People need to keep things in perspective.  Someone was telling me how upset she was because she couldn't afford to buy nice presents for her (grown) kids this Christmas.  I said that isn't important. What is important is my friend who found out last week that she has terminal cancer.  Or the Haitians fleeing for their lives but to where?  That is important. Whether people treat others with charity and love.  That is important. 

When you see the suffering around the world you really realize what is important.  And don't say,  "Well, it's important to me!" What is important to you is whether you have enough food to survive and a roof over your head to keep you dry and warm.  Or whether you have good health.  Or if you have someone to love or loves you. If you have those things, then consider yourself to be the riches person in the world.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The day after

Funny how you think you're going to elicit a reaction from your readers by your musings, but get no response.  Guess that goes to show us that what we have to say really isn't all that relevant to others, as much as we may think we have something profound to say.

Slow start this morning after entertaining friends for dinner last night(always wears me out and makes me feel I'm entitled to an down day the next day.  My dinners never turn out as well as I think they will.  I always envision making a big hit with my presentation.  But, the sauted mushrooms and rice ring that was supposed to encircle the roast and vegetables fell apart when I turned it over out of the ring pan.  So it was a big glob which I dumped into a bowl, losing the whole planned effect. 

Anyway, a long humid walk replaced my daily run since 10:00am is too late in the day to run here.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting Today

Now that I have everything ready for my company coming for dinner tonight, I need to go out and vote.  Actually, I'm living in great anticipation for the next few years.  Seems, according to the news media, many people think it is already time for a change.  (No one can deal with slow and steady, but that's how I was brought up that the best things in life are achieved.) Interesting how unaccountable we can be. We buy homes we can't afford, live beyond our incomes(remember the mantra "spend, spend, spend"),cheat, lie and steal from each other for years then expect in two years it is all going to be made better.  Maybe all the computer games in the world of fantasy cause us to think the real world operates the same way.  Just push a button and "poof"everything is rosy again.  Well, guess that's what many people think will happen after they push that button when they vote today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Instead of exercising our bodies, today we exercised our social skills by having a couple of neighbors over for brunch.  Need to do that now and then to keep in the loop with people.  It can become too easy not to entertain, I think, since it does take some effort. However, I think we need to connect with people even if they don't necessarily have the same interests as we do.  Sometimes we can be pleasantly surprised by people whom we have seemingly nothing in common.  Actually, the more different they are from us the more interesting and refreshing they can be.  It's like opening a book by an author we have never read and being unexpectedly delighted with its story.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How I see God

I said I am always searching to know God better.  Well, this is how I see Him.  He neither punishes us for bad behavior nor rewards us for good.  He doesn't manipulate us, but if we listen to our concience we know what is right from wrong.  He lets us make our own mistakes, which we are so good at doing and the results are natural consequences of what we choose to do.  He is there to comfort, hear our prayers and let us know that He is there to strengthen and help us.  He is the creator, He came here in person to show us who He is and His spirit remains with us today.  He is the same today and always.

I believe that the people of the old testament had a belief of a God who punished them and rewarded them because that was how they understood their world.  But He is the same God then as today.

I have a friend who has terminal cancer.  We are all praying for her, but that doesn't mean she will recover her health.  But, it does mean that God will never leave her alone and He will give her comfort and be with her forever.

I think forgot to say that  I also have blueberries in my yogurt everyday to keep my memory sharp.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bike ride today

We had a very comfortable bike ride today.  Reduced humidity and temperature and a nice breeze really made a difference since it has been pretty unbearable the last week.  At least for use northerners.  Yesterday the locals talked about the cold front coming in today.  Mid eighties, can you believe it? 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going for the long haul

Since my dad lived to 101, I figure I need to take care of myself if I want to make it that long with the best possible quality of life.  That's why I run 4 miles most days or bike at least 12 miles and swim(while the water is warm, wimp) do strength building, stretching and a little yoga for balance.  Not to forget the brain, too.  Have to try new things and keep at those crossword puzzles daily.   Sure, I have heard the latest that crossword puzzles don't help, but I'm not taking any chances if they change their minds.

Eating healthy is important to me, too.  For instance for breakfast I usually have a banana with peanut butter(taught that one to my grandkids) and yogurt (4th cup plain and 4th cup flavored both lowfat) with ground flax seed, walnuts and alittle granola for more crunch.  According to the latest, I should have more than my two cups of coffee, but that would rev me up too much. Now I know I shouldn't add sugar, but I never said I was a purest.  Besides what is the use of living so long if you can't enjoy a few indulgences? Otherwise those could be very looong 101years.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


You know what's great about having a blog?  Even if no one ever reads it you can still talk about yourself all you want and not feel like you are being narccisistic or something.

Today I took an old embroidered fine linen table cloth that had been my mother's and possibly my grandmother's before her and made a kitchen curtain out of it.  There are many threadbare places and loose threads on it attesting to a history of many fine dinners over the years. If it could only talk, what stories it would tell. Anyway, I just couldn't stand to have it stuck away forgotten and disused in my sister's garage and since it was beyond  its original function, I thought this would be a way to bring it out and enjoy it. I love it, probably more because of the sentimental memories than a  decorative addition to my kitchen.  But I will get more pleasure from this worn looking piece of cloth then anything.  To me it is beautiful!

While I was working on my curtain, Michael was putting together an album of pictures from his bike trip he took to Nova Scotia for three weeks this summer with his friend Nathan.  New or old memories, they are all important to us.  I'm just thankful we still can remember them!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do we have food!

We made our trek to McDill commisary today so no running for either of us.  When we get home, we always feel as if we bought enough food for the entire county.  It is always a challenge to find a place for it all, but since we only go down a couple times over the next six months we try to stock up as much as possible.  We hate this  chore, which took us two and half hours just to pick out our groceries since every item has to  be checked for sodium, fat, sugar, price, coupons compared one item  with all the others to be sure it is the best buy.  Glad  that's done!  But when you're retired that is your job and you have no excuse not to do  it right.   You have to pride yourself in a whole different set of goals once you are retired.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Real Floridians

You know how you can tell who the real Floridians are?   They say that 80 degree weather is "so pleasant!)  Montanan's say (man it's hot!).  In Florida when it's in the 80's you have to get up and do any outdoor activity early enough to be done by 10am.  I think we got here alittle early, considering the weather and humidity.  Afternoons are great for indoor activities, so the art classes will be be a great diversion. 

More about kayaking.  I wondered in the middle of the night where I got the bruises on my forearms.  Then remembered hefting myself up on the dock yesterday.  Need to find a more independent place for my launching.  This is a great area for placid kayaking.  Many lakes are joined together so one could paddle away for hours following the shorelines and checking out nature. Just need to get eye contact with the boaters who are bigger than I am to remind them to down throttle when they pass by. 

The biking here is great,too because we have 48 miles of Rails to Trails a mile from our house.  This morning we took a quick ride before church.  Remember, too hot in the afternoon for Montanans.  Need to get up earlier on Sunday, though, have the time to have a really decent ride.  Just pedaled harder. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kayaking today

Went out in my kayak this morning.  I have a sleek yellow kayak that cuts through the water like a knife.  I went looking for the resident gators, but the only reptiles I saw were some turtle heads bobbing under the water as I glided by.  Egrets and herons were wading along the shoreline looking for their breakfast and fishermen made wakes for me to navigate.  They seemed to enjoy buzzing me.

It was a good workout, mostly upper body.  But when you do it right, you can get full body exercise, twisting at the waist for full strokes and working the legs on the pedals pulling the energy throughout the body.  Only problem was when I got back in to the pier(Michael was still out on his run) I had a real challenge getting myself up onto the dock.  First, I pulled myself up on the back of the boat and planted my feet for balance.  The challenge came with balancing my boat while reaching up and grabbing onto the deck.  I had to forget about the cobwebs and spiders for a bit, then had to psych myself in to "I can do this" and pull myself up on my belly in one fast heave.  I made it without going over!  I even got the boat pulled up out of the water, onto the cart and back to the house without.

What I have observed is, as I get older, they make things heavier, shelves higher and lids on tighter.  Must be a conspiracy against those of us who are using up the Social Security funds.  Weed us out before it is all gone for the Baby Boomers.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Glitch in class

The bad news is my drawing class was canceled.  The good news is the watercolor class is still on. Better to focus on one, I know, but since I have been trying for so long to get started, I want to do it all now.  Ok, so slow down.  I know how enduring things are made of the slow and steady.  That has always been a problem for me.  I want to learn how to do something now and I don't want any learning curve.  Doesn't work that way.  Patience that's the first thing to learn. Is there hope at my age?  Well, time will tell with this class.  The most important thing for me to learn from this class, then, is patience.  And perserverance.  We'll see.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Changing it up

Today we went for a short 13 mile bike ride to change up the routine a bit.  It really helps the body, I think, to vary the exercise and use different muscles.  A little swim afterwards rounded out the workout.  Waters getting colder.  Hope I can keep it up, but I am a wimp when the water gets too cold.  How I wish they would heat it up a bit. 

I think it's important to try and keep a balance to life.  It really does take some concerted effort to figure out what works best for me.  it is too easy to become complacent and fall into a predictable daily pattern.  What is my passion?  At 69 I'm still working at finding out and I think I'm getting closer.  Monday I begin a drawing class at the art center.  Since I have been dabbling in drawing and painting on my own for some time now, I think I am ready to take it to the next level and get some formal instruction.  We'll see how it goes.  Not expecting to be the next Rembrant.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Travels Here and There

More about me.  Since we lived in Germany for many years, we still have wander lust now that we are retired.  We have taken trips to Germany biking along the Rhein, Necker and Danue rivers.  I prefer to follow river beds since they tend to be flatter and more predictable.  We biked from Amsterdam to Basel and Frankfurt to Heidelburg along the Necker to the Danue and east. 

Last year we had a great trip on the rails around Italy.  Now we want to return next year.  Michael wantsw to run the three country marathon at Lake Constantine.  Then we would rent a place where we would have a home base and travel around from there.  If you want to know more about our travels and experiences let me know.  We can tell you the pros and cons about many places and mods of travel.

Today I had a good workout: hour run, weights, streching and a 20minute swim.  I try to get a 2 hour workout with varied activities.  Keeps me from getting bored and makes sure all muscles get some attention.  Swimming will be a great addition as long as the water does get too cold, since the pool isn't heated.  Brr!  But invigorating.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To be perfectly clear

Before I go any further, I think it will be important to establish something.  Since I was an educator for many years, you can assured that I do know how to compose a sentence and spell reasonably correctly.  However, since this is my Blog I have chosen to use poetic license in my writing.  So relax and don't worry about any errors.

Now that that has been taken care of I can now continue.  More about me.  Actually, I had wanted my husband, Michael, to write a Blog, but he didn't bite.  He has been running since the 70's and I figured he had some helpful information to share with fellow runners in their 60's.  So I figured the next best thing was for me to share my observations from the standpoint of a female 60's runner married to a m60'sr. 

We are snowbirds who have returned from our summer in Montana to our winter home in Florida.  Even tho I miss the beautiful, crisp fall weather for running, I do enjoy the lower altitude.  Sure makes running easier.  I do use the term Running for myself loosely.  Some  observers have said that I look  pained or that they could walk faster.  Right.  This comes from golfers who ride carts all day and never will take me up on a challenge.  A runner would never put down a fellow runner. I'm at the age where it isn't about " the look".  It is strictly about feeling good and aging gracefully.  I don't need mood pills or sleeping pills or diet pills or any of the other myriad pills. So golfers, put that on your golf cart and roll with it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

More about me

Not that I'm particularly clever, but I do do alot of thinking about things when I'm out for a run.  Such as who God really is?  What is the truth?  Is it what I think since I have a sense of being "right" as most people do. I do know that God is patient with me and gives me the space I need to figure "it" all out.

I have figured out alot about how to live a healthful and productive life after retirement.  So I will be sharing my receipes that I have modified to heathier versions of the good old fashion full fat, sugar, etc. varieties.  People think I'm a bit fanatic about it all, but then in the next breath they comment about how fit and healthy  I am.  Well, do they think it just happens?  Granted my dad lived to 101, but it isn't just genetics that get you this far.

My husband, Michael, was a runner when I met him and is still running marathons.  This helps keep me motivated and him appreciative of my healthful cooking. Not that Mc Donalds isn't still his favorite place to eat.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello Fellow Enthusiasts of Life

This is my first entry on my new blog.  I'm excited to begin sharing my musings about life and my reactions and observations as I go along.  You'll notice I call myself a sage.  At the age of 69 I think I have earned some rights to that title.  Not only do I feel I have done some things right, but I feel that much of my experience is worth sharing.  Even if no one reads my blog, at least I'll enjoy the experience.  Hope to hear from you in the future.