Thursday, December 27, 2012


Picture of the sunset from visit to Keys last week with Michael and Kathy while camping on the beach.

Thanks to my faithful readers for your patience.  Instead of living my life on my blog I was busy living it in real time. Anyone who has had kids knows how much more you enjoy an experience when you live it through the eyes of your child. It doesn't matter that your child has children of her own by now. It still exponentially expands the pleasure of the experience for you. You feel a need to share all of the places and activities that you have enjoyed.

I just had to have Kathy see the sunset off the waters on the Keys.  There is something awe inspiring about seeing the sun set over the ocean as it literally melts into the water in seconds. That gives pause to reflect on how small our world really is, especially when you hold it in relationship to the universe.

There on the horizon, as far as you can see, is the actual curve of the earth, with evidence of how quickly it is spinning in its orbit. Amazing! We are so insignificant, yet so significant at the same time. As far as we have evidence, we are the only planet in our galaxy that has all of this beautiful creation on it. It truly is amazing when you think about.

How can you not then look at our natural environment with greater respect and a desire to preserve it for generations to come?  I know that the man walking along the shore, collecting any piece of trash along the way feels this way. I know the people who are trying to save the turtles and manatees harmed by boats and fishing nets are also trying to preserve the wonders of our world. The evidence of those who grasp it are seen everywhere, trying to undo the harm that has been done and prevent future harm.

We have but one earth.  We won't get another or another chance once we destroy it. I want to thank all those who see the sunset as I do and feel the awesomeness of our beautiful world as I do and for making the effort to keep it for our grandchildren to show to their grandchildren, too, some day.

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