Monday, August 6, 2012

Who me worry?

My sister Anne and I had a training hike this morning for our backpacking weekend coming up with my daughter, Kathy. I took out one of the seven pound weights I had been carrying so that we would be equal going up the hill.  She was feeling much more confident about handling the vigor of the mountain climbing now.  I just wish people would quit with the bear scares, though.  We'll be fine. At least I will be, sleeping in the middle of the tent, anyway.

When you go to the doctor's for your annual physical and your doctor tells you you are awesome, you just can't help but brag a bit. You know all your numbers are going to be good, but it still feels good to have your doctor tell you so. However, I still have to have the dreaded colonoscopy, something I don't think anyone eagerly looks forward to. Only good thing about it is getting it over with and knowing you are good to go for the next five to ten years.

Humans are strange creatures.  One of the things that distinguishes them from the rest of the animal kingdom is how they worry about what other people are thinking.  I know I waste time with that at times. We have a neighbor who really is upset with me and for the life of me I can't figure out what ever it was that I did to get on his bad side. I mean besides his killing my tree and I think under the circumstances I handled it pretty well. Just a little shrug is all.  But he can't stand to even speak to me. What am I to think?

My friend, Betts, worried herself silly all weekend about the window space, at a closed pharmacy in town, we were given to use to display all of our plastic.  She was so worried that the owner had a change of heart. That worry was all for not, though. Actually, the owner had a fun time watching us put the whole thing together today.  We are a piece of work, Betts and I, when we get to executing our ideas and I'm sure quite entertaining.

Guess we should all put away our false fronts and be more honest with each other.  Maybe there'd be some bloody noses once now and then, but it would sure save in the ulcer department. Maybe the rest of the animals do have something over us.  No ulcers.

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