Friday, February 4, 2011

My friend turns 70

My girl friend turned 70 today, putting her up here with the rest of us gals around here.  So, I baked her a birthday cake to celebrate.  I have to say that it is a much more complicated task to bake a cake for people our age.  I made a small chocolate cake that is low fat for Tommy, low sugar for Jim and low salt for Michael.  Sounds pretty tasteless doesn't it?  I figure you can put in alittle less sugar and get away with it.  And a receipe with canola oil instead of butter and a tad less salt should do it. We'll see what the reviews are like.

I ran my 5 miler today, but so far no yoga. Just haven't had time yet to relax and zone out. Michael still sees the bubble in his eye, so not running yet.  He did walk on the trail tho, so he's gearing up. 

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