Friday, April 20, 2012

In the eyes of the beholder?

I heard Dr. Oz relate on the news tonight, after the 49 year old pitcher had won a game, that what keeps people young is their passion for life.  It is the feeling that you are doing something worthwhile with your life and loving it, no matter how old you may be. I have to agree with that. Inside I feel like I could take on most anything I feel strongly about and succeed, belying the outside appearance of time taking its toll.
Have you noticed that inside you really don't age the same and that you maintain your youthful thinking, most of the time?  So it is a rude awakening, sometimes, when you happen to wake up some morning and notice in the mirror that you aren't that young thing anymore, at least not on the outside. Then you begin to wonder if others are limited by that view of you.

Maybe it would be easier if we were the same age on the inside as we in reality are on the outside. Or is the inside the reality and the outside just a disillusion? Then people like me wouldn't go around acting like some twenty something, forgetting that people don't view you the same way you may see yourself. Case in point, the face painting Brandy and I had. I loved it and would have kept it on for days if it hadn't been for the the reality check that set in. Brandy looked cute where as I no doubt looked like an oldish lady trying to be young again. But,I wasn't, I just thought it was pretty cool and I still hated to wash it off.

So maybe this is the way that God lets us extend our youth, even when we physically begin to develop our aches and pains and can't wear those size 4 pants anymore. If you don't know what I am talking about, just wait a few years.  You will. If you're lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with your assessment of yourself in face paint! I thought both you and Brandy looked wonderful in it!

    Now if only we can get Michael to get painted up like a gazelle or something.

    Me? Oh no, no, no, I'm too dignified for such nonsense...
