Thursday, February 3, 2011

What will be my legacy?

I helped out with a funeral on Sunday of a 61 year old man who died from a lengthy battle with cancer.  He had been a high school teacher and coach. There were about 500 people there and you could tell from all of the comments that he impacted many young lives and was very well regarded by everyone who knew him.  I was really impressed with the life he led.  Wish I could say my life has even had a fraction of that impact on the world.  Little late thinking about that now.

I've had plenty of exercise recently, between traipsing around the Wild Life Park, Disney and running 4 to 5 miles a few days with some yoga to polish it all off.  But, I guess with  ice cream several times this week, I'm not doing very well at meeting my goal of shedding 5 pounds. I appreciate the confidence my daughter has in me that I'll reach my goal, tho.

It seems that we just don't  want things as much as we say we do.  We say we want to lose weight or get into shape or eat healthier, etc.  But, I guess if we really believed what we say we do we would actually do it.  And if we don't do it we just really aren't motivated that much or really care that much.  So why do we put up the pretenses  and why don't we just save our breath and not lie to ourselves?  Just wondering what the pay off is.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. Whenever I'm rolling around a piece of medical equipment, I make sure to offer free medical treatments to people I know in the hallways.

    "Need anything cut off with this electrosurgical unit?"


    "Want a free MRI?" (Not that I roll that thing around)


    "I've got this dialysis machine here, need any blood filtering or fluid removal?"

    "I'm going to call the cops..."

    Everyone says they want free medical care, but when it's actually offered to them, it's another story...
