Friday, December 28, 2012

Peace on Earth

This time of year through out the world,we are particularly tuned in to "Peace on Earth Good Will Towards Men". We not only like to say it a lot, but we see a greater reflection around us of what that might mean. We say it almost glibly, without actually internalizing whether it could really ever happen. Generally speaking, we see the best of what humanity has to offer this time of year, with greater kindness extended to strangers and those less fortunate than ourselves.

Peace on Earth. Who doesn't long to see violence and hatred disappear and mankind reaching out to each other in love and good will?  Family member to family member, neighbor to neighbor, no matter the oceans and continents that separate us.

Yet, to be honest, I really don't see any hope in achieving this peace with each other until we find inner peace within ourselves. It appears, from the look of how things are going in this world, most of us don't have much of it. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the prolific abuse of drugs and alcohol. People wouldn't be trying to bury themselves in senseless spending and "stuff", chasing after what they think will make them happy.  The elusive dream.

They wouldn't find fault with each other, but instead practice tolerance of each others' differences.  Celebrating our differences, rather than finding them a reason to hate each other.

Peace on Earth. There isn't just one place to find peace within.  Those who think they have the market on it are kidding themselves. It has to come from our soul, our inner most being, if we are to discover where it is.

So my wish for all is first "Peace within you".  Then you can go spread it to your family and neighbors for "Peace on Earth Good Will Towards All Men" and I mean every living creature on Earth. Even when you aren't feeling it at the moment, as when your husband is sitting next to you and talking when you are trying to be reflective.

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