Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Not me, wrong!

Considering all the opinions I have about everything, it isn't surprising that I'm wrong once in a while. My sister Anne over heard we admit that I was wrong about something the other day from across the room.  I'm sure she had been waiting a long time to hear me admit that, so she just couldn't resist chiming in.

Okay,as an example,  I was wrong about the name of the movie with Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr(I  maybe have the wrong actress) lying on the beach.  I never saw anything but the scene of them on the beach, so stands to reason to me that I thought the name of the movie was On the beach.  But, I knew Anne was right when she recalled it was From Here to Eternity.

Sometimes, an idea just makes so much sense to me that I just can't imagine that I could be wrong. Such as where to put the bale for recycled plastic. Each place I thought about, at the recycling center, at the waste transfer site or at the fair grounds. I know I am right about those choices until someone comes along and tells me that no matter what I may think, it just isn't going to happen.

Now I know I'm right about putting the baler in the pig barn that isn't used very often out there for pigs.  How often are they going to have pigs there, anyway? During fair week, I'd say. And we don't need much space and only once a month.  It isn't like boarding  horses for events during the year.  You don't board pigs for anything but the fair I would expect.

So, now I'm waiting to hear from the powers that be at the fair grounds about using the pig barn and what they would charge.  Now, I know I'm right about this. I just have to convince them.

1 comment:

  1. Of course...who else would come up with a pig barn?
