Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If you fail to plan...

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.  Heard it over the years, as we all have, but it is as true as ever.  If you don't plan your life, then some day you'll be sitting in your rocking chair wondering what just went by without you even noticing it until then.

Sure, I know, we all hear,"But, we need to stop and smell the roses!"  Yes, you can do that along the way, but if that is all you do, then you are bound to be one of those people who blames society for the fact that you have nothing to show for your life. But, that is another story.

Too many people just let life happen to them, without any thought about being in control of what happens to them.  I think, to some extent, people let TV live their life for them and they don't plan anymore then to plan what they will watch that day.

This isn't just for young people starting out making career choices either.  At any point in our life we should be adjusting, refining, and setting new goals for our self.  That is how you get the most out of life, I believe.  The moment we think we don't need goals to set our eyes on and how we will get there with them, is the moment we have given up having the rich, full life we were intended to live. Amen

When I went out this morning my way was paved by the neighbor down the street on his bike.  He had picked up all the trash, leaving me time to notice other things.  The  woman wearing a sari,who came out of her house carrying a small container of incense which she held with her arms stretched up towards the heavens, was a beautiful and moving sight. The elderly lady who has only been on the trail twice now, stopping to take in every little aspect of nature she saw along the way.  I could see the joy on her face as she stopped to chat a bit.  The dozen white ibises crossing the trail in front of me.  I hope that, if a black cat brings bad luck, a bunch of white ibises means good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as I am a planner, I totally agree. You can be in the driver's seat or in the trunk is all I'm saying...
