Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aagh! 70!

All of a sudden last night, realizing it was the last day of a decade for me, I felt a tremendous urge to stop the clock of time.  It is a helpless feeling that time is one thing you have no control of(unless you die of course, not a pretty alternative).  So here I am today the big, big 7 0 and time just totally disregards my anxiety and continues to march on. 

Well, I don't feel old.  Really, life is pretty good to me at 70.  No major health problems or aches and pains.  No worries and no stress in my daily life.  I have fun things to do that engage my time and attention (finally finding my passionsince retiring).  I have a wonderful family and great friends.  I have a husband who treats me well. And I sleep well every night. So what more is there to ask for at any age?  Guess 70 isn't going to be so bad after all.


  1. You are an awesome 70! I can only hope to be in as good a shape as you are when (if) I get there. Your 70 is like the average person at 50. Keep on doing what your doing.
