Monday, June 4, 2012


First, observations.
1. Today I observed the consumption of Busch and Bud beers this weekend was  pretty even, if you can go by the cans I picked up this morning on my run.

2. Responding to comment made regarding my last post about half full vs half empty. I agree, as much as we may not like it, it is important to have people who think both ways in on the discussion if we are to have doable and realistic results in any endeavor, I'm sure. But each needs to defer to the other side when reason  has been shown by their counter part.

3.I have observed that egos are like balloons.  When they get too much hot air in them they tend to burst, making them unable to be appreciated.

So, the Burger Bash is over.  Finally!  Just the thank yous to go out and we can put it behind us. If you were to measure the success of the event by how much work went into it against the out come, I would have to say it was not a do over again.  However, if you measure it by the camaraderie we had and good time had by all, it was a smash hit. The music was fun, the workers were wonderful, keeping their spirits high the entire time and we made $1,600 for cancer relief. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon. 

The ROWL recycling program is having growing pains again, I have to say. The only thing keeping me going is the response from the community who plead with me not to quit and give their encouragement. They believe. I will try not to let them down.

1 comment:

  1. The Burger Bash is something you can be proud of...good job! Fun was had by all.
