Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Irons in the fire

I'm feeling like I need to take some of my irons out of the fire for the time being.  Problem is I don't know which ones to take out and which ones to leave in.  They each seem to have their own reason for being there. It's like juggling all the balls at the same time.  If you decide to let one fall it feels like maybe you really can't handle any of them then and they will all go crashing to the floor.

I can keep it all going as long as I have postive vibes around me.  However, when I feel a sense of negativity, that just saps me of all of my energy to accomplish anything.

I had a good forward moving meeting today on the ROWL project. We  felt we had made progress with pulling the lose ends together so that we can get the operation going. But what I had never realized was all the legalese that goes into starting a non- profit project that I became aware of today. Why didn't someone tell me all this technical stuff before I got started!?

It would really have helped in the beginning if someone had said,"Okay, you want to recycle plastic? Here are all the hoops you have to jump through first. You're not finished just because you have figured out the how".  Maybe I would have said, "Okay, I gotcha.  I'm out of here."The part I didn't figure on is all the legal aspects, tax laws, liabilities, structuring, 501c, etc. etc.

How naive of me to think that people should know that I am a trustworthy sort and  just trust that my intentions are honorable and pure. We'll merely set up a plan, raise the money and get started recycling plastic.

When I started all this I really had no intention of getting into the field of law any more than what I already know about to keep me out of trouble day by day. Now I need to get involved with a whole different level of laws to keep me out of trouble. I always figured all those business laws are for other people to have to be concerned about and certainly not me in my life time.  I think I am in for a whole new bunch of irons in a bigger fire than I ever dreamed about. Yeah, that's how I wanted to spend the winter of my life.

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