Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gutsy Women

I have to say that I admire gutsy women.  Not the in your face, out spoken types, that challenge others.  But the strong women who persevere against the odds dealt to them. The ones that don't roll over and whimper for someone to come and rescue them. Quitting isn't in their vocabulary, I'm sure.  They are the type who don't think the world owes them something extra because of the hand they were dealt or what they have to endure.  They just assume that is their job.

I have a friend, that believe it or not, is older than I am. She lost her husband a few years ago, the light of her life, and now her dog. No self pity, "Well, now what am I going to do?". She just went about assuming all of the responsibilities and household chores for herself.  I don't mean washing the dishes and making the bed either. No, she digs up the yard and paints the house, inside and out. She drives herself back and forth to California each season. And she gets herself out in the community, taking on new challenges and interests everyday. By herself, most often, too. Amazing woman.

I have a daughter, who against my judgment, took on the challenge of backpacking into the wilderness by herself with her trusted companion Gracie Lou.  Who happens to be a dog, not a person. The part that impresses me the most is that she didn't let fear or the "weirdness" of being on the mountain alone at night stop her. She was determined to backpack and didn't see it a problem that she didn't have a man along. This is the same way she has taken on the challenges of being a single parent homeowner. If it is going to get done, then by golly she will "getter done". Gutsy, to say the least and I admire that.

Some women don't have such dramatic day to day challenges in their life as these determined women do. But, in their everyday life they show the kind of resolve, strength and determination to confront their life head on and not think there is any other alternative. It is their problem and they deal with it.

That is not to say that they don't have tears in the dark of night when they lie in bed alone and think about the over whelming problems they have to over come by themselves each day. But, when morning comes, they are up and back in the game of life that was handed to them. While I feel for their pain, I  admire their determination to soldier on. These are my kind of women.  I could only hope that  I can live up to their model of a woman.

1 comment:

  1. I am my mother's daughter. I think that says it all.
