Saturday, January 1, 2011

Michaell's 2010!

He made it and then some.  Michael came home yesterday after his run, completing 2002 miles for the year. So I said to him, "Why stop there.  Go for 2010."  Of course, not that he hadn't thought of it before.  So out he went again in the afternoon to complete 2010 miles. Now he has to do 2011 for this year.  Wow, this could get out of hand!

So, I've thought about some resolutions for the year that I could work on.  If I commit them to my blog, then I may be more likely to keep them, I'm thinking.  Well, could say that I will run 25 miles every week.  That's not too much of a stretch and if I make it a priority, a doer.  I thought I could learn to appreciate heavy opera.  That would be educational and good for the brain.  However, Michael may not be in appreciation of this if he is subjected to it on a daily basis.  So we'll see.  I'm going to check out the library and study up, and I'm thinking maybe I'll find something to appreciate when I hear those screeching  sopranoes.

I'm going to complete reading (which I started recently) the William Barclay series study of the Gospels.  They really give me a deeper understanding of what the Apostles were trying to convey in their writing.  Not always to be taken a face value.  Actually, they weren't much different from us with our doubts and misunderstandings. 

So that's pretty much what I was able to come up with.  Don't we always have such lofty goals then reality sets in and we come tumbling down to earth.  Oh well, we all need to shoot for the stars if we are to get off the ground once in a while.


  1. Congratulations Michael!!!

  2. Go Coach!!

    BTW, Ro, you can edit your posts to fix stuff that you may discover after publishing. It's customary to note edits at the bottom of the post with an "EDIT:" and an explanation of what you edited in the post.

    Or you can do what I do and just fix it without telling on yourself. Ninja-edit for the win!!
