Thursday, February 23, 2012

Home cooking!

Self photo
Love, love, love this photo.  This is why I go to the beach.
Michael with running buddy, Steve.  This is why Michael loves coming to the beach.

It's good to get away, but it is just as good coming home.  We had a nice seafood dinner the first night, which we ate early so that we could be done in time for the sunset.  The second night's dinner place, recommended by friends, was a wash.  I do not like to eat my seafood fried and that was all they had.  You had to really hunt for the crab in my crab cakes, which ended up giving me a bit of fits to my stomach.  I like to be adventurous with food when eating out, but the older I get I tend to think it best to stick with what I know.  Keep it simple and identifiable.

Anyway, we bought lots of veggies at the commissary later, which I took home and then roasted a bunch of.  The paper had an article about  roasting all kinds of veggies, which retains their nutrients best. So I roasted asparagus, brusselsprouts and cauliflower, which were all totally awesome, in my book. Of course, I ended up with plenty of brussel sprouts to myself.  The secret is: oven 400 degrees preheated, lightly coat veggies in olive oil and roast about 30 min., depending on the density. Believe me, brussel sprouts have a whold different flavor, much milder.  They suggested bacon bits on them, but I like them the way they were. 

Sprinkle parmesan cheese on the cauliflower and the let the asparagus speak for themselves.
First he needs another eye. 

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