Saturday, February 25, 2012

Logo dilemma

Michael left the house at 6:30 this morning to go run a race.  That was something I just did not need to do. I was out running at the same time as his race, more or less, anyway, but at my leisure, my pace and where I chose to be. He came home after his race with his first place medal and his t-shirt, which I know he won't wear, probably (not his type). He wasn't happy with his time, however, even though the course was hilly and he hasn't run many races recently. I was impressed though; 22min. and change. He said I would have gotten a first place medal, too, because there weren't any females as old as I am.  I don't know if that is good or bad, but the medal still wouldn't have tempted me.

Seems the logo for the Recycling program is leaning towards having a realistic trout, Rowl, on it. We have put more time on this decision than any thing else we have worked on, it seems.  I made a caricatured one, then was persuaded to make him more fish like and not so porpoise like. Then, it was back and forth about how can he look more trouty. Then a realistic one was submitted.  However, he looked too angry to me.  I was told trout aren't happy when they are caught to which I said he has not been caught, he is happy because his water is clean and free of trash.  So two smiling trout were sent to me, who looked more sinister and leering than smiling.

 I would sent them all for you all to see, but I don't know how to get them to my blog from my email attachments.  So until I do you, will just have to try and visualize the trout and hopefully let me know what you think.  Besides, "Who cares!".


  1. I really need to see what smiling realistic trout look like....

  2. You should be able to right click on the attachment and "Save As" somewhere on your computer. Just remember where you saved it (or navigate to a better save spot, ie the Desktop), and then post it to your blog as you've done the other pictures. Call me if you want me to walk you through it.
