Thursday, April 5, 2012

Changes over time

Right up front a disclaimer: I am not making fun of this lady, but just getting your attention to make my point for today. No, it is not a picture of me, for those of you who don't know me or may have thought I had changed quite a bit from when you last saw me. And no I don't smoke.

Today, I was thinking about how we watch our kids and grand kids grow up and change. Just as we are proud when when see them evolving into responsible, productive people, at times we hold our breath as they blunder through yet another stage in their life, praying that they will come out on the other side wiser and more mature. Since we don't see our grand kids that frequently, we are much more apt to notice how they have grown and developed than their parents are.

Yet, I hadn't particularly thought about the changes our children are looking for in us, as we progress through our remaining years.  Our kids don't see us very often so the changes, I am sure, are more dramatic than if they were with us every day. I am sure they are watching to see if we are standing up as tall, showing more wrinkles,or becoming increasingly more forgetful than our last visit.

So it is our job to dispel those fears as much as possible, while at the same time gently preparing them for the inevitable to come.  I think that it is probably a bit unsettlingfor them to see those cracks in the people who were always the bulwarks of your existence in the past. There is some denial, while at the same time, some preconceived notions about old age stereotypes and what they expect to see.

So,as we prepare for our visits, don't look too closely at our sags and bags or try to stump us with remembering some trivia.  Heck, we just might surprise you!  See you all soon.

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