Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Going meatless

I seem to get a real high out of creating my meatless concoctions, because I've made another one for tonight.  My daughter Kathy made this recipe years ago, I believe when she was in her teens. A meatless lasagna with spinach, mushrooms, red beans, carrotsin place of meat and the usual other ingredients. Hopefully, I remembered it pretty correctly, since I couldn't find it written down anywhere.

Not to say these recipes aren't very labor intensive, by any means.  Certainly not something you throw together at the end of a long work day. However, I will have to say, much more rewarding than throwing a steak on the grill.  You just have to plan ahead.

The dicing up of all the ingredients probably equals the time it takes to clean up after yourself at the end of putting it all together. But, the satisfaction of making a meal that is sooo wholesome and hearty makes it all worth the labor.

It is definitely a labor of love.  A love of  the art of producing a tasty, meatless meal and the love for the person you are making it for to help him reduce his cholesterol level without medication. Even though Michael said he is quite capable of monitoring his own intake of harmful fats, I assured him that I could do it even better. After all I know foods.

So, taking into consideration that he says he doesn't like garlic, and I can't use salt also for his sake, and he can only tolerate a limited number of beans in a week, I don't think I have failed too often. I aways check to see if he leaves anything on his plate to gauge whether the recipe is a keeper or not.

Just have to say, we are running through a lot of Bean-o lately.


  1. I have that recipe somewhere. I'll write it down for you. It didn't have carrots in it though.

  2. So, exactly how much McDonald's are we going to have to eat during our stay there? heh heh...
