Saturday, April 14, 2012

Round Two!

The second day of shopping~  Whew!  First stop was house shopping. There was an open house where Brandy wanted to go to look at a model home, since they are looking to down size a bit. We hit a bonanza with a huge tent full of food and enough going on to keep us busy for an hour while it poured outside. We each got our face painted ( I went for the rainbow effect) and lots of silly pictures in a photo booth, wearing crazy hats and glasses. It was like a free carnival!
Since we saved money by not needing to buy lunch, we had extra shopping to do, of course.  We hit my favorite, a consignment store( a cut above the thrift store don't you know) and my purchases were even on sale today.  Wow!  We were really on a roll! Then, of course, I had to find a great pair of versatile, metallic shoes (40% off) to bring it all together. I wonder if Michael will appreciate all the money I saved him today.

We were quite the celebs wearing our face paint where ever we went.  After all you don't find too many 70 year olds walking around nonchalantly shopping while wearing face paint. These days, though I think you can get away with just about anything.  Maybe not in Lewistown though, I bet. I wonder if it will last until I go to the " Mama Mia" musical next Tuesday night?  Wouldn't that just be too cool! Of course I would need a new outfit to go with it.

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