Monday, August 20, 2012

Fast or Slow?

Sometimes life has a way of slowing you down whether you like it or not. It just happens.  Yesterday morning, I twisted my foot while on the way to church. I didn't think anything about it, even forgetting it happened, until later in the day when I got this excruciating pain in the front of it. Oh, I thought, I'll just walk off the cramp. However, when the pain became unbearable I ended up in the emergency room with what I was sure was a broken foot.  Nothing could possibly hurt that badly and not be broken.

However, nothing showed up on the x-ray to explain the pain.  The doctor said it could either be a hairline fracture underneath or the bones separated, which can explain that kind of pain. Today, though, after a few pain pills and a walking boot, I'm doing fine. Shows my naivety.  I only thought child birth could hurt that badly.

So I guess my list of to dos for the day will have to be rescheduled for now. Funny, they all seemed pretty important yesterday when I laid out the list.  Yet, today they don't seem quite as urgent. There's that keeping things in perspective again. 

Like Michael's dog bite from last week. He is still trying to get that resolved. The county health department is chasing down the dog to have it quarantined. That has become complicated by the fact that, because of the delay on their part, the dog now is in Great Falls. That means a more complicated procedure than would have been necessary.

Sometimes things need to be sped up and other times they require slowing down. Wish we could work out a happy balance.

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