Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today it was a bit blustery out when I headed for the trail.  It rained last night, cooling the temperature a bit this morning.  I should have known it would rain, since I finally gave my plants some water yesterday.  We just haven't had the rain we need and with the warmer winter, the lake is low and the plants are dry.

Yesterday must have been the doggie parade on the trail.  I passed several dogs of different types decked out for their morning walk or bike ride, as applied to a couple. Just as I don't know one car from another other than by color, I'm no expert on particular breeds of dogs either.

But, one man had a wiener dog decked out in a jacket with a wiener dog print on it. His poodlie type companion was wearing a pink tutu kinda skirty thing. They knew they were looking pretty fashionable, taking in the admiration from passersby. Another dog went by in his seat on the back of a bicyclist.  He was sporting a green, hand knit cable knit sweater.  You could tell a lot of love went into the knitting of that sweater.  You could also tell the dog thought so, too.

Then along came a little shitsu  type dog with his master following behind.  I told the dog he was a real cutie.  He seemed to already know that.  In fact he seemed to know he was so cute he didn't even need to wear some silly outfit to prove it.

Today there weren't any dogs walking their masters.  Must have been the weather.  Not fit for man or dog, I guess. Just some of us persistent trailers.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy gets so exited when i get out her handknit sweater. Hard to put a mini sweater on a wiggly mini dog!
