Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

What a glorious day for it to be Earth Day in Montana! It is perfect weather for us to get out and collect trash today.  My sister, Joyce, and I(Anne was playing golf, I don't blame her one bit and Michael is running three races in Gt Falls with a friend) took a long walk today with out bags.   We even emptied them so that we could start over, bringing us to the equivalent of four bags of trash!

Now that I have collected trash in three different venues of late, I do believe I have become an expert on trash.  I could pretty much tell you where a piece of trash was found just by the type and condition of it.  For instance, the trash in Lewistown has pretty much been there through out the winter, so the condition of it is pretty bad, to say the least. All of this stuff has lain under the snow for months, attesting to its present condition.

However, the trash along the streets in Florida is fresher, usually there only a few days at best.  Some one is always out walking and picking it up.  We snow birds are like that. There was a mix in Indiana, some fresh, some evidently there through weather.

What was interesting in each location was the lack of concern of those who lived right by the trash. I guess when you see it every day it just disappears from your vision. Yes, it is their responsibility to clean it up.  However, if they won't I will.  They may not see it, but I do and it disrupts my sense of peace and well being when I see it.

Besides, I feel good about myself and know I'm healthier for taking a walk. Michael may be covering more miles than I did at his races today, but I got more out of what I did.  If you haven't tried it, do and you will see what I mean. Maybe Anne and Michael picked up some trash where they were, too.

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