Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

I wish all of my readers a very Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year!
2012 had both its highs and lows. There are parts of it that we hope to never see again, as well as times that were well worth celebrating.

Our plastics recycling program is an example of what went right about the year, whether at times we had our doubts or not. It was a true testimony of what can be achieved when people work together for a common cause, no matter what their odds for success.

Coming together for a common good was evident around the country every time there was a crises where we showed how much we cared about each other. Leave it to the American people to do what is right when it matters. Makes me proud to be counted in those numbers.

I am hoping that 2013 will be a year that reflects that same type of caring for each other,r without the disasters that motivated us. Wouldn't that be a perfect year? Just on a daily basis we would extend a hand to others.  Pleases and thank yous to start.

I know it will be a happier year if we smile more and grouch less.  I know it will be a safer year if we get rid of assault guns that serve no other purpose than to kill lots of people at a time.  I know it will be a great year for our earth if we throw one less thing into the land fills, to sit there and contaminate the soil for centuries.

I know it will be a great year if we exercise more, eat less and communicate with our maker more than less. I know it will be a better year for us all if we raise our consciousness as consumers. Our year will be more healthful if we worry less about things that won't be important in ten years, much less one, and more about how things will tear apart families and individuals for a lifetime.

I expect that since most of us want the best for most of us that most of us will have a great 2013.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Peace on Earth

This time of year through out the world,we are particularly tuned in to "Peace on Earth Good Will Towards Men". We not only like to say it a lot, but we see a greater reflection around us of what that might mean. We say it almost glibly, without actually internalizing whether it could really ever happen. Generally speaking, we see the best of what humanity has to offer this time of year, with greater kindness extended to strangers and those less fortunate than ourselves.

Peace on Earth. Who doesn't long to see violence and hatred disappear and mankind reaching out to each other in love and good will?  Family member to family member, neighbor to neighbor, no matter the oceans and continents that separate us.

Yet, to be honest, I really don't see any hope in achieving this peace with each other until we find inner peace within ourselves. It appears, from the look of how things are going in this world, most of us don't have much of it. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the prolific abuse of drugs and alcohol. People wouldn't be trying to bury themselves in senseless spending and "stuff", chasing after what they think will make them happy.  The elusive dream.

They wouldn't find fault with each other, but instead practice tolerance of each others' differences.  Celebrating our differences, rather than finding them a reason to hate each other.

Peace on Earth. There isn't just one place to find peace within.  Those who think they have the market on it are kidding themselves. It has to come from our soul, our inner most being, if we are to discover where it is.

So my wish for all is first "Peace within you".  Then you can go spread it to your family and neighbors for "Peace on Earth Good Will Towards All Men" and I mean every living creature on Earth. Even when you aren't feeling it at the moment, as when your husband is sitting next to you and talking when you are trying to be reflective.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Picture of the sunset from visit to Keys last week with Michael and Kathy while camping on the beach.

Thanks to my faithful readers for your patience.  Instead of living my life on my blog I was busy living it in real time. Anyone who has had kids knows how much more you enjoy an experience when you live it through the eyes of your child. It doesn't matter that your child has children of her own by now. It still exponentially expands the pleasure of the experience for you. You feel a need to share all of the places and activities that you have enjoyed.

I just had to have Kathy see the sunset off the waters on the Keys.  There is something awe inspiring about seeing the sun set over the ocean as it literally melts into the water in seconds. That gives pause to reflect on how small our world really is, especially when you hold it in relationship to the universe.

There on the horizon, as far as you can see, is the actual curve of the earth, with evidence of how quickly it is spinning in its orbit. Amazing! We are so insignificant, yet so significant at the same time. As far as we have evidence, we are the only planet in our galaxy that has all of this beautiful creation on it. It truly is amazing when you think about.

How can you not then look at our natural environment with greater respect and a desire to preserve it for generations to come?  I know that the man walking along the shore, collecting any piece of trash along the way feels this way. I know the people who are trying to save the turtles and manatees harmed by boats and fishing nets are also trying to preserve the wonders of our world. The evidence of those who grasp it are seen everywhere, trying to undo the harm that has been done and prevent future harm.

We have but one earth.  We won't get another or another chance once we destroy it. I want to thank all those who see the sunset as I do and feel the awesomeness of our beautiful world as I do and for making the effort to keep it for our grandchildren to show to their grandchildren, too, some day.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Bubble

Mt. Dora was abuzz and a bustle with energy and excitement last weekend. Not only was there an inaugural marathon  and half with a 5K that Sunday, but Saturday was family night.  In the evening the town was crowded with every age group, some seniors with guests from up north having dinner  and enjoying the beautiful light displays.  Families were there for the snow sledding down probably the biggest hill in Florida. Parents and children sat together cross legged on the large discs as volunteers pushed them down the snow covered runs, provided by various businesses in town. Christmas music vibrated from the hill top to the marina where a huge tree with lights pulsed to the tempo.

The following morning as the music beat throbbed out side out hotel window at 5:30 am, runners began gathering for their selected race. Runners talked excitedly, as they figured everyone in the hotel had to be as hyped as they were. At 7:00 the marathoners and half were off, with all the bystanders raising a cheer for them and awaiting their starting time or settling down for their return.

Then the excitement grew as runners crossed the finish line and headed for the reward of a bottle of water.  Finally, results announced and awards presented, everyone eventually headed home or to their next activity for the weekend, feeling a sense of accomplishment for their efforts.

How unreal it all seemed, just a day after 20 beautiful young children and six of their teachers had been murdered. It felt as though we were in a bubble, isolated from the reality of the horror that had occurred and shocked the nation. It felt as though that had to have been a nightmare, that we would wake up and find didn't really happen. That this couldn't be reality, because nothing so horrible could be.

Yet, the sobering fact was that we felt desperate to hang on to the bubble, because the reality was too unbearable and too hard to grasp.

Turning on  the TV in our room that night and listening to the radio on our way home, brought us back to the reality we could not ignore. We needed to share the pain of the rest of our nation. Then hold more tightly to those we love.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Heliocopter Mom

Alert! Helicopter mom is temporarily out of the hanger! My daughter is on her way , as we speak, to Florida for a visit with us. Several days before she was on her way, I went into mother bear mode.

This is her first visit for years sans kids or husband/ boyfriend. My attention will not be focused on the grand kids and hers on the male companion. She is coming to enjoy the balmier weather, re-create and spend one on one time with her mom.

So I began my hovering by checking on the contents of her luggage selection days agso. Do you have the right shoes for each type of planned activity? Be sure to allow at least an hour at the airport before your flight. Yesterday I sent her an email to warn her to be sure to bring santi wipes to wipe her hands often in addition to the seat back trays, etc., which I had seen on the news are a big source of all kinds of  bad pathogens that can make you sick.  Want her visit to be bug free.

Last night I checked in with her and we reviewed her flight schedule. She couldn't locate her first boarding pass.  Mom goes into panic mode while daughter spends her nerve reserve to reassure her that it's not a big deal.

I guess it doesn't matter how old (I will spare her embarrassment here) your kid is, the old mother bear comes out of hibernation and ready to go into protection mode once more. But, once she arrives, and I have her safely into my care,  themother bear will retreat back into her den and the heliocopter put back into storage in the hanger. We will be too busy cavorting together in the Florida sun for that. I like that word cavorting, romping is good, too, as long as it includes a great time by all.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

They are How Old?

I have two friends who are octogenarians and one that is is on the cusp of the mark. They epitomize for me what I want to be like in another decade of life.  Two of these ladies above are at least 85 and going strong. It was their initiative to decorate both entrances to our island and what a tremendous job they did, too. Their choice of violet and red pointsettas speaks volumes about their zest for life.

So far I am on track to follow in their footsteps, barring any unforeseen mishap along the way. I try to increase the odds that I succeed by trying to keep a decent pace when running and doing some stretches along the way. Flossing is supposed to help, too. They say a predictor of how long you will live has to do with how long it takes you to get to the mailbox each day. I haven't done the math, but I think so far I have a long way to go before the grim reaper comes calling.

I remember my grandmother at 85 years of age. This is not an example of her at the same age. No one expected to live much beyond this then, much less be full of vitality still.  As wonderful and loved as she was, she would not have been able to be in this picture. However, from what I see, today's eighties are yesterdays sixties. To know my friends you would have to agree.

So I will continue to increase my odds and anticipate a long and healthful life for years to come.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mysteries of LIfe

In case you're wondering, yes the cards are done and ready to mail.

I have been thinking about how wonderful that we have mysteries in life. No I don't like that God is so mysterious, but many mysteries we have give us a special excitement  and anticipation for what is to come.

I can't remember when I first stopped believing in Santa Claus, but I do remember waking up many times during the night as a child to feel my stocking. The first few times it would still hang limply by my bed.  But, finally when I felt it, the stocking would hold fascinating shapes my fingers explored and  it was so hard to wait until morning to discover the contents.

One Christmas I knew when my little sister was hanging her stocking Christmas Eve that she still believed and I also knew our mom was preoccupied with her dinner guests and church to think about it. So I went around the house to find fun things to put into her stocking.  I found some small toys Mom had bought for table favors for the guests and of course the tangerine for the toe. It wasn't much, but it let her know that yes, Anne, there is a Santa. She had her sense of wonder still intact Christmas morning.

The Christmas package my son's family brought holds mystery for us.  It is fun imagining what could possibly be in a box that shape. The anticipation is most of the fun.

So, when I am going to die is one of those mysteries I would just as soon not have revealed too soon.  That is why this Mayan calendar thing isn't a concern to me. I don't worry about things like that.  Why spoil the surprise!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Christmas Card Excuse

Sorry, I haven't been very faithful lately. Only two excuses that don't really excuse me.  Number one I haven't had any big insightful moments to record(which of course hasn't stopped me before, I know, you say). Second, I have been so busy writing my Christmas cards, I'm all written out.

You say, what it takes you over a week to write your cards? Well, no not exactly.  That is if I were to sit down and stay on task and get the job done.  Like Michael.  He methodically sits at his desk and whips them out in a couple of hours, stamped and ready to go.

Of course, I have a lot more friends to write to, so that takes longer. Dig. But what probably makes it take me 10 days to accomplish what he can do in two hours is my short attention span. When I say I'm going to devote the day to cards, my day really looks more like this: My "day" not starting until after my run and cleaning up, it is now at least 11am. It isn't that I get up late, rising about 6:30am, but I take my time reading the papers, working three crossword puzzles, putzing, before I even head to the shower.

Now I'm ready to get started on my cards, but first I have to check my email and FB. After I get everything together and sit down, I jump up to take my vitamins that I forgot earlier. Then there is a load of wash to check and a phone call to answer. But, I do get a few written before I remember that I have some work to do for ROWL I was asked to follow through on. It goes on and on like that.

Sure, I have a lot more stuff to do to think about than Michael has on his mind. His method is get it done.  My method runs more like, I know I have this to get done before Kathy arrives on Friday and by golly I'll get it done by the deadline. I know, I did it again writing my blog and I still have eight more cards to write. Then I promise to be more faithful to you all. Blog writing works better for my short attention span, anyway.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


My daughter shared a website with me about two guys who advocate for living a minimalist life style. They have a free newsletter which I have yet to receive, but am curious about.

As I await my first look at what they have to say about living a simple life, I have been pondering what I would be able to live without. I think by some peoples standards in this country I already live minimally, to some extent.

I don't go out and buy Christmas decorations, but use what I have had since I was a teacher on the receiving end of ornaments given to me by students over the years.  Okay, they have passed the cycle of my life where they fit in, but with some tweaking I try to work at fitting most of them in. No wow factor in presentation, but suffices for a little atmosphere, anyway.

I have a palate that can easily be satisfied with peanut butter, pretty much.  Just slab on some PB and I'm quite content. Well, throw in a glass of milk and I'll be happy, anyway. And some carrots.

But, I've been thinking about what I would have some difficulty doing without. I just colored my hair for the first time in six weeks. I like it blonde and am not even curious about what I would look like with gray hair.

I don't like to be hot and I don't like to be cold.  So at some point I will turn on the air or the heat when I am uncomfortable. Of course it is a last resort and I will try either shedding or adding a layer of clothes first.

I try not to make a trip to the store for just a few items, rather waiting until I have an ample list to make it worth the gas. But, right now I'm thinking about driving to Crystal River for a couple of bargains for Christmas gifts for a loved one. Of course, I'll drop off my recyclables along the way.

I'm sure as I go through my day I will come across many things I wouldn't want to give up or stop doing. I admire those who can live life with less and still find it fulfilling, but going that route just for the sake of seeing how much I am willing to do without doesn't really hold any charm for me if I feel deprived. I am curious, though, about how these two guys navigate through life, minimally speaking.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Holy Ground

Yesterday, after church, I was asked to take communion to an elderly lady at a nursing home. Joan had recently had a stroke and had arrived a couple of days earlier. After asking about when I got there, I found her room off in a corner.

When I entered the room I saw a disheveled lady sitting on the side of her bed with her hospital gown pulled up around her middle, leaving her scrawny legs bare. She looked up when I introduced myself and I could see the serenity and intelligence in her face right away. She may have looked as though she would be disorientated, but she far from that.

Joan sat quietly, answering my questions briefly, as I sought to make conversation with her. She said yes she would like to receive the communion I had brought, so I proceeded to set up the elements as I continued to chat.

She didn't complain about only having one hand available, or apologize for her nakedness, but accepted the situation she had found herself in. She quietly joined me in prayer as I gave her the wafer dipped in wine. As I packed up my kit to leave, she thanked me for coming then continued to sit peacefully on the side of her bed.

When I left Joan, I felt as though I had been on holy ground. She gave me the peace and serenity that was her being. To look at her one would think what can I do for this poor lady.  But, it was the other way around. She gave to me instead. What a beautiful woman.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Change is Hard

Change can be hard. I know, it can be good for you, but most of the time it is just plain hard to accept. The city is cutting down trees along the routes of the power lines this week.  It makes me cringe when I hear the saws cutting into those beautiful cypress trees and live oak I have grown to love since moving here.

The tree cutting has taken on some kind of priority, I suppose, because of the devastation caused by Sandy.  Now they want to be sure no vegetation is growing anywhere near a power line. I've been eyeing the workers critically, as I watch them hew a tree that I deem should be left alone. Especially in our wet land behind our house, even though it doesn't do me any good. I know, they know more than I do about hurricanes and what falling trees can do.

I just hate the bareness in the places where I have been used to seeing trees and what it is doing to our sound barrier from the road noise. I'm sure I will adapt and eventually think nothing of it, but right now it is really bugging me.

Some change that is happening, such as the melting ice sheets in the Arctic and the melt of the perma frost in Greenland scares me more than just annoying me. It makes you realize that some of these old movies depicting the devastation of our coastal cities could really become a reality very easily now. I know how it will impact everything, from population shifts to the economy, not to mention the environmental issues that will happen.

That kind of change I think we would all hope not to have happen.  I don't know if it is to late or there was ever anything we could have done to prevent this calamity, but I know it is change we would like to prevent, if possible.

Change can be great for us to stir us out of our complacency and begin improvements that are necessary for us to be better people and improve our world. Our world has always gone through constant change, some for the better yet some with results that we would never want to repeat. Are we going to get a chance to make the important changes for the better before it is too late?