Monday, April 30, 2012

Gotta watch the image

Okay, so it doesn't really translate to looking like me.  It's the intent that counts.Bag lady. Now that I'm back in the town of our big recycling project I get a nagging feeling that I have an image to uphold. In a small town you never know who is watching and talking about what you do.

i never know if the person behind me in the grocery store line is watching me, knowing that I am that woman who has been writing all those articles in the paper about recycling. I don't dare use a plastic bag!  The word just might get around that I don't walk the walk that I talk. 

I have been saving all my plastic now, even though we don't have any place for me to recycle it yet.  I' tell Michael that I'm saving up.  I'll need lots of plastic to demonstrate the program. It is all going out into the garage for now.  Knowing Michael, if this program doesn't get started soon I don't know how long he is going to let it accumulate out there. I won, for now but knowing him...

Today on my run I continued my analyses of the trash along the road.  I didn't pick up a single can or cigarette pack this time.  I want to see how long it will be there before anyone else picks the stuff up. Wednesday, I will again take my bag out and collect anything that is still there. That may the title of my next news article.  

Tomorrow, I have two meetings, one for each hat. In the morning it is to check out the recycling site specs and in the afternoon it is to check out the BBBF site. Hopefully, I get to the right place for the right reason at the right time.

1 comment:

  1. Hope michael can ignore the plastic accumulation for just long enough!
