Saturday, April 21, 2012

The price of getting out there

Thanks, Rusty, I needed that.
So today I got my first experience with a questionable reaction to our recycling program. Someone wrote a letter to the editor(which appeared next to my Earth Day article, actually) and posed lots of questions about the viability of the project.  They were all legitimate questions, which we had hashed over and worked out for months to get where we are today.  I'm sure to a person without the history of the process would wonder why we are going about it in the way we are.

So my first reaction was to write a letter back(politely of course), giving all the answers to the questions posed and the reasons for the decisions made.. Obviously, if those questions are out there then we haven't done a very good job of conveying that information to the public. The truth is I am not used to dealing with public opinion. So far everyone's reaction has been very supportive and positive.

However, I am not used to being in the public eye, so to speak.  So this is what politicians have to deal with everyday?  Distortions of the facts and negative reactions from those who have closed their minds with preconceived ideas. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just bury ones head in the sand rather than try to do something that might get a reaction you don't want to deal with. Is that why there are so many people who "don't want to get involved"?

Yes it would be easier, but then look at all the challenges and feelings of accomplishment they would be missing. I guess I'll just put on a thicker skin and plod right along.  Hey, at least we are getting attention now!

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