Monday, February 13, 2012

14 and counting!

Today is our 14th anniversary.  Someone asked me how many years we have been married, but I couldn't give the answer right off the top of my head.  I don't know why those kinds of things just don't make an impression on me.  I don't seem to keep track of time lapse very well.  Certain dates stick with me and I can tell you what I was doing when. But, how long ago means doing the math and I don't seem concerned about that.

We could relate back to what we did for each of those 14 years.  Michael has always been great about making a big deal about it each year.  Since he had jury duty today, we had to put plans on hold for a bit.  We did go out for a nice dinner tonight, though.  Valentine's Day is really anticlimactic to our anniversary, being the day after. He pretty much combines the two into one big event.

He always plans a trip to somewhere.  Today, now that we know he doesn't go back for more jury duty, we made our plans.  We are going down to Treasure Island by St. Pete for a couple of nights.  I love going to the beach, walking along the water line looking for treasures.  Hopefully, the weather will be decent.  That is one thing we can't control, so guess we'll make the best of what ever we get.

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